Motion Picture Magazine (Feb-Jul 1925)

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<T«SRE Advertising Section She is Tours 3%. Master? 'ICK at heart the trembling girl » shuddered at the words that delivered her to this terrible fate of the East. How could she escape from this Oriental monster into whose hands she had been given — this mysterious man of mighty power whose face none had yet seen? Here is an extraordinary situation. What was to be the fate of this beautiful girl ? Who was this strange emissary whom no one really knew ? To know the answer to this and the most exciting tales of Oriental adventure and mystery ever told, read on through the thrilling, absorbing, and fascinating pages of the MASTERPIECES of ORIENTAL MYSTERY By SAX ROHMER 1 1 Superb Volumes Written with his uncanny knowledge of things Oriental. THESE are no ordinary detective stories. The hidden secrets, mysteries and intrigues of the Orient fairly leap from the pages. Before your eyes spreads a swiftly moving panorama that takes you breathless from the high places of society — from homes of refinement and luxury, to sinister underworlds of London and the Far East — from Picadilly and Broadway to incredible scenes behind idol temples in far off China — from hidden cities in the jungles of Malay along strange paths to the very seat of Hindu sorcery. 11 Mystery Volumes Packed with Thrills! Be the first in your community to own these, the most wonderful Oriental mystery stories ever published — books that have sold by the hundred thousand at much higher prices — books you will enjoy reading over and over again. Handsomely bound in substantial cloth covers, a proud adornment for your table or shelf. A constant source of enjoyment at less cost than any other form of entertainment. IPKjf! WING TO»GU£ Forget your Troubles — Relax — Enjoy Yourself! These are the sort of stories that President Wilson, Roosevelt and other great men read to help them relax — to forget their burdens. To read these absorbing tales of the mysterious East is to cast your worries into oblivion— to increase your efficiency many times over. Extraordinary Offer — Don't Wait a Minute! 4 Printing these volumes by the hundred thou 4 sand when paper was cheap makes this low v ^ price possible. Only a limited number "V* v left. Don't lose a minute! J!* ^ 'A Send No Money— l^&JU. the Free Examination Coupon &cy Stone & Today Sure ! Read them. -*A£? MacKenzIe, TEN DAYS FREE, w,thout &£r 30 Irvine Place, a penny down. Beautiful Book-Ends FREE New York A LIMITED quantity on hand of beauti ful sphinx polychrome book-ends IF YOU ACT o <yT © prepaid, your special NOW WrW A* * 08rlL°ti,mm\8ts?et"?n ?f 1 vV" Cj handsomely bound cloth _ volumes. If after 10 days' V'^y' free examination I am con "J& vinced theyare the most extra >>• <V ordinary, most fascinating Ori w inches high), will be sent absolutely VgT ental mystery stories I have ever FREE as a premium for prompt "V ^ read and are easily worth twice the •.A«o nrifh *-ti« -fir^*. *~A~~r. *v«m *fc> a price, I will keep the books and send ness with the first orders 'rom AyA you Si.oo promptly and $1 00 a month this Ad. After your free ex -fe fr* for only 12 months ; when you receive nminnrim inct mail vmir a. C^ my first payment you are to send me animation just man your .^> O promptly, absolutely free, two beautiful first instalment within ten 1?^.. polychrome sphinx book-ends. Otherwise, I day s — but send *. i*V w1"'1 return the set within 10 days of receipt the coupon to J?f* at yo-v Jay sure ! McKINLAY, STONE & MACKENZIE Dept. H, 30 IRVING PLACE, NEW YORK, N.Y. £* jr Address. Occupation. me nothing. Name examination to cost NO SELLING NO BUYING NO RED TAPE t We want 100.000 new owners and boosters of ARTEX DIAMONDS and we are ready to distribute these gems absolutely FREE to the first 100.000 names we receive. We are making this unusual offer only to get ARTEX DIAMONDS into the bands Oi appreciative friends. ARTEX DIAMONDS are full 24 facet cut and Of such radiant beauty that even experts are astounded at their likeness to the genuine. You, too, can become the proud owner of an ARTEX. DIAMOND — and at no cost to you. Just write your name and address plainly on a piece of paper and slip it with 10c in coin or stamps (to help partly cover cost of handling) in an envelope, and get it right off to us. Your "ARTEX DIAMOND" will reach you by return mail fully prepaid. ARTEX CO., Dept . 