Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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^MOTION PICTURF HCI I MAGA2INE L Motion Picture Magazine — Advertising Section Become An Artist This New Way Thousands who never dreamed they could draw can now easily become artists. You, too — without any previous training — and no matter how little apparent talent you have — can now easily learn Illustrating, Designing and Cartooning through this amazingly easy method. You learn at home, yet your work receives the personal attention and criticism of one of America's most successful artists. Many students actually sell enough work during their training to pay for it many times over! Big Money in Commercial Art Millions of dollars are being spent this year on advertising and story illustrations, commercial designs, and cartoons. And even more will be spent next year. Commercial art is a tremendous field — and a field where very big money is gladly paid anyone who can produce good art work. Advertisers, magazines, newspapers, printing houses, business concerns all need trained artists. Competent artists easily earn from $50 to far over $300 a week. And now you can easily enter this "world's most fascinating, best paid business." Mail Coupon for Free Book A new handsomely illustrated book has just been printed, which gives all the most up-to-date information on the thousands of wonderful opportunities in Commercial Art and shows how this startling new method easily enables you to enter this field. It tells about our students — their success — what they say — actual reproductions of their work — how they made big money while studying. This attractive book will be sent without cost or obligation. Send for it. Mail coupon now. Washington School of Art Room 1810 1 1 1515th St., N. W. Washington, D. C. Washington School of Art Room 1810, 1115-15th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Please send me without cost or obligation your new book on art, "New Easy Way to Become an Artist," and details of your special offer. Name. Please write plainly Mr., Mrs. or Miss I City.. 102 .State. Wanda Wiley, the petite young star of the Century Comedies On trie Camera Coast {Continued from page 90) suggestive of The Kid. It will be directed by Eddie Cline, and Max Davidson will play the part of the rag man. {"^olleen Moore is spending her time between pictures having the carpenters build the most wonderful doll-house in the world. For years she has been collecting dolls from all over the world. The . doll-house which is to accommodate them has electric lights, little hand-woven rugs, and everything else that could be thought of. Colleen's next picture is to be a screen version of Edna Ferber's So Big. John Francis Dillon is to direct it. (^ecil De Mille gave Hollywood a scare • the other day when he announced that his next picture is to be made in New York. It was feared that he had joined the make-'em-in-New-York movement. He took a solemn oath, however, that it is to be only this one — The Golden Bed, adapted from Wallace Irwin's novel. De Mille says his entire life and all his affairs and interests are centered in Hollywood. TsJorma TalmadGe was seriously hurt by the breaking of a wire in a miniature on one of her sets the other day, and is now in the hospital. When she recovers she will begin production on The Lady, adapted by Frances Marion from a novel. Dumors have reached Hollywood of the betrothal of George Walsh and June Mathis, who are in Italy for the making of Ben Hur. Mr. Walsh was_ the first experimental Ben Hur, finally giving way to Ramon Novarro. Alice Terry has returned to a blonde wig for The Great Divide. For almost the first time in her career she played in her natural black hair in The Arab made by her husband, Rex Ingram, in Tunis last winter. While in Tunis, Alice and Rex adopted a little Arab boy and brought him to this country. Alice was wearied of being adopted mama to a native sheiklet, however. Last week she took him back to New York and delivered him to Rex. There seems to be a hitch in _ Rex's plan to make another series of pictures for the Mayer-Goldwyn-Metro Company. It seems that Marcus Loew was unwilling {Continued on page 119) YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE, BUT YOUR NOSE! M. Trilety's latest improved Nose Shaper, Model No. 25, corrects now all ill-shaped noses quickly, painlessly, permanently, and comfortably at home. It is the only safe and guaranteed patent device that will actually give you a perfect looking nose. Over 87,000 satisfied users. For years recommended •by physicians. Model No. 25 Junior for Children No bothersome straps to be pulled, but a fine, light, comfortable appliance with 6 movable regulators, which guarantee a perfect correction. His is the oldest, largest and best reputed business of its kind in this country. Avoid cheap, worthless imitations. If you wish to have a perfect looking nose, ask for his latest catalog on "How To Correct Ill-shaped Noses." Write to the Pioneer Noseshaping Specialist, M. Trilety, Dept. 2117, Binghamton, N. Y. DEVELOP BUST ,m.f 14 Day Treatment FREE My old original Three Part Treatment, standby of women for 21 years, has made thousands happy. Only tested one that gives FULL DEVELOPMENT without bathing, massage, exercises, pumps or dangerous appliances. Send 10c for 14-Day Demonstration;— to cover postage. Why pay more when I give big proof treatment FREE to all except mere curiosity seekers. Dime bach if not satisfied. Madame Williams Dk 16 Buffalo, N.Y. Subscribe to Beauty Magazine (See page 101) New Hollywood Craze! Movie Fan's Locket Ring for displaying yourfavorite's photo where you can see it all day long) Or put in sweetie's picture, a butterfly, or lock of hair. Solid Sterling Silver, $1 .97 Genuine Gold Shell 32.97. Send st ampsor moneyorder(15cextraifC.O. D.) PARK ROW CO., Park Row Bldg., N. Y., Dept. M. P. HAWAIIAN HULA SKIRT GENUINE made of natural grass, attractively trimmed with gold straw waist band and flower. Just the thing for costume dances or theatricals. Limited quantity. Price reasonable. Write for illustrated circular. THE HAWAIIAN STUDIO 714 N. Howard St. Baltimore. M^ »Q%fCE[ ; mane $/ a.uo a ween on wie orae Establish yourself as a Photographic Expert) quickly— during your spare time— under a leading photographer. I'll show you how to start your own business — or command a large salary Send for my unuBual offer. It's only temporary. Act at once. A postal will do. International Studios. Inc., Dept. 12*67 3601 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. U. S.A. Professional Camera FREE! Every advertisement in MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.