Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1924-Jan 1925)

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Advertising Section 0T10N PICTURI MAGAZINE tions. In the July issue of the Motion Picture Magazine the article, having for its purpose to make a mockery of the screen's latest interpretation of Three Weeks, was carried entirely too far, and was by no means upright on account of its harsh tone and its unfair judgment. I have yet to witness a picture flawless in every detail. "When the time comes that all things have attained perfection in all of their minute points, then the very world will stand still on its axis. The old axiom, "There is nothing new under the sun," could as truthfully have been "there is nothing perfect under the sun." It is variety and the constant striving for this state 'of perfection that makes life worth living, and the future of each of us interesting— not merely the assured monotonous certainty of one perfect thing after another to look forward to. I was not disappointed in this production and have heard many others say the same thing. I thought the fact that the love of the Princess was supposed to be spiritual rather than sexual for the Englishman, Paul, was more forcibly stressed than I imagined it was possible for it to be. I have seen many plots that I know were just as suggestive and shocking as Three Weeks, and certainly not by any means as well interpreted. Again let me say, tho the others in the cast chosen by Elinor Glyn were not so striking, do not condemn all in this picture because each individual did not appear cameo-like in his or her part. Remember, we are each of us human beings, actors and actresses as well as the rest of us. I think, however, some of the narrowminded prudes that inhabit this earth have the idea that actors and actresses, likewise directors and producers, are divine, gods and goddesses, and are therefore not capable of making mistakes, and should be blamed forever for every fault enacted. If all of Washington, D. C, is laughing and their merry mood is due to Three Weeks, why even they were benefited by this production, for if they are in the majority, like the one who so heartily deplored this picture, a hearty laugh will do them a great deal of good. I think Aileen Pringle was wonderful, and has the acting ability to become a big star in the silver-screen firmament. I also think, taking everything into consideration, Three Weeks was good ; evidently untold numbers (Continued on page 118) Enid Bennett gives a remarkable characterization of a degraded woman in The Red Lily I The Husband—" Your figure is perfect i?i that corset." His Wife—" 'Thai 's a great compliment, my dear; /haven't any on." Wives With Hips If s PLAY to Take INCHES Off the HIPS the MODERN Way! w H Y try to conceal broad hips ? Or to hide fleshy thighs ? It can V be done. But you can reduce every extra inch — every extra ounce. No wise woman under fifty need have "matronly" proportions. No woman who knows need ' 'confine' ' her figure. You can redistribute your weight with less effort — and with less expense— than resorting to corsetry and camouflage of dress. You can weigh tevergave and measure what you lines like these! should. Hips Six Inches Smaller in a Month Steady Reduction of 5 lbs a week Here's a method that has slenderized thousands. Women of all ages, maids and matrons, have used it and know. Use this remarkable method to dispel a double-chin in a few days. Make arms that have grown flabby firm within a week. Reduce large bust four inches in a fortnight. Bring waistline down to normal in a month. Slenderize hips you thought "hopeless." Mold heaviest thighs to shapeliness. Take off all excess fat, anywhere. Restore and keep a figure. Are these things really possible? Yes; and by a very pleasant process. Wallace reducingrecords give anyone with a phonograph absolute control of aveight. People try them for the fun of it — but they soon see real results ! For those simple little movements, irresistibly timed to music, soon dispose of superfluous flesh — every pound of it — at the rate of several pounds a week. Wallace reducing records offer a normal and natural way of growing slender.Tney are highly beneficial to the health. How much safer than anything to swallow! How much more sensible than bulky things to wear. Free Test of Get Thin to Music To find out what these records will do for you is a simple matter; a week's test will tell; this test is absolutely/?-^. If you would like to try one of the records Wallace has provided for this free demonstration of his famous reducing method, just mail this coupon : ■■ WALLACE ~M94) 630 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Please send me FREE and POSTPAID for a week's free trial the original Wallace Reducing Record. Name Address . City Read — "MOVIE ADVENTURES" — 15 cents WASH AWAY FAT AND YEARS OF AGE WITH La -Mar Reducing Soap The new discovery. Results quick and amazing — nothing internal to take. Reduce any part of body desired without affecting other parts. No dieting or exercising. Be as slim as you wish. Acts like magic in reducing double chin, abdomen, ungainly ankles, unbecoming wrists, arms and shoulders, large breasts or any superfluous fat on body. Sold direct to you by mail, postpaid, on a money-back guarantee. Price 50c a cake or three cakes for $1.00; one to three cakes usually accomplish its purpose. Send cash or money-order today. You'll be surprised at results. LA-MAR LABORATORIES 504 K Beckman Building, Cleveland, O. When you write to advertisers please mention MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE.