Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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QMOTION PICTURr PBI I MAGAZINE L Motion Picture Magazine — Advertising Section The Answer Man (Continued from page 78) TakesOff41Lbs In Exactly 7 Weeks! The lady in the picture is close to an ideal weight. Yet two months ago she was far too stout — was heavier by more than forty pounds ! Mrs. Ella Carpenter, New Orleans, explains how she reduced with such success : "I had long wished for some means of reducing my 170 lbs. Being a business woman I had no time nor money to waste on fads; but two months ago I decided to try a method that somehow seemed_ sensible. The trial didn't cost anything, it required only a week — so I gave Wallace reducing records a chance and here is what happened. "Easiest Thing I Ever Did" "Fifteen minutes each evening I took the reducing movements — to music. It was uncommonly interesting; I felt better from the start. But I watched my weight, and that is what thrilled me; / lost 6'A lbs. that first week. Naturally, I went on with it. The second week I lost 8 lbs. more. "I didn't do a thing to supplement my course with Wallace — no Turkish baths — no starving, nor patent foods or drugs — I just got thin to music as the offer said I would. It was delightfully easy. Today, my bathroom scale said 129 — not bad for my 5 ft. 5 inches!" Reduce without punishment: without any "reduced look!" Proof that you can costs nothing. The trial is really free. Coupon brings the full first lesson — record and all — without payment now or on delivery. WALLACE (416) 630 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Please send me FEEE and POSTPAID for a week's free trial the Original Wallace Reducing Record. Name. . . Address. I JAVA The Wonderful French Face Powder A TINT FOR EVERY TYPE DEMAND it at your druggist's. Send io cents for samples of J AVA*with either AshesofRoses*Rouge, darkandrichjOrRougeMandarine^lightandbright. A. BOURJOIS & CO.. Inc. *ReB.n.s; PARIS 41>/4West34thSt., NEW YORK Pat.Off. 84 Paris by an Italian company. Lionel Barrymore was Prince Lubinoff ; Alma Rubens was Alicia ; Pedro de Cordoba was Atelio ; Gareth Hughes was Spadoni ; Gladys Hulette was Vellonia ; William H. Thompson was Colonel M. ; William Collier, Jr., was Gaston ; Betty Boulon was the Maid ; Madame Jean Bendear was Mme. Spadom ; Ivan Linow was a Terrorist and Paul Panzer was Cerssac in Enemies of Women. Write me again, some time. Carolotte L. W. — Women should be careful of their conduct, for appearances sometimes injure them as much as faults. Louise Lorraine was born October 1, 1901. She is five feet one and weighs 104. Betty Compson in The Fast Set, taken from the stage play called Spring Cleaning. Dorothy Mackaill will play the lead in The Mine With the Iron Door. Bingo. — But there are many more fishes in the sea than were ever taken out of it. Percy Marmont at the Ince Studios, Cul ver City, California. Buster Keaton is at the Metro Studios. You're welcome. Vina V. — Charles de Roche is thirtyone and not married. Conrad Nagel is twenty-eight. Jane Novak is twenty-six and her sister Eva is twenty-four. May McAvoy has been chosen to play a part in Ben Hur and is now in Italy. Harrison Ford in The Price of a Party. But you see our moods are lenses, coloring the world with as many different hues. Pom Pom. — You want weights, do you? Marion Davies weighs 125 pounds, Mary Pickford just around 100. Madge Bellamy was born June 30, 1903, at Hillsboro, Texas. She has brown hair and eyes. Mae Murray is five feet and weighs 100. Jack Pickford's next will be Her Son. S. E. H. — Well, you know women are made to love and not to be understood. Corinne Griffith was born November 24th, 1897. Kenneth Harlan, July 26, 1895. Irene Rich, Charles Post, Rosemary (Continued on page 87) Wnen Triey're Ojf trie Screen (Continued from page 33) pokes fun at the other Louise. The trouble is, you never can tell which one you are going to find. Corinne Griffith always looks, when you see her on a set, as tho she were waiting to be summoned to the guillotine — and didn't care. She is always drooped over in a chair and her eyes are always sad and dissatisfied. Her voice is sweet but weary. She always impresses you that she has busted life open to see what it was made of ; and found a very inferior quality of sawdust. When you break in upon her meditations, however, you find an unusually clever and well-read girl with the most charming thoughts and the most charming way of expressing them. Anna Q. Nilsson is always wandering around the sets talking real estate or doing her family sewing. Norma Talmadge has a little soiree at luncheon time every day. You are likely to meet anybody and everyone there. She has a little cafe of her own in the studio — a little bungalow, in fact, with her dressing-room, bath and dining-room. Norma is a child of sunshine and shadows. She is very funny and full of Hollywood gossip. And the instant the topic turns onto something that does not interest her, she walks out on the party without the slightest compunction. There is no girl in Hollywood so absolutely on the level with her friendships as Norma. If she doesn't like you, you will never be in doubt about it. Norma is a square shooter. There are two Louise Fazendas. One is a rather posey and somewhat affected young lady who makes witty remarks. The other is a very matter-of-fact, genuine, hilariously funny girl who pokes fun at the other Louise. The trouble is, you never can tell which one you are going to find Every advertisement In MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.