Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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„-.OTION PICTURT Bl I MAGAZINE f Letters to tKe Editor (Continued from page 109) chronic fault-finders sit down to a wellprepared meal and pick flaws with everything. Just plain fussy. To me it was an elegant feast. Now the same is true in regard to pictures. The theater has its share of grouches and fault-finders, the same as the boarding-house. Nothing is right to them. If it were they fail to say so. But they knock to beat . Just recently I had a "Jimdandy" good time seeing Miss Pola Negri in "Shadows of Paris." I'd love to see it again. In your June issue a sour pessimist gives vent to his ill feelings and takes it out on dear little Pola. And that after so many real paid critics of the Metropolitan papers and magazines had praised it ! Even I had written Miss Negri a note of appreciation. Shame on that R. Fox ! It is all right and, no doubt, proper, for a fan to express his likes and dislikes. But it is impolite to grow bitter and personal in doing so. The actors and the actresses look for and appreciate real and honest criticism. It is helpful to them in their work. But what busy star will waste time reading whimsical dislikes? When I saw "the screen's sweetheart" or as Mr. Edison says, "America's Darling," in "Rosita," I wended my way back to a lonely hotel wondering how soon I would be able to invite the "Queen" to come visit in the South with me. And I thought up a thousand nice things that I would do for her. How I have, do, and will love Mary ! Then some hateful old pessimistic grouch came along and criticized her ! That person ought to be in Purgatory with all the gates shut ! And I'll bet Miss La Marr will appreciate my expressions on her acting in "The Eternal City," with a great deal more relish than she will the sour grapes that another writer sent to the magazine. My idea was to make her feel good, and aspire to do even better by encouraging her. The pen-biter evidently had the idea of knocking her into something more to his liking. Leave that to the low grading politicians, brother. Talk nice to our girls when you speak to them. They will respond much more readily, and more cheerfully. I resent slurs being cast at the charming members of my picture relatives. So stop it. Take a personal inventory and look well at the "on hands." Use discretion : spare your ignorance. Lay aside your pessimisticness : become an optimist. Cease to throw bricks : learn to pass rosies. Ridicule is not criticism. Think twice before you write. For without the movies, life would be dull. With my best wishes to the writers, the producers, stars and extras, leads and supporters, cameramen, props, directors, cutters, publicity men "Wampus," exchangemen, salesmen (?) and fans, editors, and my warmest congratulations to the charming little winner of the Exhibitors' Herald only contest, I am Most cordially and sincerely yours, Joseph J. Enloe, Box 68, Hitchins, Ky. Praise for Lois Wilson, which the editor indorses as well earned. Dear Editor: I just wish to say something about two actresses — they are Lois Wilson and Gloria Swanson. I have often wondered why you dont hear more of Lois Wilson. She is a very sweet and charming little actress in all her pictures. Take "The Covered (Continued on page 118) Woman's Charm NATURALLY A Beautiful Bust THE secretTof woman's charm is that natural physical perfection which lends enchantment wherever she goes. BUST PADS WILL NOT DO No man loves a dummy. There is no appeal in false, physical makeup. Man cannot be deceived. You must be a REAL woman. PHYSICAL CULTURE DEVELOPER Science comes to your rescue with a wonderful new invention which will enlarge the bust of any woman. No creams, no medicines, no hand massage, no fake free treatments to deceive you. A simple, effective, harmless home developer you use a few minutes night and morning until fully developed. That is all. simply use it. nature brings the rounded contour of perfect beauty which every woman secretly craves. k. ARE YOU LONELY? Do you know that the women who are most sought after and admired are those possessing a beautiful form? You can acquire this secret charm and have a fascinating figure, too, if you will only write at once and let us tell you how thousands have developed one to five irches with this wonderful home developer. We will also send you photographic proof, showing results before and after, for we have received thousands of letters of praise from grateful women. ONLY REAL DEVELOPER r Let us explain how you can obtain this remarkable developer and use it 30 days entirely at our risk — the only real method known for enlarging a woman's bust to its natural size and beauty. Write us today, do not send one penny — just your name and address plainly written, will bring all information in plain, sealed envelope by return mail. THE OLIVE COMPANY, Dept. 205, Clarinda, Iowa X WF * Take Your Vacation This Year at Our Expense An Opportunity to Secure the Necessary Money Is Open to All Our Readers Just think what you could do with One Hundred Dollars extra. One Hundred Dollars would pay your board for two weeks at the country or seashore and give you a little extra money besides. Every Year — Just at This Time Untold demands are made on your pocketbook. It is no pleasure to go away when you have to scratch and scrape for the needed funds. For some, it is hard enough to raise the money for necessities without thinking of vacations or other extras. But for those who adopt our plan, the days of pinching are over. No matter how much money you may want, whether it be $10.00, $20.00, $50.00 or $100.00 — nor what you may want the money for, you can get it easily, pleasantly and quickly, through our plan. Spare Time or Full Time Representatives Wanted Brewster Publications are in need of representatives in every locality to collect renewals and solicit new subscriptions to Motion Picture Magazine, Classic and Beauty. No experience is necessary, all you need is a desire for money and the will to get it. You are under no obligation in sending for particulars. Cut out coupon below and mail it today. BREWSTER PUBLICATIONS, INC. 175 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Please tell me how to turn my spare time into money thru your plan. Na St. and No. City State. 115 PAG t