Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section ...-J0TION HCTUR 01 I MAGAZINE On tke Camera Coast (Continued from page 83) Y^epdixg-bells are ringing overtime in Hollywood this fall. Marie Prevost was married to Kenneth Harlan recently after a long engagement which involved two divorces — hers and his. Betty Compson was married to James Cruze, the director, almost the same day. They had been engaged for a long time, but Mr. Cruze got a sudden inspiration and whirled his bride away to the altar. As she was busily working in a picture, directed by William de Mille, she has had to postpone her honeymoon trip to the East. . Wkat the Stars Are Doing (Continued from page 76) Hammerstein, Elaine — plaving in One Glorious Night— C. B. C. Hampton, Hope — is deserting the screen to appear on the stage in Mme. Pompadour this fall. Harlan, Kenneth — has been chosen to play Brian Kent in The Re-Creation of Brian Kent — 'P. P. Harris, Mildred — playing in Frivolous Sal — F. N. Hatton, Raymond — his first picture under his new contract with Famous Players-Lasky will be The Top of the World. Haver, Phyllis— playing in So Big — F. N. Hawley, Wanda — playing in The Wizard of Oz — C. P. L. Hay, Mary — Richard Barthelmess has chosen his wife for the feminine lead in New Toys. This is her first appearance on the screen since she played in Griffith's Way Down East. Hearn, Edward— playing in Winner Take All— W. F. Herbert, Holmes E. — playing in Up the Ladder Hiers, Walter — will give us some rare bits of comedy inExcuse Me — M. G. M. Hines, Johnny — engaged in making the comedy in The Early Bird— C. C. B. Holmes, Stuart — playing in The Three Keys — B. P. Holmquist, Sigrid — appearing opposite Johnny Hines in The Early Bird. Holt, Jack — playing in Emerson Hough's North of 36— M. P. L. Howard, Frances — a stage favorite; has been chosen to play the Princess in The Swan, her first screen appearance. Hughes, Lloyd — playing in If I Ever Marry Again — F. N. Hunter, Glenn — has been disengaged since completing The Silent Watcher— F. N. Johnston, Julanne — recently completed work in Garragon, a German production, and is now vacationing in Europe. Jones, Charles — playing in The Man Who Played Square for W. F. Joyce, Alice — playing the wilful heroine in White Man—B. P. S. June, Mildred — playing in Troubles of a Bride — W. F. K Keaton, Buster — is cast as a young man who will inherit seven million dollars if he will marry within twenty-four hours in Seven Chances — M. G. M. Keenan, Frank — is making Dixie, his first picture since his return from his honeymoon — M. G. M. Keith, Ian — playing in Love's Wilderness — F. N. Kennedy, Madge — alternates between the stage and the screen. Her screen fans will be glad to welcome her back in The Ultimate Good, in which she appears opposite Conway Tearle for A. E. Kenyon, Doris — will next appear in A Thief in Paradise — F. N. Kerry, Norman — has recently completed The Best in Life for U. Keye, Kathleen — is playing Ben Hur's sister Tirzah in Ben Hur — M. G. M. Kirkwood, James — now the proud father of a son, is playing a dual role in Top of the World — F. P. L. Kosloff, Theodore — will next be seen in Cecil De Mille's production The Golden Bed. Lake, Alice — recently completed her work in Tke Lost Chord— -W. B. La Marr, Barbara — playing in The Second Chance (excellent opportunity for a witty remark, but we refrain). This is a race-track story written for her by Mrs. Wilson Woodrow — F. N. Landis, Cullen — playing in Cheap Kisses — F. B. O. La Plante, Laura — will have Eugene O'Brien as her leading man in Dangerous Innocence — U. La Rocque, Rod — is cast as Admah Holtz in The Golden Bed—F. P. L. Lewis, Mitchell — playing in Frivolous Sal — F. N. Lewis, Ralph — playing in The Bridge of Sighs — W. B. Livingston, Margaret — playing in Up the Ladder—U. Lloyd, Harold — is just starting work on his new comedy which deals with college life. (Continued on page 100) I FREE BOTTLE Gray Hair? Don't Have It! Let me tell you the quick, easy way to get back original color "Why let gray hair spoil your chances?" is a question I so often want to ask. It is such an unnecessary handicap, when restoration is so simple and easy. And — it costs nothing to learn how. I invite everyone with gray hair to send for my free trial outfit, which contains a trial bottle of my famous hair color restorer. Test as directed^ learn for yourself that you needn't have gray hair at any age! A scientific laboratory preparation Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer is a scientific, reliable preparation which always does the work. It brings back the natural, youthful color of your hair so perfectly that no one will suspect you once were gray. There is no streaking, artificial dyed look. Just the even natural, exact shade of early youth. Apply it with a comb My restorer is very easily applied — you do it yourself, without help. Tou simply comb it through the hair and watch the gray disappear. No interference with shampooing — nothing to wash or rub off. My restorer is a clear, colorless liquid, clean and dainty as water. It leaves the hair soft and fluffy — lovely when waved and dressed. Absolutely free trial— mail coupon Remember the trial offer is absolutely free— wa even prepay postage. Just mail the coupon — yout will receive by return mail my special patented free trial outfit with full directions. Then when you know what Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer is and just what it will do, get a full sized bottle from your druggist. If you prefer it, you may order direct from me. Fill out coupon carefully, stating exactly natural color of hair. If possible enclose a lock with your letter. When the trial outfit comes make the famous "single-lock" test. Tou will be overjoyed by results. Over 10,000,000 bottles sold »•«■« Please print your name and address — — — MART T. GOLDMAN, 494A Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Please send me your FREE trial bottle of Mary T. Goldman's Hair Color Restorer. The natural color of my hair is: Black dark brown medium brown auburn (dark red). light brown light auburn (light red) blonde.. When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE.