Motion Picture Magazine (Aug 1928-Jan 1929)

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Advice to the Love Life Lorn Since the beginning of the LoveLife Story Series in Motion Picture we have received innumerable protests from readers about the difficulties of obtaining copies of the magazine It seems the newsdealer is sold out almost before he has time to get behind his counter on the morning of the 28th of the month Motion Picture has been petitioned, indeed, to have Congress enact a law forbidding the beginning of sales of the magazine before 6 o'clock in the morning, so that the average alert reader can have a fighting chance to get a copy This Motion Picture has been loath to do. The granting of its request, of course, would come quite as a matter of form. But it feels that the responsibility rests with the reader rather than with the dealer. The merchant of magazines has to observe the policy of first come, first served. He cannot discriminate But he can do this: he can reserve a copy for you. And he will. Tell him before the 28th that you want a Motion Picture held for you on the 28th. And he'll have it. And you'll have it It's the one way to insure your getting the next — the February — issue, in which there's another sensational Love-Life Story and a host of other features of equal interest. Motion Picture It's the Magazine of Authority An alligator pair of a sort rarely seen even in California: Its members are Blanche Le Clair, at the wheel; and Gwen Lee, in the rumble seat Wanted: A Husband {Continued from page 6j) wife should be even asked to bear it." She tilted her pretty chin and her chameleon eyes, reflecting the color of her modish green sport frock, snapped green fire. she'll BE WHAT HE WANTS " /^\H, the poor man!" she rippled into V-/ laughter. "Don't you pity him? I can't stand a jellyfish, so I haven't a doubt in the world that if my husband insisted on smoking cigars — even the very horrible ropey kind — I wouldn't say a word. Anything rather than have the type of meek husband who murmurs, 'Whatever you say, dear; you know best.' " He shouldn't be bossy, though, nor come poking into my affairs. That 'Where were you five o'clock Thursday' stuff doesn't go with me. Neither husband nor wife should, pry into one another's business. Me, I'm just naturally big-hearted; I tell all I know and can't imagine having anything to hide from one I love. "Oh, I do hope he won't crave the wide open spaces." Marcel ine clasped her two hands girlishly about one bare brown knee. "I hate roughing it. Picnics, you know, where the ants, spiders and snakes have such a grand time. If I travel by auto, I like to stay in hotels overnight, not camp out under the stars with the bears and cougars. Give me a yacht for ocean travel, not a fishing smack. "I'm not the athletic type myself, but if he wants to play golf or tennis, swim or ride and prefers me to do it with him, I will. I think a wife should study her husband and make him happy if it kills her. I've heard men say they wanted to find their wives at home to welcome them and others seem to prefer the women who keep them guessing, who remain mysteries. But that's the woman's business; she should find out what he wants and be it. they'll support their mother " /^\F course, she should never be careless v>/ in her appearance, but I think it makes for a lot of unnecessary woe if the girl never lets the man see her as she really is before marriage. If all during the engagement, he glimpses her dressed up all smiles and sweetness, isn't he going to feel cheated the first time she cries or grouches after the wedding?" Marceline feels that a wife cannot have a career and a happy marriage. It must be all or nothing. "You can't divide yourself into two parts," she says. The two little Day girls, Alice and Marceline, have been saving toward an annuity for their mother, "because mother wouldn't want to be dependent on our husbands." " It doesn't matter to me whether my husband is an actor or not, but naturally I'd understand a professional man better than I would one in business," Marceline decided, crinkling her smooth forehead. "Having been in pictures myself, his love scenes on the screen wouldn't worry me. In fact, I'd know that a man almost has to have light love affairs with his leading ladies to get the best out of the scenes together. A girl has to be broad-minded about things like that. "Why can't a husband and wife be friends?" she suddenly demanded. "Live like two pals. Consider one another. The whole secret of happy living together lies in thinking before you speak; don't say the thing that will hurt the other. PRIZE-FIGHTS PERMISSIBLE " TF he comes home tired and wants to stay A in and she is feeling peppy, never mind; it is her pleasure and joy to stay at home with him. If they are both ready to go out for a jolly time, all well and good. "Another thing, if he wants to go to the fights, for heaven's sake, let him! Don't fuss. Why, I've heard married girls whose husbands phoned they were going to the fights; I've heard the girls say: 'I don't believe him; he's going out with some girl.' It's enough to make him do it, being suspected like that. You don't doubt a man when you're engaged ; why should you after marriage? No man whose wife really trusted him would betray her. "Loyalty is a big thing. It's cruel for either one to criticize the other in public. If he or she has a complaint, make it in private, and then as sweetly as possible. One of the screen's finest actresses is my ideal of a wife. I was lunching with her and her husband the other day and he told a story of something that happened on the set. '"Why, Bill dear, he didn't say that — ' she began, impulsively. " Bill promptly started in to argue and she said gently: ' I'm sure you're right, dear.' I 112 L