Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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0T10N FiCTU MAGAZINE The Answer Man (Continued from page 99) but I was at the dinner. Griffith was very fine. Eve of New Orleans. — Didn't you know that Zantippe was the scolding wife of Socrates? Emily Stevens is playing on the stage right now. Pauline Frederick is to play in the next Ernst Lubitsch production by Warner Brothers. Ethel Clayton's picture hasn't been named as yet. Sky High. — Phoenix is a mythical bird, without a mate, who renews itself every five hundred years by being consumed in a fire of spices, whence it arises from the ashes and starts for a new flight. Betty Compson is engaged to James Cruze, they say, and she was born in 1897. Jose V. Namle.— Garcth Hughes at Universal. No, he is not married. Address Priscilla Dean at the Laurel Productions, Hollywood Studios, Hollywood, California. Pell.— Hello, there. Glad to get that fine letter of yours. Also thanks for the pictures. So you finally saw Anita Stewart. I like her a lot, you know. Why didn't you speak to her? Haven't seen many plays laterly. It's been too hot. Run in again some time. M. R. C. — Glad you like this department. My but you are too young to become bored with life. That was a very nice verse you sent me about Gloria Swanson. Wish I had room to publish it. Wouldn't it be great if I could publish all the interesting things sent to me. Brown Eyes. — Antonio Moreno is thirty-six and Rodolph Valentino was born on May 2nd, 1895. How's that for speed? Lionel. — Very few of the English pictures are shown in this country. Some of the German pictures were shown here some time ago. Lionel Barrymore played in "Meddling Women." Alma Rubens in "Cytherea." Harold Lloyd's last was "Girl Shy." Your letter reached me O. K., so dont worry. Vonnie M. — Cheer up, the prize is always at the end of the trail. Pola Negri at the Famous Players-Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine Street, Los Angeles, California. Connie. — Rod La Rocque is with Famous Players and Monte Blue at the Warner Brothers Studio. Lon Chaney is to have the lead in "He Who Gets Slapped" for Metro-Goldwyn. Methuselah. — Well, I will try not to scare you. You mustn't be afraid of me. I wont hurt you. Corinne Griffith was Corinne Scott before her marriage. She is now Mrs. Walter Morosco. Will you write me again? Ramona. — That's a poor description of me. Guess again. Lewis Stone has greyish hair and he is with First National. Aileen Pringle and Jack Gilbert are to have the leads in Elinor Glynn's "One Hour." Ben Lyon and Pola Negri in "Compromised." True Blue. — You surely are welcome. Gloria Swanson and Agnes Ayres with Famous Players. Call again, wont you? Grey Eyes. — Write to the Barrymores at the Lamb's Club, 130 West 44th Street, New York City. Bob's Ramas. — Ramon Novarro is twenty-three, five feet ten and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. He has dark hair and eyes. Virginia Valli in "Siege" for Universal. Violet Mersereau in "Her Own Free Will." (Continued on page 121). Your FRECKLES ruin your appearance Be free this summer from their embarrassment! Don't have freckles all over your nose again. If you do — goodby to good looks! Stillman's Freckle Cream is guaranteed to remove every freckle — or your money refunded. It has a double action. Freckles are dissolved away by this snowy, fragrant cream. Your skin is whitened, refined and softened at the same time. Guaranteed to remove every freckle You simply apply Stillman's at night like any ordinary cold cream. While you sleep its magical action takes place. Gradually the freckles fade from sight, and your complexion grows clear and milk white, beautiful as a baby's skiu. Stillman's Freckle cream doubh «<U0n Removes rrecklei Whitens the Skin Freckles are caused by sunlight — which beats down as fiercely in America as in Italy or Africa. Unless you do something, your skin will constantly grow worse. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove them. So start now! Women send for .Stillman's Freckle Cream from the four corners of the earth. It is the most widely used preparation in the world for this purpose. All druggists carry it in 50c and $i sizes. Write for "Beauty Parlor Secrets" Send for "Beauty Parlor Secrets" and let us tell you what your particular type needs to look best. Crammed with make-up hints, skin and hair treatments. If you buy $3 worth Stilhnan toilet articles in 1924 we will present you with beautiful, large size bottle perfume, free. You need Given free if you buy $3 worth Stillman toilet articles in 1924. our many preparations daily in your home. Get our booklet. STILLMAN CO., 33 Rosemary Lane, Aurora, III. Please send me free copy of "Beauty Parlor Secrets." Name. T :: ■:'_♦♦;.'-♦ ♦♦^-♦♦^♦••-'-♦••.'-♦♦-•.♦♦L'-**.'-' '-♦*. "♦♦■I ♦♦,. ♦*.. «♦'. ♦♦"»♦♦-. ♦♦".♦♦ i ♦♦",-♦♦-»-♦♦ .♦♦»♦.♦*.♦♦.♦♦!"*♦"** !*♦"♦♦ ^ <<o» Sitting Pretty" H « I I ♦'♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ 1 ♦♦ vt. TT'esxeth Alexander, the eminent New York photographer shown at the right, has checked his camera to the Coast in order to make sittings of various brilliant women stars in the atmospheric setting of Hollywood. Mr. Alexander has won a reputation by his artistic, sensitive, and expressive studies of the fair sex. :: I ♦♦ 8 §5 ♦'<► I Exclusive studies by Mr. Alexander will appear in: £ BREWSTER PUBLICATIONS, Inc. j Motion Picture Magazine | The Quality Magazine of the Screen Classic ~ Pictorial of Screen and Stage £j Beauty The Aristocrat Among IVomen's Magazines -!r «** ♦♦ 107 P PA Gil