Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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i t "MOTION PICTURF MAGAZINE Advertising Section OPPORTUNITY MAKfl&ET AGENTS WANTED Agents to travel by automobile to introduce our fast-selling, popular-priced household necessities. The greatest line on earth. Make $10 a. day. Complete outfit and automobile furnished free to workers. Write to-day for exclusive territory. American Products Co., 2311 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Agents — Write for Free Samples. Sell Madison "Better-Made" Shirts for large Manufacturer direct to wearer. No capital or experience required. Many earn $100 weekly and bonus. MADISON MILLS, 064 Broadway, New York. AGENTS — Wonderful opportunity. Newest line of Perfumes, Creams, Compacts, Soaps, Extracts, Remedies, Jewelry. Protected territory. Catalog free. VAN OGDEN, INC., 1914 Van Buren, Chicago. Why not sell us your spare time, $2 an hour, $19.70 daily easy for full time, introducing new style guaranteed hosiery, 57 styles, 37 colors? No capital or experience required. Just write orders. We deliver and collect. YOUR PAY DAILY, also monthly bonus. Free auto offer besides. Elegant outfit furnished. All colors, grades, including silks, lisles, chiffons. Macochee Textile Co., Room 2381, Cincinnati, Ohio. At Last! Diamond Rival Discovered! Amazing blue-white Rajah Gem astounds jewelry world and deceives experts ! Beautiful sample case FREE ! $100 weekly ! Write quick ! RAJAH DIAMOND CO., Dept. F-12, Salisbury, N. C. HELP WANTED All Men, Women, Boys, Girls, 17 to 65. willing to accept Government Positions $117-$250, traveling or stationary, write Mr. Ozment, 294, St. Louis, Mo., immediately. HELP WANTED— FEMALE Ladies Earn ?6-$18 a Dozen decorating Pillow Tops at Home ; experience unnecessary. Particulars for stamp. Tapestry Paint Co., 126, LaGrange, Ind. Ambitious Girls — Women. Learn Gown Making at home. Fascinating. Gown makers get $25 week up. Sample lessons free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. T-538, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED— MALE Be a Detective — Exceptional opportunity ; earn big money. Travel. Thousands of dollars offered in rewards. Established 1909. Particulars free. Write C. T. Ludwig, 556 Westover Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Detectives Earn Big Money. Excellent opportunity. Travel. Experience unnecessary. Particulars free. Write, George M. Wagner, Former Government Detective, 1968 Broadway, New York. Work for Uncle Sam. Get Government Positions. Men — women, 18 up. $95 — $192 month. Common education sufficient with our coaching. List positions— free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. T-100, Rochester, N. Y. MANUSCRIPTS TYPEWRITTEN Photoplays and Stories correctly and neatly typewritten. Free introductory offer. Write for full particulars to-day. COSMOPOLITAN AUTHORS' BUREAU, P. O. Box 862, Dept. B, Chicago. MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS — Processes, new. Easy to make — Sell Cold-creams, Beautifiers, Perfumes, Flavors, Syrups, Extracts, Beverages, etc. Valuable information free. Meriden Co., Advertising Dept., 3322 White Building, Seattle, Wash. MOTION PICTURE BUSINESS $35.00 Profit Nightly — Small capital starts you. No experience needed. Our machines are used and endorsed by government institutions. Catalog free. Atlas Moving Picture Co., 431 Morton Bldg., Chicago. NEWS CORRESPONDENCE I Earn $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary. Copyright book free. Press Syndicate, 961, St. Louis, Mo. OLD MONEY WANTED Old Money Wanted. Do you know that coin collectors pay up to .$100.00 for certain U. S. cents aud high premiums for all rare coins? We buy all kinds. Send 4c for large Coin Circular. May mean much profit to you. NUMISMATIC HANK, Dept. 48, Fort Worth, Texas. PATENTS Inventors — Write for our free illustrated guidebook, "How to Obtain a Patent." Send model or sketch and description of your invention for our opinion of its patentable nature free. Highest references. Prompt attention. Reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., 833 Ninth, Washington, D. C. PHOTOPLAYS Send to-day for free Copy AVriter's Digest. Tells how to write and sell short stories, photoplays, poems, songs. Writer's Digest, B-22, East 12th St., Cincinnati. Cash for photoplay plots, ideas, themes. We criticize, revise, copyright and sell 'em for you. Mail us your story. Our advice is FREE. HOLLYWOOD SCENARIO CO., 711 Pantages Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Photoplay Authors — Let us help you win success. Write for details of our service. SCREEN WRITERS' SERVICE BUREAU, Box 508A, Newark, N. J. Stories and Photoplay Ideas Wanted by 48 companies ; big pay. Details free to beginners. Producers League, 441, St. Louis, Mo. $ S $ FOR PHOTOPLAY IDEAS. Plots accepted any form ; revised, criticized, copyrighted, marketed. Advice free. Universal Scenario Corporation, 205 Security Bldg., Santa Monica and Western Avenues, Hollywood, California. Successful Photoplays Bring Big Money. Our new book, "Successful Photoplays," gives full instructions for writers. Send for free copy. Successful Photoplays, Box 43, Des Moines, Iowa. Short Stories and Photoplay Plots. Revised and Typewritten in proper form and placed on the Market. Send manuscript or write H. L. Hursh, Dept. 2, Box 1013, Harrisburg, Pa. SALESMEN Sell us your spare time for cash. SalesmenMake $130 monthly selling only one $10 policy a day ! Policy pays $5,000 and $25 weekly for sickness or injury. Total cost $10 yearly. Easy to sell with our "Direct-by-Mail" plan. Underwriter, 713 Bonnell Building, Newark, N. J. STORIES WANTED Earn $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines. Experience unnecessary. Copyright book free. Press Syndicate, 960, St. Louis, Mo. Story Ideas Wanted for photoplays and magazines. Big demand. Accepted in any form. Revised, typed, published, sold on commission. Send manuscripts for free criticism. Universal Scenario Corporation, 300 Security Bldg., Santa Monica and Western Ave., Hollywood, Cal. Stories, Poems, Plays, etc., are wanted for publication. Good ideas bring big money. Submit MSS. or write Literary Bureau, 134 Hannibal, Mo. VAUDEVILLE Get On the Stage. I tell you how ! Personality, confidence, skill developed. Experience unnecessary. Send 6c postage for instructive illustrated Stage Book and particulars. M. LaDelle. Box 557. Los Angeles, Cal. Wo^ 'M3P1C Yon can make many an extra dollar offering new •*—»■»...— t device forreducing^waists andhipetowomenjright "tARINv I in your own locality. SellB on sight. Big demand. . nin Pleasant work' no interference with vour regular duties. Experience not required. FREE Sample. PDFP Write for exclusive territory. DIANA STUDIOS. * ■%«*»* I Dept. 13-A.39, 334 Fifth Ave., New York City. D /ample Jt — ■ '! Girdle 1 100 GL What the Stars Are Doing {Continued from page 93) Logan, Jacqueline — recently started work on her second Regal Productions, Off the Highway. Long, Walter — playing the villain in the White Man — B. P. S. Louis, Willard — playing Baxter in How Baxter Butted In — W. B. Love, Bessie— will be seen as a half-breed Indian girl in Tongues of Flame — F. P. L. Lowe, Edmund— Fox have loaned him to F. P. L. to appear opposite Pola Negri in East of Suez. Lyon, Ben — will next be seen in The One Way Street for F. N. He has a new leading lady for every picture — this time it's Anna Q. Nilsson. Lytell, Bert — will play opposite Anita Stuart in Ne'er the Twain Shall Meet — C. M Mackaill, Dorothy— will have the leading feminine role in The Bridge of Sighs — W. B. MacLean, Douglas— is just starting work on his next comedy which is tentatively titled Sky High— Marmont, Percy— that much-in-demand hero is playing opposite Alma Rubens in Stairway of Hope Marshall, Tully — has been chosen for an important part in Eric von Strofieim's next production, The Merry Widow — M. G. M. Mason, Shirley — is playing in an original story by Frederic and Fanny Hatton, titled The Star Dust Trail— W. F. Mayo, Frank — playing in Woman and Gold — G. P. McAvoy, May — will next be seen as the heroine, Esther, in Ben Hur — M. G. M. McDonald, Wallace — has an important part in Learning to Love — F. N. McGrail, Walter — has the r61e of Gordon Ibbotsleigh in Purchased Woman, taken from the novel Gerald Cranston's Lady — W. F. McGregor, Malcolm— is playing in Married Hypocrites — U. McKee, Raymond — recently signed up to play in a Mack Sennett comedy. Meighan, Thomas ■ — is completing work in Tongues of Flame for F. P. L. He is the first motion picture star to be elected the Shepherd of the exclusive Lambs Club in New York. Menjou, Adolphe — will appear as the Prince in The Swan—F. P. L. Merriam, Charlotte — recently completed the role of an old-fashioned flapper in So Big for F. N. Miller, Carl — playing an important role in The Darn Swan—W. B. Miller, Patsy Ruth — has just returned to California after her first visit to New York, where she played in His Woman, a W. B. production. To be featured in Frank Lloyd's next production for F. N. called Judgment. Mills, Alyce — has been chosen as Benny Leonard's leading lady in The Fighting Fist series. Mix, Tom — and of course, his horse — just started work in Dick Turpin for W. F. Moore, Colleen — recently "completed So Big, a departure from her popular flapper r&les. She plays three distinct ages in a woman's life. Moore, Matt — playing Neil Herbert in A Lost Lady—W. B. Moore, Owen — playing in Zane Grey's Code of the West — F. P. L. Moore, Tom — playing in The Greatest Thing — A. E. Moreno, Antonio — has been chosen by Rex Ingram to play the leading part in Mare Nostrum for M. G. M. Mulhall, Jack — playing in The Three Keys — B. P. Murphy, Edna — cast for an important part in Richard Dix's next picture, A Man Must Live — F. P. L. Murray, Mae — will dance her way as Sonia in The Merry Widow— M. G. M. Myers, Carmel — playing Iras in Ben Hur — M. G. M. Myers, Harry — recently completed playing in Reckless Romance — A. C. Myers, Kathleen — one of the principal players of Christie Comedies, now playing lead in Dick Turpin opposite Tom Mix — \V. F. N Nagel, Conrad — will next appear in Rupert Hughes's Excuse Me — M. G. M. Naldi, Nita — is still in Paris and still unmarried. Her latest release is A Sainted Devil — F. P. L. Nazimova — is disengaged at the present time. She recently completed Madonna of the Streets — F. N. Negri, Pola — her next picture will be an adaptation of Somerset Maugham's East of Suez — F. P. L. Nilsson, Anna O— has just arrived from the Coast to play opposite Ben Lyon in The One Way Street — F.N. Nixon, Marion — playing opposite Hoot Gibson inLet 'erBuck — U. Novak, Jane — will have an important part in Cheap Kisses — F. B. O. Novarro, Ramon — is in Italy where he is playing Ben Hur—M. G. M. o O'Brien, Eugene — has been cast for the leading male role opposite Laura La Plante in Dangerous Innocence — U. O'Brien, George — will appear in Robert W. Service's The Roughneck, which will be released as Thorns of Passion — W. F. O'Hara, George — playing opposite Alberta Vaughn in the Go-Getter Series for F. B. O. Every advertisement in MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.