212, 1133 Broadway. New York City, N. Y. IS JEWELED 30DAYSFREE TR/AL PLATINUM STYLE GENUINE TONNEAU SHAPE WRIST WATCH. Case is 14K white Hold filled, small size and beautifully hand engraved. Silk grosicrain ribbon band with engraved clasp. Guaranteed hiuh RTade IS Jeweled movement. Adjusted, regulated, perfect time-keeper. SEND NO MONEY Just send name and address When watch arrives;, deposit with Postman only $4.20. You have 30 days' free trial to convince 'of its Jjerfecttime-keepinjr. If you keep watch, send only $2 a month for ive months; full price only $14.20. 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL You do not buy this watch unless youare ibsolutely pleased with its appearance, time-keeping' and service. If for whatever reason, you are not thoroughly satisfied, return watch within 30 days— jour deposit wil' be promptly refunded and you lose nothing. Order yours DOW. 154 Nassau Street Dept. 0-12, New York GUARANTY WATCH CO., What the Stars Are Doing {Continued from page 123) Starke, Pauline — will have the feminine lead in The Devil's Cargo — E. P. L. Stedman, Myrtle — recently completed work in // I Ever Marry Again — F. N. Stewart, Anita — and company have just returned from Tahiti where they have filmed some of the scenes of Ne'er the Twain Shall Meet — C. Stone, Lewis — playing in Cheaper to Marry — M. G. M. Swanson, Gloria — has almost completed her work in Madame Sans Gene — F. P. L. Her next picure will be The Coast of Folly. Allan Dwan, who will direct the picture, has already sailed for France where the exteriors will be filmed. Sweet, Blanche — playing in The Sporting Venus — M. G. M. Talmadge, Constance — playing in Learning to Lovc—F. N. Talmadge, Norma — recently completed work in The Lady— F. N. Talmadge, Richard — playing in Laughing at Danger— F. B. O. Taylor, Estelle — playing in Playthings of Desire. Tearle, Conway — has been engaged to play opposite Madge Kennedy in The Ultimate Good — A. E. Tellegen, Lou — cast as Lupine, leader of the apaches, in The Redeeming Sin — V. Terry, Alice — playing in Kings in Exile — M. G. M. Theby, Rosemary — added to the cast of The Recreation of Brian Kent — P. P. Thurman, Mary — playing in His Woman — W. B. Torrence, David — playing in Judgment — F. X. Torrence, Ernest — playing Captain Hook in Peter Pan— F.F.L. . V Vale, Vola — playing Betty Bond in The Mirage — R. P. Valentino, Rudolph— has just left for California to start work on his first R. C. production, The Scarlet Power. It was necessary for him to wear a beard thru part of this picture. Valli, Virginia — playing in a screen version of Owen Davis's play. Up the Ladder — U. Varconi, Victor — playing in The Golden Bed — F P. L. Vaughn, Alberta — appears opposite George O'Hara in The Go-Getters— F. B. O. Vidor, Florence — portraying a spoiled daughter of a rich broker in The Girl of Gold — R. P. Von Eltz, Theodore — playing in Thin Ice — YV. B. w Walker, Johnny — has been engaged to play opposite Allene Ray in Galloping Hoofs. Walthall, Henry — playing the gay young blade in The Golden Bed—F. P. L. Washburn, Bryant — has been added to the cast of The Wizard of Oz—C. P. Welch, Niles — playing the leading male r&le in Fear-bound — V. Williams, Earle — playing in The Adventurous Sex —A. E. Williams, Kathlyn — upon completing work in William de Mille's Locked Doors — F. P. £., she will leave for a four months' trip to the Orient. Wilson, Lois — is cast as a young woman who owns and manages a newspaper in a small town. She has the only female part in Contraband — F. P. L. Windsor, Claire — playing in Dixie — M. G. M. Wong, Anna May — playing in Peter Pan— F. P. L. Worthing, Helen Lee — playing Wanda von Gluck in The Swan — F. P. L. Key to Abbreviations A. A. — Associated Arts. A. C. — Al Christie Productions. A. E. — Associated Exhibitors. A. P. — Allied Productions. B. — Banner Productions. B. F. S.— B. F. Schulberg Productions. C. C. B— C. C. Burr. C. P. — Cosmopolitan Productions. D. VV. G— D. W. Griffith. E. S. — Ernest Shipman. F. P. L. — Famous Players-Laskv. F. B. O— Film Booking Offices. F. N. — First National. H. P. — Halperin Productions. H. S. — Hunt Stromberg. I. P. — Inspiration Pictures. M. G. M. — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. P. P. — Principal Pictures. P. D. C. — Producers Distributing Corporation. R. P. — Regal Productions. T. H. I.— Thomas H. Ince. U. — Universal. V. — Yitagraph. W. B. — Warner Brothers. W. B— Whitman Bennett. W. F— William Fox. 126 Every advertisement in MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE is guaranteed.