Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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GMOTION PICTURF HOI I MAGAZINE L The Answer Man (Continued from page 72) I to make. But I'm afraid it will have to be prohibition pudding. You see it takes a month to print the magazine and a month to prepare copy, hence the delay. Evelyn Brent is playing in The Dangerous Flirt, which was formerly called The Prude. And Alma Rubens', Gerald Cranston's Lady, will be released as Purchased Women. Some^ title. Barthelmess Bug. — No, I didn't see it. The Affairs of Lady Hamilton is a German picture released thru Hodkinson. Bubbles. — That sure was a mighty clever letter of yours. Cant think of another puzzle right now. Well, whose secretary would you like to be? She might have played a very small part. Sorry I cant help you. Mary Thurman is to have an important part ill His Woman which is from the Andrew Soutar novel Back from the Dead. Patsy Ruth Miller and David Powell have the leads. Run in again some time. Barbara. — Well, a lie in time saves nine, but it usually gets you into a peck of trouble in the end. Shirley Mason is with Fox. Why, yes, House Peters just finished The Tornado, for Universal, in which Ruth Clifford plays opposite him. Two Gloria Swan son Fans. — Didn't you know that Gloria Swanson has been married to Wallace Beery and to Herbert Sonborn? Milton Sills is forty-two. Flirtation is attention without intention. See you later. Kathryn H. — That was Matt Moore in Strangers of the Night and in So This Is Marriage. Jack Gilbert is twenty-nine. Well, it isn't hard to be holiest, when you have everything you want. Viola Dana was born ill Brooklyn and she started on the stage when she was eleven years old playing in Rip Van Winkle, Anxious Twin.— Sorry, but I cannot give you all the addresses you ask for — it would take up too much space. Leon Bary was Atlas. Kenneth Harlan in that picture. See you some more. Rose; Ned; L. M., Bronx ; Novarro Fan ; R. J. B. ; Claude S. ; Pauline H.; H. P. B.; Peggy P. — Your questions have all been answered. Lucretia. — Norma Talmadge is twenty-nine and Barbara La Marr is twenty-seven. Antonio Moreno was born in Spain in 1888, and came to America when he was fourteen. H. A. J.— Well, the way to find out my name is to wait and read it on my tombstone. Yes, that was Madge Kennedy in The Purple Highway. House Peters was Tom Logan, Russell Simpson was Paul and Mary Philbin was the sistcr._ Universal are going to do The Plastic Age by Percy Marks, but the cast hasn't been selected at this writing. I should say I do drink buttermilk. Ignatz. — Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., is fifteen. So long, short and sweet. Frances A. R. — I do not believe in that virtue which insists upon the precaution of locked doors. It is quite easy to be virtuous in jail, but it is an inferior brand of virtue. Betty Francisco and William Haines are playing in The Wife of the Centaur. Rachael R. — Yes, Rudolph Valentino was married to Jean Acker before 74 ^%\ v <y 0 Curious Girl: — Here is the answer to your question, "Who is to play Wendy in Peter Pan?" Wendy will be Mary Brian, and here's her picture. We think they made a good choice, dont you? he married Natacha Rambova. Louise Fazenda is playing in A Broadzvay Butterfly with .Cullcn Landis, John Roche and Lilyan Tashman. D o u g 1 a s MacLean in Sky High, with Anne Cornwall. Audrey. — Grass widows are called such because they usually let no grass grow under their feet. Joseph Schildkraut is Viennese and he is playing in Firebrand for the stage. He is a passionate lover in the role of Benvenuto Cellini. Katherine W. — You just write to me whenever you feel like it. No, Ivor Novello is not married. House Peters in The Tornado. Kissing is simply shaking hands with the lips. Germs or no germs, how are you going to stop it? Hot T. — That was some ink you used. I haven't regained my sight yet. Ben Lyon in The One Way Street. And there are plenty of them in New York and Brooklyn. When I go out for an automobile ride nowadays I have to take someone with me to look after the one-way streets. Toots.— It takes two to make a bargain, but usually only one gets it. Alice Terry is twenty-eight and playing in The Great Divide; Clara Bow in Black Lightning. Eleanor Boardman and John Gilbert have the leads in The Wife of the Centaur. Rosella W. — Well, you know, curiosity is to blame for lots of improvement in this world, and for lots of sin, too. So you have always thought Robert McKim the meanest man in pictures, but you have changed your mind now. Well, he was born in 1887, so figure it out for yourself. Mary B. — I'm sorry Mary, but I cannot give you a pass to visit a studio. May B. — You can reach George Hackathorne at The Talmadge Studios. Mary Philbin has been chosen for the lead opposite Lon Chaney in The Phantom of the Opera. Barbara Bedford is to play in Charles Ray's second production for Ince, called The Desert Fiddler. You k n o w Betty Blythe is also in the cast. Miss June S. '— You have a pretty back hand, but I hope ycu are never behindhand. Well, the newspapers are right and so am I, so figure it out for yourself. And speaking of bequests, where there's a will there's a way — to be appreciative. Bertie C. — I'm sorry, but I cannot give you the addresses. Look for the list of studio addresses in the back of the book. Ruth Stonehouse has been signed by Ben Wilson to play opposite him in What's Your Name, Mister? Rosemary Theby and Phyllis Haver in the cast of Colleen Moore's So Big. So long and good wishes. Jacqlteline. — Richard Dix is thirty. Noah Beery forty. John Gilbert is twenty-nine. Barbara La Marr's right name is Reatha Watson. Yes, the Yosemite is the loftiest waterfall in the world. It is sixteen times higher than Niagara, the famous cataract of North America. It takes a first leap of 1,500 feet, then comes a series of cascades for 600 feet and a final plunge of 400 feet. The Yosemite fall is in California. Anthony. — Hello, Anthony. So you are still looking for postals in exchange (Continued on page 103) # A