Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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The Answer Man (Continued from page 107) Peppy Pepper. — Well, the prejudices of men emanate from the mind, and may be overcome; the prejudices of women emanate from the heart, and are impregnable. Most of the players will send their pictures if you request them to. Thanks for the compliment. Equator. — That was some verse you sent me. And you would like to see Mahlon Hamilton on the cover. Let's have a contest, which would you rather see on the cover, a man or a woman? The Bedroom Window.— That's some name. No, Fred and Lewis Stone are not related. I haven't a radio. Cant afford one. Pell. — Thanks again. You must have had a great time at the studio. I always enjoy yours. Congratulations, another year gone. Wait until you get as old as I am. Mary C. — No, Claire Windsor is not married at this writing. Henry Walthall is married to Mary Charleson. Matt Moore and Wallace Beery are also in the cast of the next Lila Lee and James Kirkwood picture, "Another Man's Wife." Mercy. — Glad to hear from you. Most of the players you mention are with Famous Players-Lasky. Tennessee. — No, he never smiles. I wonder why? Abie's Irish Rose. — Rod LaRocque at Famous Players-Lasky in California. Letters to the Editor (Continued from page 118) partaking of a hot chocolate and sandwiches instead of wasting our nickels at the Ritz or Biltmore. A casual glance showed me a good suit, cloak, small satin toque, well-waved hair, and good shoes (that's a point). Looking closer, I discovered a well-known society woman of Philadelphia whom I had met in the dark ages. Everything was exquisite, but not gaudy, whereas Gloria Swanson does not even look a lady. She could not. Elsie Ferguson can and does dress well and even Constance Talmadge does not miss it very often. Mary Pickford has improved since her marriage to Fairbanks, but her clothes usually lor.k like Fourteenth Street — and the riding clothes ! ! For pity's sakes ! Send them to Naldi or someone who knows. And also for the accessories — such as hats, boots and such like. Madame Francis dresses Jane Cowl and I have seldom seen her make a mistake, but if they want the "Upper Class" to stop making fun of them, get decent interior decorators, bootmakers, dressmakers, etc. I know we only compose about twenty per cent, of the audiences, but I think we are the people they want to get at. (At least they seem to love us in Hollywood snapshots.) My fingers itch sometimes to tear down coiffures, rearrange rooms, change costumes. Cant you somehow get the director's ear. Supposed interiors of mansions of the "400" are a joke. Society women sleep in linen sheets with maybe lace not satin and rosebuds. We leave that to another class. I am personally poor, proud and dowdy, but when I see what a little intelligent supervision would do, I long to shout out: "Get some women to the manner born to help you." P. A. M. 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