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Our Reporter's Notebook
(Continued from page 114)
Myrtle Stedman's favorite quotation at the present moment is :
"A book of verses underneath the bough, A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou Beside me singing in the wilderness, Ah, wilderness were paradise enow."
Raison d'etre: that Myrtle is working in two pictures at the same time ; said pictures being "Bread," a Metro feature; and "Wine," a Universal. Miss Stedman's next features will be "Soup," and "Fish." Less poetic but more filling. The full cast of "Wine" is : Clara Bow, Forrest Stanley, Huntly Gordon, Myrtle Stedman, Robert Agnew, Arthur Thalasso and Walter Long.
so well informed of royal as well as ordinary customs that authentic films are necessary and the presence of the ex-King would save heavy work of research.
Rodolph Valentino, after five days of fencing scenes in "Monsieur Beaucaire," turned his back on the Paramount studios on Long Island, and slipped off to Miami, Florida, for a rest. When he returned he jumped right into the filming of the adaptation of Rex Beach's story, "Rope's End." Joseph Henabery is directing it.
Pauline Garon and Irene Rich crossed the pond to act in the English film production, "What the Butler Saw." The English company is said to hold an option on them for another picture, but if they want Miss Rich in a second story, they'll have to make it snappy, as another engagement compels her to be back in Hollywood within six weeks of the time she left the Golden State.
American nerve or go-get-itness, what's the odds? Allan Dwan has cabled former King George II, of Greece, asking him to take a role in "The Queen's Love Story," a Mary Roberts Rinehart novel in which Lois Wilson will be starred. He wants the former sovereign to appear as a Balkan ruler, and to act as technical adviser so that the picture will be correct in every detail. News reels, round-the-world tours, radio broadcasting, and other educative means of the twentieth century, keep people
Pola Negri in "Men" was more the Negri of exotic charm than she has been in any production since coming to America, tho the story itself was only fair — Q. E. D. : Dimitri Buchowetzki, the Russian director, has the Negri combination. He is now directing her in "Compromised," a story written for the screen by Paul Bern. In getting his cast together, Air. Buchowetzki at first considered only Europeans for the foreign characters ; he soon found, however, that our own actors could depict French characters from the humblest villager to the most exalted aristocrat. So in the cast we find, besides the Negri, Robert W. Frazer, Robert Edeson, Josef Swickard, Monto Collins, Gino Corrado and Edgar Norton.
Constance Talmadge has postponed the filming of "Learning to Love," the Emerson-Loos story. Her next picture will be taken from a story adapted from the German. Perhaps Connie wanted to learn German before tackling the love-stuff.
There was a brilliant audience at the premiere of "Secrets" in Los Angeles. The cinematic Four Hundred turned out en masse. This flashlight was taken of Norma Talmadge and Eugene O'Brien as they stood in the lobby receiving the congratulations of some of the most popular stars in movieland