Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section Colleen Moore tries to find out what it feels like to be a child of the poor, on the night before Christmas property men found, since the war, amateur collectors have sprung up to the number of 15,000 that the dealers know about. Consequently the market was cleaned. Hollywood's other mortification was the failure to produce a day-old colt for Dixie, which Reginald Barker is making at the Mayer Goldwyn Metro Studio. Horses are scarce in California, and it seems that it is not fashionable for lady horses to have babies in the Autumn. Gerald Beaumont, who wrote Dixie, is the present sensation of the films. He was a sporting reporter on an Oakland newspaper until a few years ago; now he is turning out screen stories with both fists. In addition to Dixie, another Gerald Beaumont story is being made at that same studio— The Sporting Venus, in which Marshall Neilan is directing Blanche Sweet. W,3 fHEN he goes to Europe to play the lead in Rex Ingram's Mare Nostrum, Antonio Moreno will have also another mission. He will be the ambassador of the California yachtsmen who are trying to pull off the next International Cup races on this coast. The trouble is that the Cup rules require that the challenging yacht has to sail from its home port to the race course, which would necessitate the English yachts sailing thru the Panama Canal and all the way up this coast. 'Theodore Roberts' sixty-third birthday was celebrated in grand style with a birthday cake and a party on one of the sets of The Locked Door, which William de Mille is directing. Waving graduated from scenario writing to directing, Major Rupert Hughes is now to have a whirl at an executive job. He is to supervise several units at the Mayer-Goldwyn-Metro Studio. His own story, Excuse Me, is to be directed by Hampton del Ruth. Dtchard Talmadge whose neck was broken in a fall during the making of one of his thrill pictures has miraculously recovered and will return to the screen very shortly. Cvlvia Breamer will soon marry Dr. Harry Martin of this city and will retire from the screen. To even things up, Louise Glaum, who retired from the screen to marry some years ago, has shuffled off the marriage and is returning to her profession again. She was formerly one of the best known of screen actresses. {Continued on page 93) 10-day Test FREE * Mail the Coupon Where Pyorrhea Starts Is frequently in that dangerous film on teeth — (run your tongue across your teeth and you can feel it) The simple new tooth care that foremost dental authorities now urge as scientific hygiene — what to do and how. ARE you living in dread of pyorrhea, think maybe you are susceptible to it? The hygienic rule most widely urged is very simple. Follow it, say men of science, and you will have better protection. Combating film at least three times daily: that, in a few words, is what all are urged to do. This offers you a 10-day test free of the new way to fight it. Simply use the coupon. Look for film — then do this Most tooth troubles today are traced to a film that forms on teeth. A viscous film that you can feel by running your tongue across your teeth. That film is the chief enemy of good teeth. It clings to teeth, gets into crevices and stays. It hides the natural luster of your teeth. If your present dentifrice doesn't combat it successfully, it's inadequate. Film also holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. In contact with teeth, this acid invites decay. Millions of germs breed in it. And they, with tartar, based on film, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Now new methods fight it For years men of science have given their best in seeking an effective combatant of that film. Ordinary tooth pastes do not cope with it adequately. Harsh, gritty substances were discarded as dangerous to enamel. Soap and chalk were judged inadequate. Numerous methods have been tested and found wanting. Now modern dental science has found two new combatants and embodied them in the modern tooth paste called Pepsodent. Its action is to curdle the film. Then, harmlessly, to remove it. A scientific method different in formula, action and effect from any other dentifrice. * * * * Throughout the civilized world, leading dentists urge this new method. To millions it has proved the folly of dull and dingy teeth. To millions it offers daily a better protection against pyorrhea, tooth troubles and decay. It meets better the exactments of modern tooth hygiene. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. It neutralizes mouth acids. It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva to better digest starch deposits, which may otherwise ferment and form acids. Note, too, that it results in glistening teeth quickly. Under that film is the tooth clearness you envy in others. What you find will surprise you. You are urged to make the test. It will cost you nothing. FREE Mail Coupon for 10-Day Tube to 1696 Send to Dept. 401, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., i Chicago, 111., U. S. A. Name. . Address. I Only one tube to a family When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. PAGll