Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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(IT.MOTION PICTUR[7 IrlBI / MAGAZINE r\ How Bleachodenf Whitens Dark Teeth In Three Minutes Bleaehodent Combination contains a mild liquid to soften stains — and a special paste which gently removes them. Dull, yellow or tobacco-stained teeth are made flashing white, sparkling clear — almost while you wait! Perfected by two prominent dentists. Just use liquid once a week — paste ever)' da)-. Keeps teeth wonderfully white and lustrous. Don't go around with bad looking teeth. They spoil appearance, and besides cause tooth decay, and bad breath. Get Bleaehodent COMBINATION (containing both liquid and paste) for small cost. Distributed by Bleaehodent Dental Laboratories and sold by drug and department stores everywhere. "HUMAN TALKER" "I'll be a companion. I'll entertain you and amuse you with my wit." Written guarantee to learn SPECIAL to talk. Satisfaction assured. Limited, selected, number imported this year. Take advantage of Drice dow. — . u«MtJ The best bird I have seen in this July and I Cu*,*"" part1 of Pennsylvania" says W. G. AitcrnhlfV ■ r*1* feendricka, Juiiata, Pa. AUg.ONLY rpCC Rftnir CATALOG. PROOFS, ETC. r n t C DUUA white FOB IT TODAY CEISLER BIRD CO. EST. /S88 Address 24 GEISLER BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. or 50 COOPER SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY A BEAUTIFUL BUST AND COMPLEXION You may now remove all defects Of face andform.and add to your attractions, by simple, harmless methods. No massage, no dieting, no pumps, no trouble of any kind. Send 10^ (coinorstamps). Why Eay more? I not only tell you how, ut give you a 14 day demonstration treatment as proof. Thedima back if you say so. Address Madame Williams, care of L. M. SANATIVE CO. Buffalo, N. Y. BUNIONS PEDODYNE. the marvelous new Solvent-banlshea Bunions. The pain stops almost Instantly. The Hump vanishes as though by magic. THEN YOU WIIA HAVE SHAPELY FEET. SENT ON TRIAL I want you to have relief from Bunions. I want you to know the pleasure of foot comfort. I will gladly arrange to send you a box of Solvent to try. Simply write and say, "I want to try PEDODYNE." Address KAY LABORATORIES Dept.N-360 186 N. La Sails St. Chicago, Illinois PAY AS YOU PLEASES ^SS We alone, as direct importers and wholesalers with unlimited cash resources, are able to make this astonishing liberal Credit offer. Make your own terms (within reason). Pay-as-you-please! rprr Catalog of Diamonds, Watches, Jew1 1\LL elry. A9^ yearly increase in diamonds ( guaranteed. Best values in America. Satis ] faction guaranteed or money back. Send todayl Dept. M. P. O. F. BALE & CO. 21-23 Maiden Lane Established 1888 New York, N.Y. lisle sent us is one of the most amusing incidents we've heard in a long time. "Here's something amusing," she writes. "When 1 was on location with the 'Wanderer of the Wasteland' company, Jack Holt insisted upon calling Noah Beery his 'squaw.' Finally he told us why. It seems that when the company was in Yuma, one of the local papers writ 'em up on the front page. And they said, among other things, 'Mr. Jack Holt is accompanied by his wife, who is known on the screen as Miss Norah Beery.'" Miss Carlisle does not tell us what Noah Beery is quoted as saying when he picked up the local paper and read that paragraph but anyone with a good imagination who has seen Noah upon the screen can probably decide for themselves. We tea-d, in a manner of speaking, with Edmund Lowe one afternoon last month. And if this gentleman's looks can be criticized it is on the ground of his being too good-looking. And if his appearance, as might be expected in the course of human events, had ruined him for any practical use, our worst fears would have been realized. We know how interminable a tea can seem when opposite you sits a young man who by one indirect means or another impresses you with the difficulty he has in avoiding advances of young ladies ... of how professional jealousy on the part of women stars has always handicapped him in his career, etc., etc. But Edmund Lowe is not this sort. He is simple, natural and quite unaffected. He talks on diverse subjects in a well-informed way which does not belie the rumor that he was once a college professor, furthermore, a professor of the History of English Literature. _ Let that impress you. . . . Coming from a family of lawyers, he was trained for the bar but