Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section OTION PICTU MAGAZINE cM I New this season — Cutex Marquise Set in beautiful metal cate, Description below charming new Gift for her personal use* CUTEX COMPACT SET-for the week-end, the one night visit or the office toilet kit. Nail file, emery board, orange stick, cotton and half sizes of Cutex Cuticle Remover, Cake Polish, Paste Polish and Nail White, 60c. THE very latest aid to personal loveliness is the charming new Cutex Marquise Set. The case is of metal — beautifully decorated, rich and substantial. It contains everything for the most luxurious Cutex manicure — and everyone knows how women appreciate the Cutex manicure above all others. This handsome gift contains the famous Cutex Cuticle Remover that gives smooth shapely cuticle, Nail White for spotless finger tips, the new Liquid Polish, Cake Polish and a beautiful buffer, sterile absorbent cotton, orange stick, steel nail file and fine emery boards. The price is moderate — only $2.50 in the United States — $3.00 in Canada. The various Cutex Manicure Sets offer a delightful selection of gifts ranging in suitability from the friendly inexpensive greeting to the substantial gift of permanence. The colorful Christmas wrappers breathe the spirit of this friendly season. They are on sale at all drug and department stores in the United States and Canada, and chemist shops in England. Northam Warren, 114 West 17th Street, New York City, or 200 Mountain Street, Montreal, Canada. CUTEX FIVE MINUTE SET — trim and complete. Emery boards, orange stick, absorbent cotton, Cuticle Remover, and both the wonderful new polishes, Cutex Powder Polish, and Liquid Polish, $1.00. CUTEX BOUDOIR SET a substantial gift. Nail file, emery boards, orange stick, cotton, buffer, Cuticle Remover, Nail White, Cuticle Cream, Cake, Paste and Liquid Polishes, 83.00. The De Luxe Set $5.00, Each Set in this charming Christmas ivrapper When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. CUTEX TRAVELING SETarranged so its contents cannot become messy in the traveling case. Nail file, emery board, orange stick, cotton, Cuticle Remover, Nail White, Cake and Paste Polishes, $1.50. UTEX Gift ^GtS in Special '"Holiday Wrappm 69 PAfl t