Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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DTION PICTURC" MAGAZINE « Advertising Section »> "I Can Teach You to Dance Like This — Sergei Marinoff You can study classic dancing in all its forms. Greek, aesthetic, intrepretive, Russian, ballet — under the direction of the famous Sergei Marinoff. This remarkable home study system, endorsed by well known dancing teachers and dancers, enables anyone to master the technique of the dance. Marinoff makes the training easy and fascinating'. You have a complete studio in your home. The equipment consisting of practice costume, slippers, phonograph records, and dancing bar, are furnished free with the course. Write Today! Everyone interested in dancing should write to Sergei MarinoS at once and get complete information about his splendid system of home instruction in Classic Dancing, This information is free. Write today. Sergei Marinoff, School of Classic Dancing 1924 Sunnyaide Ave., Studio 12-ei Chicago YOUR CHOICE OF ANY TWO Get This Wonderful RING COMBINATION! Wedding: Ring: with choice of other, only $5.98 —Think of it! Most beautiful 1925 Basket Designs in genuine Sterling-. Set with famous Elite Diamonds known for their lasting: fiery brilliance. Compare them with the genuine. If you can tell the difference, send them back. Money Back Guaranteed g^wnSn-DON^lEND11! PENNY! Just name, address. Number of Rings wanted with tinge size. Pay postman price shown or if combination $6.98 on arrival If not delighted. Money Refunded. * Elite Jewelry House, Dept. 1459, 25E.JacksonBlvd.rChicago A Perfect Looking Nose Can Easily Be Yours Trades Model No. 25 corrects now all illshaped noses quickly, painlessly, permanently, and comfortably at home. It is the only safe and guaranteed patent device that will actually give you a perfect looking nose. Over 87,000 satisfied users. For years recommended by physicians. 16 years of experience in manufacturing Nose Shapers is at your service. Model 25 Junior for children. Write for free booklet, which tells you how to obtain a perfect looking nose. M. TRILETY, SPECIALIST Pept. 2260 Binghamton, N. Y. DEVELOP BUST mj 14 Day Treatment FREE My old original Three Par Treatment, standby of women for 21 years, has made thousands happy. Only tested one that gives FULL DEVELOPMENT without bathinc massage, exercises, pumps or dangerous appliances. Send 10c for 14-Day Demonstration — to cover postage. Why pay more when I give big proof treatment FREE to all except mere curiosity seekers. Dime back if not satisfied. Madame Williams Dk *6. Buffalo, N.Y. Hesser The Best-Knoxtfn, LeastKnown Girl (Continued from page 28) gorgeous bathing suit in Europe. It was to be used in The Sporting Venus which they were making. But when they got to Deauville to shoot the scene, they couldn't make the sun come out. Blanche talked about Europe and the plays she saw. She talked much about the attempt to revive war plays. To her, it is a terrible idea ; a horrible idea. She said that the memory of the war still hangs over Europe like a pall — underneath the crust of frivolity. "It is still too near to put on the kind of plays which look at the war with cold detachment ; too far removed for plays with the thrill and the hurrah of killing. We have come to just the place where there should not be war plays. We have come to realize that it was a vast slaughter of men — a thing of blood and tears and sorrow. It is still too recent for us not to hear the cries of the wounded." She was very frank in saying that the war had racked her to the bottom of her soul ; and had left her shaken. She had suffered no personal losses. It was worse than that. It was a sense of overwhelming chaos and drenching horror. We went on to speak of some of the plays she saw abroad. Among which was Joan of Arc. I suggested that she would, herself, be the perfect type for Joan of Arc. But she shook her head. She says she doesn't want to play this or any other historic character. She doesn't believe in them for the stage or screen. Instead of reality, they always give an impression of unreality. This comes from mixing fact and fiction. And then there is a deeper reason. "It is impossible for anyone to play Joan of Arc. You have a Joan of Arc, I have one. Everybody has one. They are not the same. In New York, Joan was a woman obsessed with a spiritual idea; in the London production she was a woman of the earth earthy, with a strong peasant twang to her talk. One writer thinks of her as a military genius in petticoats. Some one else says she was a half-wit with a sexual complex. Some make her out only half of this earth, hearing spirit voices ; others as a roughneck peasant a little queer in the head. Very likely, Joan didn't know Herself — just what she was — or why or how she did things. Who of us does know ? "For the same reason I dont want to Want You" U. S. Government Jobs $1140 TO $3000 YEAR MEN— WOMEN. 18 Up f Steady Work. No Layoffs * Paid Vacations .Common education usually sufficient Mail coupon / Franklin Institute Dept. T-255 Rochester, N. Y. to-day— SURE ^ / Gentlemen : Kindly send me, at once, and entirely S without charge, list of U. S. Government big paid positions now obtainable. Advise me also regarding the salaries, hours, work, /vacation and tell me how I can get a position, sending me also free sample S examination coaching lessons. Name • ' Address. m BECOME AN EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Executive Accountants command biff salaries. Thousands of firme need them. Only 6,000 Certified Public Accountants In TJ. S. Many are earning $3,000 to $10,000 a year. We train you thoroly by mail in snare time for C. P. A. examinations or executive accounting positions. Knowledge of bookkeeping unnecessary to begin. The course is under the personal supervision of William B. Castenholz, A. M.. C. P. A., former Comptroller and Instructor. University of Illinois; also former Director of the Illinois Society of C. P. 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Wrestling Book FREE Be an expert wrestler. Learn at home by mail. Wonderful lessonspreparedbyworld'sichampions Farmer Burns and Frank Gotch. Free book tells you how. Seeretholds. blocks and tricks revealed. Don't delay. Be strong, healthy. Handle bigmenwith ease. Write for free book. State age. Fanner Bona School f 1521 Railway Bldg. Omaha, Nek CDCC NEW AMAZING METHOD ■ "EC enabling you to pick up thi3 fine, full sized, K a Wood Finished Hawaiian UKULELE and play the latest tunea in a manner that will amaze and delight your friends. No musico edge necessary. This ban1 well made inst ment has a r melodious ton1 Nothing el -.• Ilka H <#? ">REe ,y SAVE HALF The regular price Is $6.50 but if you send at once you will receive Ukulele, Easy Methed, 20 Pieces of music. Felt Pick and as a heaping value we will [ also include absolutely FREE a Genuine Chinese Good Luck Ring all for our special sale price of only $2.95. SEND NO MONEYS money right at borne. Pay fi.^F. J. 1 nies postage. Our binding legal f Money Back Guarantee is sent with each Ukulele. Order Now. Genuine C. F. JOHNSON 4 CO. CHINESE 19 W. Jackaon Blvd.,' Good iMck Ring P.Pt-M-268 -*f"jc*<'0 Every advertisement in MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.