while attending a Jesuit college he discovered his penchant for the drama and either on the stage or screen he has followed it ever since. And after all it is not strange that the son of a lawyer line should make a good actor. Everyone realizes how necessary a good dramatic sense is to any lawyer. Emotional reactions have swayed juries time and time again, despite all the injunctions in the world from the presiding magistrate. Talk drifted and Edmund Lowe told us that the Fox company were going to loan him to Ince for a role in "Barbara Frietchie." "I'm crazy to do it," he said. "CivilWar days have always held a great fascination for me. I've spent hours just reading a resume of battles." We told him we had had a grandmother who had a score of personal experiences during this war and he was all interest. "Is she still alive? Would she tell me those stories ?'" Both these questions were asked in one breath. We felt as badly to disappoint him as we would have to disappoint a child. And as we looked across the table at him we saw an Edmund Lowe stripped of the sophistication ... a different Edmund Lowe from the handsome gallant with a sure swagger who is a regular "first-nighter" during the theatrical season. And who is to deny that the real Edmund Lowe, for one brief moment, pierced the veneer we call a charming manner. We have met Mrs. Antonio Moreno several different times now and each time the truth of the very pleasant things we first thought of her is emphasized. She possesses those things we envy most — an intelligent sanity, a sympathetic understanding and a definite, unblurred perspec ~ '^jr* Mrs. Ella Carpenter, New Orleans, La. Takes Off 41 lbs. In Exactly 7 Weeks! Just think of taking off more than 40 lbs. in. about as many days! That's exactly what Mrs. Carpenter did — through a method anyone can use! "I weigh just 129 today — by the same scale in my bathroom that less than two montbs ago pointed to 170!" That is what Mrs. Carpenter, a New Orleans lady, wrote Wallace about her experience with reducing records. It ought to convince anybody that superfluous flesh is as unnecessary as it is undesirable. Reduced 41 lbs. with Ease 'T had long wanted a means of reducing, but being a business woman I had no time nor money to waste on fads. I didn't dare deny myself the nourishment an active woman must have. I grew steadily stouter — then something told me to try Wallace records. Somehow, the method sounded sensible; the free demonstration seemed fair; so I sta rted. "Fifteen minutes each evening, I took the reducing movements to music. It was mighty interesting; I felt better from the start. But what thrilled me was this: / lost 6% lbs. the first zceek! "The second week I lost 8 lbs. more. The following week only six more. But in seven weeks I had reduced to 129 — not bad for my 5 ft. 5 inches!" What You Can Lose By the Same Method Mrs. Carpenter states that she made this wonderful reduction solely through Wallace reducing records; that she got thin to music and did nothing else — no Turkish baths, no patent foods or drugs, no punishing diet. -Compare your present weight with the weight for your height and age in the table below, and you'll kno:v how much you can reduce. There's no theory about it — for results are guaranteed. Here is what you ought to weigh, and can weigh: Height Age Age Ape Age 20 to 29 yrs. 30 to 59 yrs. 40 to 49 yrs. 50 and Over ches Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 60 Ill 116 122 125 61 113 IIS 124 127 62 115 120 127 130 63 118 123 130 133 64 122 127 133 136 65 125 131 137 140 66 129 135 141 145 67 133 139 145 150 68 137 143 149 155 69 141 145 153 159 70 145 147 156 163 Free Proof to Any Woman Who Really Wants to Get Thin Thousands of women (men, too) have reduced by use of Wallace records, all by themselves, with their own phonograph, at home. The reducing movements are scientific and certain. They can't harm; and they can't fail. It's a perfectly natural, normal and healthful way of correcting the cause of any amount of overweight. And proof is free I Just fill out the coupon — you've seen it before — but this time make it out and mail it! You'll receive the whole first week's lesson complete, record and all, for a full and free trial. Let the results decide whether you want it. WALLACE 630 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago (396) Please send me FREE and POSTPAID for a week's freetrial the Original Wallace Reducing Record. Name. Ill t