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In ^Q
^Because They W 'ere the One,
V\(orma Shearer and Irving Thalberg
Chose to Tfemain the Other
ND what about the multitudes that turned out to greet you at the boat and the railroad station, and to storm the doors of your hotel? You haven't said anything about them!"
"Well, you see, we didn't send out any advance publicity, or try to get them worked up in any way; so — there just weren't any."
Thus Norma Shearer and her — er, pardon, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Thalberg— established something of a new. precedent on their honeymoon tour through Europe.
A new precedent that was caused only by an unfortunate oversight, an oversight that soured the cream of their pleasure, and so made the whole trip less enjoyable than it might otherwise have been ? Not at all! — the thing really seems to have been intentional! Strange as it may seem, it appears that here is a real movie couple that did not look upon a triumphal procession as an element necessary to the full enjoyment of the first days of their married bliss.
"We were just a plain mister and missus. Just newly-weds honestly enjoying each other's company more than anything else in the whole trip — even though those other things were so marvelous. And the less time we had to give to functions, the more we would have to ourselves. Why — that's just simple arithmetic!"
JUST a bit too simple for some of our blase sophisticates. But even the best intentions show an occasional lapse when it comes to putting them in action. Even this strange incognito had its equally strange interludes. Though Gibraltar, Morocco, and the Riviera were unpubhcized, and thus unsinging, there was the gala opening of "Tell It To The Marines" in Naples. And the trip to Sorrento.
Miss Shearer related the incident:
"The affair at the opening was really Sid Grauman's fault, the fault of the habits he has gotten us into — the habit of dressing to outshine any conceivable competitor.
If sweets to the sweet, then why not bergs to the berg? This mayhave suggested to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Thalberg that they make Heidelberg one of their main objectives on their honeymoon tour of Europe. At the left is Mrs. Thalberg as Mrs. Thalberg, complete with husband ; and above as her professional self, Norma Shearer
"Openings in Italy aren't like that at all. Everyone goes in quite ordinary clothes. But I didn't know that; I thought they were the same as here, and so wore my best — even to an ermine wrap. And when people wondered who I was, the manager turned showman!"
So when the lights went up, she had to rise and make her bow — and she admits frankly that she did enjoy this short taste of a spice she had denied herself so as not to dilute the sweets that were her main diet at the time.
Sweets to the sweet ? — this time it was every sweetie for himself! Norma's husband is not — just another one of those things.
"He's my boss here — and he proved his right then. And by the simple trick of standing out beside me and raising his hand in the Fascist salute. He stole the show — you never heard such an uproar!"
A star went into eclipse that time.
But she got her revenge at Sorrento, when it was only she whom the hotel management asked {Continued on page 98)