Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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„„-,0T10N pictur; id! I MAGAZINE Coast, and eventually brought him under the Kleig with Lillian Gish in "The White Sister." Contrary to his desires again, this took him back overseas, and he had no sooner finished that film and got back to America than he had to turn around and go back to Italy for' his role with Miss Gish in "Romola." Now he's engaged for a part in "Tarnish," and is at last on the Coast for keeps, he hopes. Viola Dana is playing the coveted role of Sally "Flips," the Montague girl, in "Merton of the Movies," with Glenn Hunter in his undisputed part of Merton. This will be the first production in which Miss Dana is starred under her new contract with Paramount covering several years. The glad word is that James Cruze will direct it. On the completion of "Merton of the Movies," Miss Dana will play the lead in "Open All Night," a film which has been adapted from stories by Paul Morand. It will be directed by Paul Bern, his first attempt. in this field. ' "Her Marriage Vow" has been landed by Warner Brothers. It is an Owen Davis play. The cast includes : Mae Busch, Willard Louis, Monte Blue, and other prominent actors. "Can the leopard change his spots?" A fortnight ago, a Detroit exhibitor recognized his former secretary "extra-ing" as a typist on Victor Schertzinger's set for "Bread." He wrung the confession from her that she had resigned from his service to go to Hollywood and enter the movies, but that she had worked only three times and each time as a typist and stenographer ! According to the rules of the story with a moral, she should have gone back home with him a chastened and hungry little runaway but film history doesn't say that she did. It's stories like the film career of Mimi Palmeri that keeps the film-struck girl hanging on. Five years ago, Miss Palmeri was studying music at the Damrosch Conservatory. To help out expenses she became a model at part time and soon had won popularity in that line, and her picture appeared in various fashion magazines. Thru them, she was discovered by Mrs. Arthur Friend, wife of the then President of Distinctive Pictures. She was so unconscious of her possibilities that when she received a note from Mr. Friend asking her to call she ignored it. When, however, someone told her what an important man Mr. Friend was, she rushed up to the Inspiration offices and was given the lead in "The Ragged Edge." She appeared next in "Second Youth," and now is about to go abroad to film "It Is the Law." Zane Grey pictures will be released simultaneously with the publication of his novels hereafter, so admirers of the novelist can be perfect gourmands in the future. Paramount itself has set the fashion of taking Mr. Grey at one gulp, part and parcel — the company has put thru a contract by which they secure all of Mr. Grey's future works. The only string to the productions apparently is that the stories must be filmed in their original location and tho this may not be comfortable for the actors it's going to be mighty pleasant for the fans. Mr. Grey's works already produced under this same proviso include : "To the Last Man," "The Call of the Canyon," "The Heritage of the Desert," and lastly, "Wanderer of the Wasteland." (Continued on page 104) I Would You Like Prettier teeth=teeth without dingy film? You see glistening teeth wherever you look today. You envy them, perhaps. Why not ask for this ten-day test and learn how people get them? Millions are now brushing teeth in a new way. You will adopt it when you know. Please learn now how much it means to you and yours. Film mars beauty That viscous film you feel on teeth is what makes teeth unsightly. Much of it clings and stays. No ordinary tooth paste can effectually combat it. Soon that film discolors, then forms dingy coats. That is why teeth lose luster. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Hardly one in fifty escaped such troubles under old ways of tooth brushing. Protect the Enamel Pepsodent disintegrates the film, then removesit with an agent far softer than enamel. Never use a film combatant which contains harsh grit. Dental science has now found better methods. It has found two ways to fight film. One disintegrates the film at all stages of formation. One removes it without harmful scouring. A new-type tooth paste was created to apply these methods daily. The name is Pepsodent. Leading dentists everywhere began to advise its use. Now careful people of some SO nations employ this method daily. The added effects Pepsodent brings some added ef fects which research proved essential. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, also its starch digestant. These are Nature's great toothprotecting agents in the mouth. Each use of Pepsodent gives them multiplied effect. These results are all-important. Together they are bringing to millions of homes a new dental era. Your people should enjoy it. REGU.&. UaMHMHMBMMB The New-Da^ Dentifrice You'll see and feel Send this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth become whiter as the film coats disappear. One week will convince you. Never again will you brush teeth in the old ineffective ways. Cut out coupon now. 10-DAY TUBE FREE15 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY Dept. 70, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to Only one tube to a family. 81 PAG t