Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Motion Picture Magazine — Advertising Section w°Brau«i The Answer Man (Continued from page 84) Theby, Harry Myers and Marguerite de la Motte in Behold This Woman, the new Blackton production, filmed entirely in color. Fluff. — I can see that children are your weakness. But that is as it should be. Little Joseph Keaton is about two now. Yes, Shirley Mason is playing in That French Lady, and The Great Diamond Mystery. Write me again, some time. Miss D. F. — No. Richard Talmadge is no relation to the Talmadge girls, that is just an assumed name. Playing in American Manners now and you can address him at F. B. O., 780 Gower Street, Los Angeles. Wink.— Well, there are very few things people remember so well as their predictions — after the event comes to pass. Xo, Rod La Rocque and Monte Blue are not related. Trilby is to be dqne on the Phonofilm with voice and action. Arthur Edmund Carewe will again play Svengali while Hope Hampton will portray Trilby. I sure did like your paper. Did you get it just for me? Adeline H. — Welcome to the throne. So this is your first letter to me. Well, I'll guarantee not to bite or snap back. If I get a bit sarcastic, just take it in fun, as I dont mean to be rough. Elliott Dexter and Adolphe Menjou also in The Fast Set. Now that we are acquainted, you must write to me often. So long. (Continued on page 95) That's Out (Continued from page 57) Thompson — A New Type of Westerner T N Fred Thompson it looks as tho the silversheet has a forthcoming popular Western star. Thompson brings a new and refreshing type of Westerner to the screen just at the moment when he is badly needed. This actor is a big, clean-looking fellow of pleasing personality, of an appeal entirely different from Hart, Mix, or any of the other famous players of Western characters. Altho he is by no means a finished actor, having played in the films for but a short period, he shows fine possibilities for development, and given a few good vehicles, should forge quickly to the front. Fred Thompson brings a new and refreshing type of Westerner to the screen, just at the moment when he is badly needed f The Good Advice Which dentists the world over give today Leading dentists of some 50 nations are advising a new way of teeth cleaning. Millions have adopted it. The results are seen in every circle — in the glistening teeth you see. This offers you a ten-day test. Accept it. Learn how much it means to you and yours for all the years to come. You must fight film Film is the great tooth enemy — that viscous film you feel. No ordinary tooth paste effectively combats it. So few have escaped tooth troubles, and beautiful teeth were seen less often than now. Soon that clinging film discolors,then forms dingycoats. That is why teeth look cloudy. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Few had pretty teeth, few escaped tooth troubles, when the film was left. Protect the Enamel Pepsodent disintegrates the film, then removes it with an agent far softer than enamel. Never use a film combatant which contains harsh grit. Pgpsaq Dental science has in late years found effective film combatants. One disintegrates the film at all stages of formation. One without harmful scouring. Many tests have proved these methods effective. A new-type tooth paste has been created to apply them daily. The name is Pepsodent. Today careful people of some SO nations employ it, largely by dental advice Essential helps Pepsodent offers other helps which research proves essential. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, also its starch digestant. Those are there to neutralize mouth acids and digest the starch deposits on the teeth. These combined results have brought to millions a new era in teeth cleaning. We urge you to learn how much they mean to you. PAT. OFF. REG. U.S. The New-Day Dentifrice You'll be amazed Send this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See how teeth become whiter as the film-coats disappear. You will be amazed and delighted at how much this new way means to you. CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW 10-DAY TUBE FREE15" THE PEPSODENT COMPANY Dept. 179, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to Onlv one tube to a family. When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. 87 PAG t