Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1924)

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Business. — Every man stamps his value on himself. The price we challenge for ourselves is given us. Man is great or little by his own will. Pearl White is making a picture in Paris, and I believe Theda Bara expects to start in soon again. Yes, Antonio Moreno is married to Mrs. Daizy Canfield Danziger. Bubs, Toronto. — Rod La Rocque was born in Chicago, and educated in Nebraska. He played in stock and in vaudeville, also on the stage. He is six feet, weighs 175 pounds and has dark hair and eyes and is playing in "The Ten Commandments." Cant you give me the name of the character in that picture? You see I dont know who the artist was. You certainly are invited to come again. Emteebee. — I see where you get your name now. No, we dont use that article any more. I should say you are about twenty-five. You want to see Norma Talmadge sans beauty, sans gowns, just herself in a real tragedy: Why a tragedy ? Mrs. Lydig Hoyt has gone to California to play in Laurette Taylor's "Happiness." N..\TUR.AL Blonde. — I hope so. Yes, that was Sessue Hayakawa and Eileen Percy. Blanche Sweet and Malcolm McGregor in "The Human Mill." Betty. — No, I have no steady physician. Happy are physicians, their successes shine in the sunlight, and the earth covers their failures. Norma Tahnadge is twenty-eight and no children. Address her at United Studios. EtoTTiE Mac. — You know Justine Johnson is married to Walter Wanger and she is a blonde with blue eyes. She is iiot playing now. Ruth Stonehouse and Walter McGrail in "Lights Out." Jov's Friend. — Address Leatrice Joy at Famous Players Studio, Los Angeles, Cal. Thomas Meighan, at Astoria, L. L Leatrice Joy is playing in "The Stranger." Faith. — And you want to know what has happened to Louise Glaum and whether she is coming back to the silversheet. I hope so. Louise where art thou? Ski Fiend. — Vivian Martin was on the stage last. Ramon Novarro at IMetro, Los Angeles, playing with Barbara La Marr. Pandora writes us : San Francisco, California, October ii, 19^3Monsieur le Answer Man, Motion Picture .Magazine, 175 Uuffield St., Brooklyn, N. Y. O.MNisciENT One: I do obeisance before thee. On the stones at thy feet I bow my most worshipful head, and bump my forehead thusly — thump! thump! Of all the gods dear to my heart thou, Most High, art the best beloved. I drink at the fount of thy wisdom as one athirst for knowledge. From thee I learn. I marvel at thy divine humor and tremble at thy wrath when besieged by driveling phools and phatuous phishes. There is naught which thou dost not know, for thou communest with the Stars. Of thy unnumbered votaries I am thy most devoted follower, and beg thee to accept this small oblation from thine humble handmaiden. These many months that I have done thee homa-e I have never ventured to address thee, but at last thou hast intrigued my curiosity. Prostrate before thee. Lord, I speak. Thou hast said to one, "Maud W.," these words: "I am quite happy, thank you, but I am deprived of the greatest pleasure that life has for the human soul." Ah — there thou openest the door to thine most inner sanctuary, and thru it have I glimpsed the still, white cloisters where dwell thy dreams. What is it that thy spirit longest for. my Lord? Has life been miserly with thee? Then, truly I am sorry, for I too have known hunger of the soul. Sometimes it is illusion that we crave; sometimes we starve for love or understan<ling, or the touch of children's hands. I <lo not know what joy hath been denied thee, liut because thou givest of thyself to feed the inquisitiveness of the many. I do ask for thee that the Higher Gods may fill whatever void there be. Thou hast given pleasure in unstinting measure — I pray that it return to thee, as come the soft-eyed doves to rest upon the minaret at nightfall. Blessings on thy venerable beard. Selah! P.VNDORA. A BRUSH FOR WAVING HAIR! Bristies Arranged in Curves Brushes in Waves and Fosters Natural Curliness |«tag^>g:«Kcg -J Sclwaaaip; =^J A slraieht bristled brush straightens the hair,' with Wavex you brush in ■waves. Every stroke with this new type of hair brush imparts a gentle wave. Every strand — every hair — is encouraged to curl. If you want wavy hair — that really waves, with a real, natural wave — use the Wavex curling hair brush! The scientific principle of this new design is effective on any head of hair; the most stubbornly straight hair yields to the rippling strokes of Wavex. JEvery woman is invited to prove this by her own test; read the offer! Any Hair "Brush Waved" With Ease Vou need no preparation with this scientific brush— there's no mystery or "magic" in this discovery. No special skill in using, just brush your hair — and Wavex will coax to curliness in a perfectly natural and beneficial way. If you want wavy hair, give Nature a chance. hW you'll ever reciuire for hair that ripples and falls into soft curl is tlie right brush. You'll soon have an effect that all the dressings ever make for hair could not duplicate. For years women have done everything and anything to make waves in their hair — only to brusfi them out! The hair brush with straight rows of bristles straightens the soft hairs; how could it be otherwise? But now, those who wish wavy hair may have it. Your hair will be straight if you brush it straight: it will wave if waved in the brushing To get a Wavex brush on approval — for actual proof of its wonderful wave-inducing properties— act now, while the introductory trial offer is open. See Coupon. ^i^*. j".^''* X 'X "kS"; Special Free Trial of At New York's beauty show Wavex was a sensation. Women were shown and convinced on the spot. Every brush was soon gone, and scores of others left orders. Until we can supply all the stores, we w^ill forward one brush to any individual making immediate use of coupon, at the introductory price of only $3.00. (Wavex has genuine China hog bristles, handset in strong back with rich ebony finish, and will outlast several cheaply make brushes; so the waving feature really costs you nothing.) Pay the postman, or send .?3.00 now and save postage: eithcrway. the trial is free, with money back if not dellshtcd. Use coupon noiv: The Dr. S. J. EGAN Manufactory, Dept. 8-A 220 So. State St.. Chicago, 111. Please send me one Wavex curling hair brash for a week's free demonstration which must sell me, or my money is to be returned. I will pay postman $3 and postage. iOr enclose S3 iiout and get bintsk prepaid.) 5?5|;Vjo /#~%\ TALMADGE rU ) Si STEi\S ^ ->\^ Illustration Reduced 1T)G pases of fascinating reading— printed on fine paper and illustrated ^vith many pliotoffiarlis never before publisbed. Volnnie clotb bound nnd stnm[H-d in ;:old "Norma Goes into the Movies'' One of the fascinating topics in this most fascinating book The Talmadge Sisters ^n intimate story of the zvorld^s most famous screen family Illustrated by many hitherto unpublished photographs How can you get into the movies? Achieve screen success? What will be required of you? How does it feel to be for the first time iu a motion picture smdio? The mother of the "world's most famous film family/' Mrs. Margaret TaJmadge, has answered these questions for you, and many more, in her intimate and vitally interesting narrative on the career of the three famous Talmadge Sisters, Constance, Natalie and Norma. The price of this delightful book is $1.50 net plus 10c postage. Write to Dept. M,F, CINEMA ART MAGAZINE Exclusive Sales Agents LAND TITLE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ill PAG I