Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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When Ernest Torrence gets a few hours off from villaining, he goes home and composes sonatas by the yard I HATE Movie Villains They Disappoint me So. . . . T'm always hoping •■• When I see them on the Screen . . . Finishing off their Grandmothers in some New Style Or Patting the Screws on the Handsome Leading Man . . . I'm always hoping That their Hearts Are in their Work. . . . But they always Fail me in Real Life. . . . Most of them go Boy Scouting around Hollywood Doing Good Deeds by the Daily Dozen and Leading as Blameless Lives As Baby Peggy. . . . "\T7"hen I met *^ Wallace Beery . . I quite expected him to Whale me One With a leg of mutton or Whatever was most Handy. . . . Instead fl-fl He took me TLA For a drive 1 ne And We Talked Real Estate You know the conversation a * That goes this way . . . \ j\ "I could have purchased Movie Land around here for a Song . . . Three Years Ago" \ 7-11 • Yes actually. . . . Villain "V\7"hen I met Lon Chaney . . . I thought This Will Be Good. . . . But it wasn't Very . . . Pieces He was out to Tell the World that a of Hunchback's life Is not All beer and skittles, as Hate The Casual Observer Might suppose. . . . Then he very kindly Gave me a By Personally Autographed Photograph . . . And I HELEN CARLISLE Passed Gently Out. . . . '30