Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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(Prasad freedom from superfluous hair — Del-a-tone will frde you from unwanted hair — in a few minutes. It is perfectly harmless; a reliable, scientific preparation used by hundreds of thousands of fastidious women. Just apply in soft paste, wash off, and marvel at the difference a smooth, hairless skin makes. Don't experiment with your beauty — be sure of perfect results. For fourteen years dainty women have preferred Del-a-tone. Reputable physicians recommend it; careful beauty specialists find it satisfies the most discriminating clientele. The Depilatory for Delicate Skin DEL-A-TONE Removes Hair At all drug and department stores or mailed prepaid in plain wrapper for one dollar. Send for "The Whole Truth About Depilatories,' free on request. THE SHEFFIELD COMPANY, Dept.78 536 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago free on re ■ TH y B Ideal SummerVacations Jfc ermudA Only 2 Days fromNewTfork^ SL 8-Day Tours— $90.00 and up 9 Days— $96.00 and up including all Expenses Longer Tours in proportion All Outdoor Sports Sailing, Bathing1, Golf, Tennis, Crystal Caves. Sea Gardens, etc. Bermuda is cool in Summer. Average Summer temperature, 77 degrees SAILINGS WEDS. & SATS. Via Palatial Twin-Screw, Oil Burning, Transatlantic Liners S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" I fanadianEte 5 Delightful Yachting Cruises Leave New York July 5-19, August 2-16-30 via Palatial Twin-Screw S. S/'Fert Hamilton" Stopping One Day (each way) at Halifax and Two Days at Quebec. Magnificent Scenery, Smooth Water, Cool Weather, Orchestra for Dancing. For Illustrated Booklet on Bermuda Tours or Canadian Cruises write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall St., N. Y., or Any Local Tourist Agent The Incubator of Genius (Continued from page 38) dash in; take it in one gulp; upset a chair and dash out again. The directors simply couldn't force this little cockney actor to do it. He wanted to come in ; take a sideways squint at the Klass of water; take off his hat politely; give it a startled look over his shoulder ; smell it, taste it ; gargle it and sip it, looking with big eyes over the edge of the cup. They swore at him ; abused him and insulted him but they couldn't make him do it according to Hoyle. Finally, an exasperated director glaring like an angry bull, led Chaplin to Sennett for discipline. Mack chewed the end off a cigar; looked the trembling cockney over ; then he said slowly : "All right ; let him try it his way and see what he will do." And while they all stood there watching, Chaplin did it his way. And in that instant, the whole technique of screen comedy was changed forever. Altho he was responsible for her training, Sennett did not exactly discover Mabel Normand.' D. W. Griffith did that. She and Sennett were working together in the old Biograph pictures and left that company to go into the old Keystone company together. Sennett said that Mabel always had a marvelous sense of humor but she had a hard time learning the technique of screen acting. Her natural impulsiveness made her move too fast. It was in taming down the fiery Mabel that Sennett learned what has ever after been known as "tempo" on the screen. It is this marvelous knowledge of timing that forms the basis of the training that has given all these big stars to the movies. Ray Griffith was a young stage actor who had lost his voice when he came onto the Sennett lot as an extra. Mack told me he knew the boy would be a great actor one day because of his humor which kept him from taking himself too seriously. "The idea that great actors go thru some sort of a process of leaping out of their own personalities and into the cosmic skin of somebody else — 'letting themselves go' — is all bunk," said Sennett. "You might as well say that a good writer runs amuck with a typewriter and does not know what his words are doing. The really good actors are like Ray Griffith who convey ideas in a definite way and by a definite intent and who do not take it too seriously. Ray was smart and clever. For a long time he was off the screen altogether working as the head of my scenario department. He had the best idea of dramatic values of anyone I ever knew." And so, Louise Fazenda, Marie Prevost and the others came onto the lot; fell into the water ; were butted by goats and chased by bears and shot in the gluteus maximus muscles and became finished artists. Mack says he is not sure about the new crop. Only two of them. "Fashions in bathing girls change," reflected Sennett as we stood watching them Harry Langdon's bungalow dressing-room housed many of the now famous and then obscure ones Chaplin's, Gloria Swanson's, Charlie Murray's and Betty Compson's names have been painted on the door 90