Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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JAZZ-BO SAX Not a toy but a full throated, full Bized quality built reed wind instrument. One that you can be proud to own and play. Substantially made with heavy highly polished throat and bell. Can be used for Solo work, accompanying-, and in bands and dance orchestras. You play the Jazz-Bo Sax at once— the minute it arrives. No knowledge of music required, no tedious leaeons or long; months of practice, for with each Jazz-Bo Sax even at the new low price of S5.95 you get ourwonderful Method enabling you to actually play popular Jazz the first time you take this handsome Sax in your hands. Entertain others and be the envied center of attraction wherever you go. CPrp Send today and you will , . receive free our won derful new Easy Method , 30 pieces of music, and a fine Carrying Bag enabling you to take your sax with you wherever you go. SEND NO MONEY Pay postman only $5.95 plus s few pennies postage on delivery . If you are not satisfied just send it back and your money vrill be immediately refunded under the terms of our legal money back guarantee. No fairer offer can be made. Send atone*. _____ C. F. JOHNSON & CO. Dept. M267 19 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO T|P HAND SEWN mmnmm UNIQUE XMAS GIFTS Finest quality Spanish leathers-entirety hand sewn in Spain-in 300 styles of cig| arette, cigar, card and rosary cases, bill folds and coin purses. Catalog FREE. Ui>Ticiti\ NEWEST CiGAOETTe CASE \>0u/>) Double row, hinged end-holds one package. Black or maroon calf-brown or ^maroon morocco, • . $2.50 BILLFOLDS Rssortfd Models Exclusive gift! Brown or maroon morocco-black or maroon calf, • $3.25 , CALIFORNIA TRADING CO. DESK L-101 747 WAREHOUSE St LOS ANGELES BANISH YOUR ( with, DESIN/EVI* A SAFE, SIMPLE, PAINLESS, GUARANTEED HOME TREATMENT OlWte /br'Bookkl oflnTormalion-ll'sFrec D5C-L-ALLEN-BINGHAMPT0N STk BOX 74 * MEMPHIS.TENN • U -SA DEAFNESS IS MISERY I know because I'was Deaf ana had Head Noises for over 30 years. My invisible Antiseptic Ear Drums restored my hearing and stopped Head Noises, and will do it for you. They are Tiny Megaphones. ■p TT Cannot be seen when worn. Effective when Deafness ^&»_M is caused by Catarrh or by Perforated, Partially or 1,1 Wholly Destroyed Natural Drums. Easy to put in, easy to take out. Are "Unseen Comforts.'* Inexpensive. Write for Booklet and my sworn Statement of how 1 recovered my hearing. A. O. LEONARD Suite 314, 70 Sth Ave., New York City Large List New | Vaudeville, Acts, 1 Stage Monologs, — iNew Minstrel Choruses and Novelty (Songs. Blackface After-pieces and ■Crossfire, Musical Comedies and ■Revues, Musical Readings, Novelty 'Entertainments, Wigs, Beards, Grease Paints and other Make-up Goods. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. WRITE NOW. r. S. Denison & Co., 623 So. Wabash, Dept, 45,Chicagf PLAYS Newcomers Press (Publishers of First Stories) We want YOUR FIRST manuscript included in our publication — "FIRST IMPRESSIONS" 308 School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. JMWAtllTTRIliG'.WATCH' A JEWELER'S MASTERPIECE. Dainty watch face bordered with 16 gorgeous blue-white flashing gems of startling brilliancy. Secret rouge compact and mirror hidden under dial. Get one. Be the envy of all your friends. Send strip of paoer for size. SEND NO MONEY-pay post JV*»*m man $1.83 on delivery. 'QX J. N. HUGHES CO.. Dept.21K Uly 85Sprag-ueSt.,ProvidenceR.I. Advertising Section Their Mothers Tell on Them (Continued from page 80) One afternoon she came home with a blackface make-up on and foolishly tried to remove it with plain soap and water. As she splashed, her mother came to the foot of the stairs to tell her she had a caller, a boy from Erasmus Hall High School on whom Norma had set her youthful fancy. Without glancing in the mirror, Norma rushed down-stairs and into the sittingroom, where she greeted him as usual. But his manner was odd. He looked away from her, shuffled his feet, stammered, and soon made his departure. As she turned away from the door, Constance came out into