Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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What Do You Intend Doing After Graduation? Are you one of the vast army of girls and boys that will graduate from High School within the next few weeks? If you are, you no doubt desire to enter college next fall, but probably the question has arisen as to how and where you can obtain enough money to finance your course — now, maybe I can help you earn enough money this summer to pay your tuition fee and also give you enough spending money for all of next winter. What I Propose Doing Is to Give You Light, Pleasant Employment All During the Summer Months I want representatives to collect renewals and solicit new subscriptions for Motion Picture Magazine, Beauty and Classic — Pictorial of the Screen and Stage. Experienced salesmanship is not essential; all that is necessary is your ambition to earn from $5.00 to $10.00 a day. If you only work a few hours each day you ought to be assured an income of $150.00 a month; several of my full time staff are earning from $250.00 to $500.00 a month. If you want me to help you obtain enough money to pay your expenses this fall and winter, just write your name and address on the attached coupon and mail today. cut here Subscription Manager, BREWSTER PUBLICATIONS, INC., 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. I am interested in your proposition and would like you to send me full particulars of your plan. Name . . . St. & No. City State. scarifying grief, but he had had the ecstasy, too. Poor Fanny . . . she had had only the sorrow . . . and the shame. He, who felt no shame, could still share hers. Claire and Peyton were doing well . . . there was an addition planned for the club-house ... a tournament was on for next week . . . the cook was leaving and the servant problem grew more pressing daily . . . dinner was served and the obnoxious center-piece was on the table. Lee objected to it, and Fanny quietly had it removed. . . . Lee thought again that Fanny was a good sport. She had learned something, too. They would grow old together and after a while he would forget to put flowers on old graves. . . . Letters to trie Editor (Continued from page 65) eyes, and wear gowns perpetrated by one Clare W«st. Then the culminating tragedy. The genius did "Bella Donna" ; she attempted "The Cheat," and gave up the ghost in "Shadows of Paris." Do you not think this would be a fine story for Lubitsch to direct? And, could you suggest some capable actress for the sad role? Respectfully, L. George Edelhauser, 842 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. A letter from the . Cumberland Mountains opines that life would be dull without the movies. Dear Editor : There are some interesting readings in your magazine, and I enjoy them each month, for, socially speaking, I am cut off from my friends out here in the foothills of the Kentucky Cumberland Mountains — my friends being in the Carolinas — and the fan magazines are a pleasure and a comfort to me. I also look after a small community theater, which gives me a chance to know a bit about the trade end of the industry. Besides this I am studying the Palmer Photoplay Course, which gives me many interesting views of the industry and its inhabitants. So all together — the trade papers, fan magazine, and the story department— I am becoming acquainted with most all who are connected with motion pictures. And it seems to be one bighearted, whole-souled family. I consider myself a member of it, and therefore think too much of my family to knock any member thereof. Now and then some of the children eat too many green apples and develop a bad case of mental dyspepsia, or dissipate too late at night only to wake up next morning with a grouch on, and instead of taking medicine, or a walk in the fresh air they sit down and bawl out some tired little picture girl who is doing her best to do what she is told to do, regardless of her own feelings at the time, and, I know from personal experience, that she does her work better than her sour-feeling critics. Of course all their efforts cannot be the best. Nor can they pick up any old story, or part handed to them, and make a better picture out of it than the last good one they made. What office girl, or candy uncle, can produce proof that he or she has made each day's work better than the previous day? Who knows of a cook who prepares her meals better and better each time? I've seen grouches, knockers, (Continued on page 115) flTMOTlON PICTUW7 Well I MAGAZINE j\ Glazo Brings Instant Loveliness No longer is it necessary to spend hours each week polishing and buffing your nails if you would have that shell-pink lustre Fashion demands. For GLAZO means perfectly beautiful nails in about two minutes' time. The GLAZO manicure lasts nearly a week. It is not dulled by soap and water; it keeps the nails soft and pliant — protects them against cracking and peeling. Glazo Remover Comes Free With Every Package With every GLAZO package you get free a bottle of Polish Remover. This Remover takes but a few seconds to apply before each fresh application of the Polish and it assures perfect results. Stop at your favorite toilet goods counter today and get the GLAZO package. 50c at all counters. ARE YOU PROUD OF YOUR NAILS? GLAZO NAILS STAY POLISHED LONGERNO BUFFING NECESSARY Try GLAZO Cuticle Massage Cream It shapes the cuticle and keeps it even and healthy For trial size GLAZO Manicuring Outfit, write name and address in space below, tear off and mail with 10c to The Glazo Co., 23 Blair Ave., Cincinnati,0. 109 PAG i