Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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A Finished Product ACH STANDARD PRINT is a finished product. Each one is perfectly waxed and needs no further attention by distributor or exhibitor. The assembled pieces are so welded together that each reel is one continuous filrtf, not a collection of varying lengths imperfectly patched together. This service means much both to distributors and showmen. It means that STANDARD PRINTS are ready for the projection room when they leave our plant. rANDARD SERVICE is as dependable as STANDARD PRINTS. The excellence of our work is as definitely assured as the promptness with which each daily consignment of film arrives at the studio for inspection, by producer, director and cinematographer. The foremost'producers of the West relying upon STANDARD FILM LABORATORIES are getting a new conception of laboratory co-operation, just as distributors are getting tangible proof of the superiority of STANDARD PRINTS. 4366 Hollywood, Cali/brnia W im .laniiicai mi mi man in ll IB l 1 llllinillllllSllllllluailillllllllllll