the hall, and her sisterly shout of mirth sent Norma to a mirror — to see an ebony countenance of tragedy gazing back at her ! "What he thought, I dont know," laughs Peg, "but he never came back!" When the family want to tease Constance, they have only to remind her of the way she got into the movies. At ten Connie was extremely skinny, but, undaunted by this fact, she used to hang about the Vitagraph studio, confident that someone would see her and invite her in to become a star. One day, for the fun of it, she dressed up as Flora Finch and the cameraman took her picture. Constance Talmadge has earned a goodish bit of money since then, but not enough to buy her mother's copy of this photograph — the one that got her her first part in pictures — Connie with a putty nose, and striped stockings on long, bony legs which — for some reason — appear slightly bowed. As long as there is a copy of this photograph in existence, Connie can never become up-stage ! Ben Lyon's mother has been brought up strictly by her handsome star son and refused to reminisce until she had asked Ben which one of his baby exploits she might disclose. An exceedingly fat Ben of six months, wearing nothing but dimples and a smile, stood enframed on one end of the mantel. . A four-year-old Ben in Buster Brown suit and wide straw hat stood on the other. "He always was a great boy to want sympathy," said Mrs. Lyon, "and so when the little boy next door died and all the (Continued on page 106) D,.-10TI0N PICTURp 101 I MAGAZINE When the little boy next door died, Ben Lyon decided that their house should have a funeral too, so he hung some of his mother's lingerie on the door-knob I Your PhotographBeauty The camera always shows you with a clear, soft skin, free from blemishes and roughness. Many times you have longed to possess your "photograph-beauty." GoURAUOS ORIENTAL CREAM will show you the way. It instantly renders an alluring, fascinating appearance. Your skin and complexion will possess a radiant, silky softness surpassing anything you have ever known. Gouraud's Oriental Comprimettes Are Gouraud's Oriental Cream in compact form with all of its Beautifying' properties faithfully retained. Made in two sizes, 60c and $1.00, and seven shades, White, Flesh, Rachel Powders and Orange, Light, Medium and Dark Rouges. SPECIAL,— Send 50c for a Comprimette (any shade), a bottle of Gouraud's Oriental Cream and a bottle of Gouraud's Oriental Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. Ferd. T. Hopkins & Son, New York f™ Youth-Ami Skin Peel k A New Scientific Discovery P which painlessly and harmlessly replaces the old skin with a new and removes all Surface Blemishes, Pimples. Blackheads, Tan. Eczema, Acne, Larg:e Pores, etc. A non-acid, invisible liquid. Produces a healthy new skin, beautiful as a baby's. Results astounding. Booklet "The Magic of a New Skin" free in plain sealed envelope. Youth-Ami Laboratories, Depl. DB, 30 E. 20lh Si., New York Discolorations At Home~inspare time "\r0U can earn handsome profits by joining ■* the Fireside Industries — the national organization with thousands of successful members. Learn how to decorate Art Novelties which sell at such wonderfully high prices. No previous experience necessary. We teach you how to do the work and how to sell it. We assure your earnings. You have nothing to lose — everything to gain!! Write for FREE BOOK Be free from worry. Enjoy more of the good * things of life. Send for the Free Book that / has guided thousands to this sue jf cessful.fascinatiogcarecr. Complete ^ outfit of materials furnished free V PIeil3e send me, without obto all members. Send today for ^r ligatingme in any way, your free) the book thatcan bring you Jt book on how I may earn money at a real income. Mai 1 the S home without previous experience by Coupon now I S decorating Art Nove lties— also particu S ara of your money-making: eruarantee and special privileges and services of membership in fireside Industries. I enclose a 2c. stamp. Mr. Petit ■" Art Director Fireside Industries . Dept. 271, Adrian, Mich, When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. 95 PAfi I