Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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f ^MOTION PICTURF 01 I MAGAZINE L ."Mum is the word! No girl can be popular unless she protects herself against the unpleasant odor of perspiration. "Mum" is the word! "Mum" prevents the odor of perspiration and other body odors. It is also used with the sanitary pack — it is so safe. "Mum" is 25c and 50c everywhere. SPECIAL OFFER We want you to know of two other important toilette essentials, so we make this Special Offer: 25c " Mum' '; 2 5c " Amoray" Talc, the Powder Perfume rich in rare and costly fragrance; and 75c Evans's Depilatory Outfit, the quick, safe way of removing hair — $1.25 -worth for $1 postpaid. Or "Mum" and "Amoray" — joe worth for 40c postpaid. Please give your dealer's name and address. Mum Mfg. Co. 11 IX Chestnut Street Philadelphia Develops Busts Amazingly Quick and Easy! Jnstwhat every woman has been wait. ing for at a price everyone can afford. "BEAUTIBUST" for real bust and neck development. No pumps, vacuums, extreme exercising. No foolish ordangerous systems, bat a real tried and very successful natural method that WILL be extremely pleasing and beneficial. You can't fail if you follow the simple in1 stracti ons. ICverythingmailed(sealed) for onln $1.00. Do not miss this opportunity. It may not be repeated. BEAUTIBUST CO., 1014-MX LEXINGTON BLDG., BALTIMORE, MD. YOU TOO CAN PLAY THE HAWAIIAN GUITAR JUST AS THE HAWAII AN S DC PLAY ALL THE LATEST HITS After Your FIRST LESSON You Will Play a Complete Selection. We Guarantee That— Oar method is so simple, interesting I End appealing that you begin in your first lesson to iearn the famous Ha>waiianFolk.Song"ALOHA".ThinIs, low happy you will be when you \ Burprise your friends by playing the fascinating Hawaiian Guitar. Only Four Motions— and You Master Them Quickly S 'Id b* few minutes yon acquire the four motions necessary to ^lay any 3>iece--after thataehort period of practice and you will have mastered "this weirdly sweet music. Completocoursoof 52 lessons includes ET.E2 beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, necessary picks, steel bar, etc, Wo extras. No Previous Musical Knowledge Necessary If yon never read a musical note in vour life-' if you haven' t even the slightest knowlcdgeof music,' we can quickly and positively teach yoa, •to play this wonderfully popular instrument. Dotft be just a ' *list=u» er" when you can easily be Vie center of interest among your f needs.. Over 40,000 successful students. Just Mail a Post Card for Details of out remarkable FREE HawaiianGuitarOfier— simply write: "I am interested"— ?mt do it today. First Hawaiian Conservatory | of Music, Inc.! DeskQ. . 233B'dway \ (WoOIwortb Bids.) hn,„ w„_i, #»:*.. New York City ST USE fREe ABeautiful Hawaiian Guitar On tke Camera Coast (Continued from page 69) that Estelle Taylor couldn't swim a stroke. The picture calls for a scene in which she is thrown into the water by an explosion of a motorboat. She mermaids around, picking up the hero from the water ; puts him on a raft and tows the raft in to shore. Some stunt for a lady who does not know how to swim. Miss Taylor employed Duke Kahanamoku, the famous Hawaiian swimming champion, but she finally despaired of learning, and De Mille gave her role to Vera Reynolds, who thereby starts on the path of glory. Little Mary Pickford, if she escapes alive from the London crowds, is to become a hotel proprietor. It seems that she is furnishing most of the money for the establishing of a hotel in Hollywood like the Algonquin in New York. The finest compliment that has been paid to any girl in Hollywood was when the studio electricians asked Irene Rich to preside over their grand ball. Nothing bogus in the way of movie stars ever gets past these boys, who call themselves the "juice gang." Miss Rich says she is going to show them that she realizes how greatly she has been honored by buying the finest gown she has ever worn in her whole life. She has passed the acid test. Personally I would never have any ' use for any star, however charming she might appear, if the electricians didn't like her. They know. Which brings us to one of the adored of all stage gangs : Viola Dana. Viola's determination to be a freelance, with no more contracts, didn't last long. Famous Players-Lasky grabbed her and got her signature before she was fairly out of the Metro Studio. She is appearing with Glenn Hunter in "Merton of the Movies." She is also to play the lead in "Open All Night," the first picture to be directed by Paul Bern. In this latter picture will also be Jetta Goudal, the newly arrived French actress, and Adolphe Menjou. Elinor Glyn has confided to a friend an alarming discovery. She says that she has found the secret of her magnetism. She always makes a point of sleeping north and south, to get in line with the poles and she has discovered that when she lies down in a room with a compass that the compass point will gradually swing around to point to herself instead of to the North Pole. Presumably when Madam Glyn romps around the room, the compasses gets dizzy trying to follow her. Well, anyhow, it seems that the tiger skin hadn't anything to do with the case after all. The little Arab boy whom Rex Ingram adopted in Tunis is living contentedly in Hollywood with Mrs. Ingram (Alice Terry). He remains a devout Mohammedan, however, refusing to wear a hat and clinging to his turban. He is almost frantically devoted to Rex. Eventually they expect to take him back to Africa, where Rex has bought a house. Charlie Ray is bravely starting his professional life over again in the Ince Studio where his fame was originally made. Crushed financially by the failure of "The Courtship of Miles Standish," Ray has taken the blow with philosophy. He says he has discovered that it is useless for any one who has been selling houses to try to sell automobiles to the public. They will have nothing from him but shy-boy comedies. He attributes much of the failure of "Miles Standish" to the fact that he took too much advice from the numerous amateur experts descended from the Mayflower. Bill Hart, another Ince graduate, has come back to virtual retirement. His contract with Famous Players-Lasky has fallen thru because that corporation will not yield to Bill's demand to be allowed to select his own stories. The most sensational come-back in the history of Hollywood is that of Betty Compson. It looked as tho she were thru, as a star, when she burst upon the public with "The Stranger" and "The Enemy (Continued on page 89) Even in the summertime, California evenings know a chill. And in preparation for a blazing fireplace, George Hackathorn, a week-end guest at the Stedman home, gave Lincoln a hand, while Myrtle, after the way of women, stood by and told them how to do it