Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section If you want to see what a difference curly hair makes, compare this picture with the larger one. This is the same girl before Marcelling her hair with the Magic Curling Cap. OTION PICTURI MAGAZ.IHE I After the hair has been moistened with McGowan's Curling Liquid — included with each outfit — you pull the cap down over the head like this. (Patents Pending) Amazing New Curling Cap Marcels Your Hair in 15 Minutes Now You Can Always Keep It Beautifully MarcelledAt Practically No Expense Then simply "fluff" your hair up through the cross-pieces, forming "loops" or waves, as shown in the picture. In 15 minutes the hair is dry and you have a Marcel that would cost a dollar or more in a Beauty Parlor. You'll welcome this news with open arms if you realize just how much beautiful curly hair adds to your appearance, for this startling new invention banishes all hair waving troubles forever and makes it easy for you to keep your hair stylishly Marcelled at practically no expense. If you've ever used a curling iron, you'll understand at a glance just how this marvelous new Curling Cap works, for the principle is very much the same. But instead of applying heat directly to the hair (which common sense will tell you is very injurious to both the delicate strands of hair and the scalp) the elastic crosspieces of the Curling Cap simply hold the hair in "waves" until it dries in that position, and leaves the hair beautifully Marcelled. The Curling Cap is aided in this natural action by a specially prepared curling fluid — McGowan's Curling Liquid — which is furnished with each outfit. This delightful balsam not only accentuates the curl, but acts as a tonic for scalp and hair, promoting rich, luxurious growth. For every type and style Whatever style of "bob" you prefer — shingle, Ina Claire, cross-wave, center or side-part bob — whatever kind of hair you have — soft and fluffy, coarse and straight, long or short — this new curling device is guaranteed to give you just the kind of Marcel you want in fifteen minutes' time. And the beauty of it is that you can have a fresh Marcel every time you need it with as little trouble as it ordinarily takes to comb long hair. Think what a saving this will mean in "a few months' time! Instead of paying $1.00 to $1.50 plus a 25c or 50c tip every time you need a Marcel, now it will cost you only a few cents. More important even than the saving of money is the improved condition of your hair that this method will bring. Instead of the harsh, scalpdrying, hair-searing treatment, which sooner or later will ruin any suit of hair, give you broken ends, thin and unruly, you have a simple, natural method that not only keeps the hair beautifully Marcelled, but enriches and nourishes it, making k silky and more beautiful all the time. Amazing introductory offer When you consider the remarkable results this new Curling Cap insures and the price asked for curling devices that can't compare with it in any way, you would expect it to retail at $10 or more. Without a doubt Mr. McGowan, the inventor, would be justified in putting such a price on the cap, for it is easily worth that — and more. But Mr. McGowan knows that the best advertisement is the satisfied user. He knows that if he can just get this invention in the hands of a few thousand women in a comparatively short time, it will mean thousands and thousands of sales from their recommendations alone — for every woman that tries this device is delighted with it and naturally tells her friends. So in order to introduce his Curling Cap as quickly as possible to as many users as possible, Mr. McGowan has figured the price down to the minimum — $2.87 for the entire outfit, including a generous sized bottle of McGowan's Curling Liquid. You'll save enough on the first few Marcels to pa}' for the entire outfit. And then you can have all the Marcels you want without any expense. With a little attention the Curling Cap will last indefinitely. It is made of especially treated elastic and may be washed freely without detriment. With each outfit there is When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE included enough McGowan's Curling Liquid for many treatments, and when your supply is exhausted this delightful fluid may be purchased separately at a very low cost. Send no money — just mail the coupon You don't risk a cent nor do you have to pay for the Curling Cap and outfit in advance. All you do is just sign and mail the coupon. In a few days your postman will bring the Curling Cap and McGowan's Curling Liquid and then you pay him $2.87, plus a few cents postage. You'll be delighted the very first time you try your new-found beauty secret, but the greatest joy will come after you have used it a few times and begin to see your hair getting trained the way you find it most becoming. And after a thorough trial, if you are not delighted with results — if you do not feel it is the best investment you've made for beauty in all your life — simply return the outfit and your money will be refunded. r C O U P O N ', ■ 1 0 The McGowan Laboratories 1 3 710 W. Jackson Blvd., Dept. 590, Chicago | ■ Dear Mr. McGowan: Please send me your hair J " curling outfit, which includes your newly invented ■ D Curling Cap and a bottle of McGowan's Curling | B Liquid. I agree to deposit S2. 87 (plus postage) with | 1 the postman upon its delivery. If I am not satisfied . I with results in every way I will return the outfit to J q you and you are to refund my money. ■ I I Name j 0 I !! Address s I B Note — If you expect to be out when the postman I ■ calls, enclose S3 witn your order and the McGowan I • Curling Outfit will be sent postpaid. I I ...p MAGAZINE. I. PAfiU