Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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1374 Motion Picture A: c zv s "Big Box Office B US "You lay a hand on her and I'll croak you !" H ERE'S A WIRE FROM ONE EXHIBITOR! A. G. Clapp, manager of The Sonora Theatre, Sonora, Calif., after showing " Mighty Lak a Rose " wired First Actional as follows: " Through the kindness of Edwin Carewe I had the pleasure of showing his latest picture to the people of Sonora Tuesday evening. I have had more good comments on this picture than anyother I have ever shown. Most people say it is the best I have ever had while some say it is the best they have ever seen. All agree that it is a wonderful picture and wonderful entertainment. My personal opinion is that here is a picture that will make every exhibitor more friends than any picture he has shown in a long time for it is real entertainment in every sense of the word. I want you to give me a date on it as soon as possible as every one here is talking about it and wants to see it again." Edwin Carewe s