Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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f "vMOTION PICTURF 01 I MAGAZINE I ! <yi Sensitive Skin should be cleansed this special way t Once in a while a woman will tell you, "I never use soap and water on my face. My skin is too sensitive." It was an old superstition that washing the face with soap was irritating to a sensitive skin. But today scientists have discovered that the real danger to a sensitive skin is dirt. Dirt irritates and inflames — increases natural irritability — even causes skin disorders, by carrying bacteria and parasites into the pores. If your skin is of the very sensitive type, be sure, first of all, to keep it clean — free from the layer of dirt and natural oil that accumulates inevitably when soap is not used. Use the following method of cleansing to keep a sensitive skin smooth and soft, yet healthily resistant: Each night, just before you go to bed, dip a soft wash cloth in warm water and hold it to your face. Then make a warm water lather of Woodbury's Facial Soap and dip your cloth up and down in it until the cloth is "flurry" with the soft white lather. Rub this lathered cloth gently over your skin until the pores are thoroughly cleansed. Rinse well with warm, then with clear, cool water and dry carefully. If your skin is sensitive and easily irritated, it needs especially to be protected against dust. Dust increases natural irritability, and is a real danger to a sensitive skin. Woodbury's Facial Soap is based on a special formula, the result of years of scientific study of the skin and its needs. Only the purest and finest ingredients enter into this formula. In consequence, Woodbury 's Facial Soap can be used with extremely sensitive and tender skins, which often react unfavorably to other toilet soaps. Get a cake of Woodbury's today, and see what an improvement its regular use will make in your complexion. Around each cake is wrapped the booklet of famous skin treatments, "A Skin You Love to Touch. " A 2 5 -cent cake of Woodbury's lasts a month or six weeks for regular toilet use, including any of the special Woodbury treatments. Woodbury's also comes in convenient 3 -cake boxes. Send 10 cents for a trial-size set of three famous Woodbury skin preparations The Andrew Jergens Co. 1309 Spring Grove Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Forthe enclosed lOcents — Please send me a miniature set of the Woodbury skin preparations, containing : A trial-size cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap A sample tube of Woodbury's Facial Cream A sample box of Woodbury's Facial Powder Together withUhe treatment booklet, "A Skin You Love to Touch. " If you live in Canada, address The Andrew Jergens Co., Limited, 1309 Sherbrooke St., Perth, Ontario. English Agents: H. C. Quelch & Co., 4 Ludgate Square, London, E. C. 4. Name Street City State Cut out this coupon and send it to us today ! Copyright, 1924, by The Andrew Jergens Co. 10