Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section OTION PICTURE MAGAZINE r <zA*Dinner and"Dance And Her Hands All Red and Rough A WEEK-END in the country — tramping through woods and scratchy bushes, climbing fences, roughing it generally, plus wind and sun — had played havoc with her hands. A dinner and dance to attend the next night. How could she go with such hands? . . . But she knew exactly what to do. As soon as she reached home, she anointed her red and rough hands with TANFORAN. . . . And again at night. ... In the morning her hands were soft, smooth and beautiful again. ******** In long ago days, the lovely ladies of Queen Antoinette's Court used a secret and carefully guarded skin lotion that made their hands the envy of all beholders. Then the prized formula was lost . . . and only recently found again. That is TANFORAN . . . magic on the skin ... on hands, arms, neck, face, wherever one wishes to make or keep the skin soft, smooth and lovely. Your druggist has TANFORAN or can get it for you. 35-cent or 75-cent sizes. Or send 12 cents in stamps or coin to Jean Vallee & Cle., La Porte, Ind., and they will send you a trial size bottle by mail, prepaid. Makes trie skin lovely and keeps it so Try Any Wurlitzer Instrument In Your Own Home See for yourself the quality of these famous instruments, the reoult of 200 years' experience in musical instrument building:. A weeks' free trial in your own home — no obligation to buy. Wurlitzer instruments are praised by masters in every sphere of music for artistic quality, fine workmanship and ease of playing. PflivPovmant* vre arranged fa small monthly Bums. A few I-a5/ * ay meats centa a day will pay for your instrument. Send for New Catalog— FREE Every known musical instrument described and Illustrated — over 8000 articles. Gives you lowest prices and full information about Free Trial. Easy Payment Plan. No obligation. Write todavl The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Dept 1521 „s.ll7E.4thSt..Cbdnn«ti "' ©\ l20W.42cdSt..NewYork "il7E.4ihSt..Cincinn«ti 329S.W«bafhAYe..Cbiea«o/* ' 250StocktonSl..San Francisco I Your Skin Can Be Quickly Cleared of Pimples, Blackheads, Acne, Eruptions on the face or body, Barbers Itch, Eczema, Enlarged Pores and Oily or Shiny Skin. ■ tMfc n n Write today for my FREE BOOKLET, FKKK "A Cleab-Tone Skin,"— telling how I » *** ** * cured myself after being afflicted 16 yean. E.S.GIVENS.222 Chemical Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. RESTORED to its natural color by Gervaise Graham Hair Color. A clear, dainty liquid, in use since 1888. Guaranteed harmless. Price $1.50 at all druggists or by mail prepaid. Write for sample and booklet on the hair and complexion, FREE. Mrs. GERVAISE GRAHAM, 33 W. Illinois St., Chicago. III. MAKI AT HOM YOU can earn money at home in your spare time making show cards. No canvassing or soliciting. We show you how, supply you work at home, no matter where you live and pay you cash for all work done. ' Full particulars and booklet free. Write today. AMERICAN SHOW CARD SYSTEM, LTD. 2 1 1 Adams Building Toronto, Canada The hero is the fellow who makes ardent love to the girl and gets away with it; the villain is the fellow who doesn't get away with it That's Out (Continued from page 55) Literature Craze Hits Hollywood XJow that Pearl White and Bill Hart have started the literary fad in the film colony of writing books, no doubt screen celebrities will soon have their own fivefoot shelf of literary works. Here are a few suggestions of books that may be forthcoming : What I know About Women, by Charles Spencer Chaplin. What the Man Should Wear, by Bull Montana. My Four Months in Italy, by Director Charles Brabin. Eat and Grow Fat, by Nita Naldi. Speed and Economy in Film Production, by Eric von Stroheim. Beauty Hints, by Farina. The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Cecil B. De Mille. Ricardo Cortez Conies Thru Just a year ago in this department, under the heading, Another Prediction, I made the following comment : "As an example of an actor who is being greatly underestimated by the producer who has him under contract, I wish to put forward Ricardo Cortez. . . . Cortez has received unfavorable comment from the press, but, nevertheless, we quite confidently predict that Cortez will one day spring a surprise on everybody by proving himself a strong personality and a splendid actor." In Feet of Clay, Ricardo springs the surprise and makes good our prediction. To us, he scores the outstanding hit of the film and proves beyond a doubt that in neglecting Cortez the Lasky outfit has missed an opportunity to develop a very promising star. Guide to the Movies 'The detective is always the fierce-looking individual who keeps his hat glued to his head even when he is in the house. The cowboy is the fellow in the cowboy's outfit who spends half the time putting stacomb on his hair and the other half in making love to the ranch owner's daughter. The hero is the fellow who makes ardent love to the girl and gets away with it ; the villain is the fellow who makes ardent love to the girl and gets thrown off a cliff for his impertinence. Something Wrong With Pola? \T7hile Pola Negri has shown a few flashes of great dramatic ability in her Americanmade films, she has failed to (Continued on page 109) DiseoveredV tJhe Scientific Sunt of Catuso's Amazing Vocal Power A postmortem of Caruso9 a throat showed superb development of his HyqGloesue muscle — again \ proving the soundness of \ Eugene Feuchtinger*s \ theories of voice produc* ( Hon, Eugene Feuchtinger, A. M., Musician-Sci* entist. who discovered the function of the Hyo • Glossus Muscle in voice production and a method for de* veloping the singing or speaking voice of any man or woman by strengthening this r.iuecle. The arrow points to the all-important Hyo~Glos~ eus muscle , Wliether your voice is strong or weak, pleasant or unpleasant harsh ormelodiovs, depends upon the development of that muscle. You. can have a beautiful singing or speaking voice if your Hyo-Glossus muscle xs developed by correct training. The Great Discovery Professor Feuchtinger, A. M.— famous in the music centers of Europe — discovered the secret of the Hyo-Glossus muscle. He devoted years of his life to scientific research and finally perfected a system of voice training that will develop your HyoGlossus muscle by simple, silent exercises right in your own home. Opera Stars His Students Since the Professor brought his discovery to America, orators, choir singers, club women, preachers and teachers — over 10,000 happy pupils have received his wonderful training. There is nothing complicated about the Professor's methods. They are ideally adapted for correspondence instruction. The exercises are silent. You can practice them in the privacy of your own home. The results are positive. 100% Improvement Guaranteed The Perfect Voice Institute guarantees that Prof. Feuchtinger's method will improve your voice 100* . You are to be your own judge — take this training — if your voice is not improved 100% in your own opinion, we will refund your money. Send for Free ^ook Send us the coupon below and we'll send you FREE this valuable work on the Perfect Voice. Prof. Feuchtinger is glad to give you this book. You assume no obligation but will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying it. It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. !„mmmniiperfecf. Voice Institute ni"n" I 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 12-61 Chicego | | Please send me FREE Professor Feuchtinger's book, | i "Enter Your World." I have put X opposite the sob = | ject that interests me most. I assume no obligation = E whatever. = | DSinjinf OSpiikinf □ Stamaerinf Q Weak Voice | | NameAddress _ . Aat. When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE. 107 PAG\