Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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I AMOTION PICTUFHr m I MAGAZINE « Advertising Section NOW-WhileYouSleep yv„£»-f Hands Made ■AwH White ^Soft Overnight— Red Hands Made Snow-White Rough Hands Made Velvet-Smooth Yes, while you sleep, your hands entirely renovatedl Overnight, Dr. Egan's Medicated Gloved work a miracle. No matter how red and raw your hands; or how etained or blotched; no matter how rough and coarse one night's wear of these magic gloves will turn your hands exquisitely white, smooth and soft. Doubt it if you like, but one night's test will convince. If you*re not more than amazed, no cost to you. Dr. Egan's Magic Medicated Night Gloves Whiten and Soften Hands Thru Action of Impregnated Fabric No true charm without beautiful white hands. No woman need any longer hide her hands in shame. No matter how abused your hands, how toil-worn or coarsened, they can now be beautified, whitened and Complete $5.00 Outfit on this Amazing Introductory Offer only These gloves will soon be offered the public through the regular channels at 15.01 the pair. But a limited number of sets are now being offered for advertising purposes at practically cost — $1.95. You can get this complete $5.00 outfit — Medicated Gloves, generous supply of Porelax and Medicator— all fo"$1.95 on this introductory offer. But you must act at once, as only 10,000 sets .re to be distributed at the cut pr'ce. You may pay the postman or, i f you prefer enclose $2.00 with coupon and receive package all paid for. Remember, every penny of your money back if you say so. Clip and mail the coupon now before you forget. smoothened— in one night! Just draw on a pair of Dr. Egan' s Medicated Gloves on retiring and wake up with lily-white hands! It's Dr. Egan's wonderful solution in the fabric of the gloves that does it! No mere creams can compare! Wear Them During Day,Too Send today for a pair of Dr. Egan's Medicated Gloves. Try them out at our risk. With the gloves already medicated we send bottle of medicator to restore their potency from time to time; also ajar of Dr. Egan's Porelax to apply before donning the gloves. The Porelax opens the pores and hastens the action of the medicament in the glove fabric. Yours tO Try at/ The Egan Manufactory 144 t I Our Risk 456 So. State St., Chicago Complete outfit-Gloves./ Please send (plainly wrapped) Magic Medicator and Porlax ' Gloves and outfit complete for free sentonBdays'approval./ trial price^for^LlMB^onV'-P?-3-^^ on delivery; to be returned in I will hand postman $1.95 and Pay postman"/ full if a week's trial doesn't delight me (with post-/ with results. _ (Sent prepaid to those who $1.95 the pric age) on delivery, or „&~, — , Ji » pre' enclose $2 now and/h„ .i_ t?et outfit prepaid./ uacB Money back if reeulta don't aa / prefer enclosing $2 under same moneyguarantee.) tonish you. Mail / 2jnwp coupon now / *■«««?• while special / price holds _■ A __ good. / Address Glove Size. DIAMONDS. Fiery Reelike At special bargain prices. Reelike dia monds have sparkle and dazzle which j only the finest diamonds Set in latest style mountings, which are reproductions of solid. ^ platinum rings. No. 1— Man's heavy Dlatin finish ring handsomely cai Large Reelike Diamond curely set in octagon shaped . top. $3.87. No. 2— Oriental Peacock Ring, sterling silver, 19 emeralds and sapphires ' feathers, rut eye in head. Rare beauty, Special $1.83 ner ring. Ob X sapphire ii ■ surrounded .. _4 Genuine Reelike Diamonds and triangular cloisennt enamels in each corner — productionof $750 ring, introductory price $4.83. No. 4~L,ady's solitaire. I arge Reellke Diamond set in platinum finished handsomely carved mounting. Only $3.27. SEND NO MONEY. Let us send you any ring for inspection. On arrival, pay \ postman price quoted. WE PREPAY f ALL POSTAGE. Keep ring 10 days and if not satisfied then, we will return 1 "k-jB =^ your money immediately. Order today _-~JKl — as special sale prices on these rings ro. may be withdrawn any day. FRANKLIN V, S^ JEWELRY CO.. 93A Nassau St., N.Y^ DIMPLES ! "Dear Ann: You can't imagine how happy I am since I sent for the Dolly Dimpler and now have the cutest dimples. All the girls envy me and the boys simply flock around me. You are my dearest friend and I want to see you happy, too; so Ann, take my advice: send for the Dolly Dimpler. You will be amazed at what a difference it will make. Everyone mentions how much prettier I am. Devotedly, Sonia." DOLLY DIMPLER is a simple, harmless, easily used device that produces fascinating dimples quickly. Beconunended by facial specialists. Absolutely harmless. Eesults positive. Jliss D. H. writes: "I am very pleased with results obtained from Dolly Dimpler. My sister has been using my Dimpler and she, too, is delighted." Clip the coupon below and send $1 for everything, including complete instructions, mailed sealed in plain wrapper, postage DOLLY ^^^ prepaid. Or sent C. O. D. for DIMPLER CO. ^^-^ S1-25 Address Dept C.,247McDanlel Street, ^--^ DOLLY DIMPLER CO. DAYTON. OHIO ^ D?rt«n (1 Herewith find $1 for the complete DOLLY UJyiOn.U. DIMPLER, with full instructions for use. Name (Print Plainly) h Address.. Mary Astor, Hope Hampton, and Harrison Ford in a scene from The Price of a Party Critical Paragraphs About New Productions (Continued from page 97) ness rival but falls in love with him after aiding him when she finds her employer trying to attack her sister. There are a few dramatic moments and some refreshing twists — and the mounting given the film is appropriately colorful. Hope Hampton looks real charming as the queen of the cabarets and she sports some startling costumes. She receives good support from Arthur Edmund Carew, Harrison Ford and Dagmar Godowsky. The Greatest Disappointment B$ Geo. B. Jenkins TAfHEN Lambert's wife left him, he managed to smile, tho he had been rather fond of her when they were married. Within a week, however, he had adjusted his life so that Margaret's exit left no mark. Shortly afterward, Wall Street took a whack at him, chopped off seventy-eight per cent, of his capitdl, and left him with such a meager income that he could not afford even a valet. Lambert chuckled zvhen he made this discovery, put his affairs in the hands of a trust, company, hopped into a roadster, and started West. In Ohio, he was informed by wire that he zvas named as a co-respondent in a divorce case of unusual sordidness. Tho he was as innocent of guilt as an oyster, he grinned. "Farewell, Reputation!" he murmured, and continued on his trip. When he arrived in Hollywood, he zvas hired as an extra in a moving picturefilm depicting "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Lambert was a slave. He worked one day before being fired because he hadn't a Roman nose. But Lambert knew that he was in the only scene that was taken that day. Six months later, Lambert arrived in New York. He had almost starved in the interim and in California, his funds were tied up by a court injunction, he had sold his car, but — he looked life nonchalantly in the face. That night he zvent to see the first shozving of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." After seeing the film, he went out on the street and threw himself in front of a trolley-car. He had appeared in one scene in the picture. And that scene had been cut out in the editing! Every advertisement in MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.