Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Given a wisteria arbor, a moonlight night, a beautiful maid and a handsome man, the hour of parting has a sorrow that is doubly sweet. Excellently demonstrated by the hero of The Spitfire, Elliott Dexter, and the heroine, Betty Blythe A full-sized replica of the touching scene below will be found in For Sale, where the fair Claire Windsor, by looking twice as sweet, is making the leave-taking of her lover, Robert Ellis, twice as sorrowful '■■ "Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow" Behold the bashful Bibbs (George Hackathorne), hero of The Turmoil, lingering at the garden gate to say Good Night to his adored Mary (Eleanor Boardman), and wishing that he dared kiss her, while she is wishing very hard that he would The farewell picture below takes place in The Enemy Sex, but we find no trace of hostilities on either side. Indeed, Betty Compson and Huntly Gordon appear to be the best of friends In Her Love Story, Ian Keith's parting from Gloria Swanson would win the approval of Sir Galahad himself l/KGC.