Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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March 24, 1923 1491 . Chicken Parade, Tha Jimmy Aubrey ....Vitagraph 2 reels. ..Scat 2 J Chooae Your Weapon*. . Bobby Vernon . . . . Educational 2 reels... Nov. 11 I Cbop Sucy Doiotny Devora . . . Educational 2 reel*... Nov. ii Christmas Carter DeHavens ..Film Book:. Uthces..2 reels.. .Dec. 30 I City Chap, The AL St. John Pox 2 reels i Coal Dust Twins Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel i Cobbler, The Children Pathe 2 reels... Feb. 17 jj Cold Turkey Matt ft Jeff Cart'n. Fox >a reel i Counter Jumper, The.... Lairy Scmon Vitagraph 2 reels il Court Plastered Mun ft Jell Cart'n. . Fox y> reel I Crash .Junmie Adama ...Educational 1 reel. ...Not. It | Cupid's Elephant Fox 2 reels (Cured Qucenie (horse) ..Universal 2 reels... Nov. 4 | Cyclist, The Clyde Cook Fox 2 reels | Dandy Dan Fox 2 reels ! Day by Day in Every Way C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels ■ Day Dreams Buster Keaton ...First National 2 reels | Uevihah Dragon, Th*. . . Saxg'i Almanac ...Educational 1 reel | Diary ot a Nut Lee-Bradlord-S. K. . 1 reel jl Dig Up Snub Pollard Paine 2 reels.. -Jan. 20 1 Dog done Dsy, A Lewis Sargent ....Universal 1 reel ' Dog's Paradise, A Aesop's Fables. ... Patbe 2/3 reel |l Doing 'Em Good Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel {{ Don't Say Die Paul Pacrott Pathe 1 reel < Double Iroubie Lee Elds Fox f reels... Jan. 13 Ii Down In Dixie Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n. Fox y, reel M Do Your Stuff Paul Parrott Pathe I reel Mar. 3 I Dumb Waiters, lbs SmithWilliams ...C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels Easy Pic km Jack Richardson ..East Coaat-S. K 2 reels. . .Sept. 23 ,| Easy Terms Neely Edwards ...Universal I reel . • Educator, The Lloyd Hamilton . . Educational 2 reels... Dec. 30 Egg, The Stan Laurel Metro 2 reels.. . .Feb. 3 atlectric Hoasa, The. ... Buster Eeaton ....First National 2 reels... Nov. 4 Elephant's Irunk, The. .Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reel. . Nov. * Enchanted Fiddle, The. . Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel I Entertaining the Boas-. Carter DeHavena ..Film Book. Offices.. 2 reels.. -Jan. 20 Extra, Extra Lloyd Hamilton ..Educational 2 reels... Feb. 24 F»ble ol Hated Rivals... Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reels Face the Camera Paal Parrott Pathe 1 reel , Faint Hearts Murray Andexson Hodkinson 2 reels I Fair Week Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Dec. 21 I Fallen Archers Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n. Fox Va reel Farm Follies Universal 2 reela II Fearless Fido Aesop's Fables ....Pathe 1/3 reel 1 Fire Chief, The Dan Mason Film Book. Offices.. 2 reels I Fire Figbter, The Dan Mason Film Book.. Offices.. 2 reels... Nov. ii Fire Fighters ..Children Pathe 2 reels ' Fire the Fireman Paul Parrott Patne 2 reels.. .Dec. 30 I First Flivver, The Sarg's Almanac ..Educational 1 reel I Fisherman's Jinx, A.... Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Flivver, The Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Nov. 25 Fool For Luck, A Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Foolish Live* Lee Moran Universal 2 reels J For Rent — Haunted ...Johnny Jones ....Pathe 2 reels i] Fortune Hunter, The. .. Aesop's Fables Pathe 2/3 reel.. Dec. 23 ' Pour Orphans, The Murray Anderson McEee Hodkinson 2 reels i Fresh Fish Earl Hurd Cartoon. Educational 1 reel.. ..Oct 7 | Fresh Heir, The Fox 2 reels Fresh Kid, The Fox-Gregory Universal 2 reels.. -Dec. 9 1 Friday, the 13th Aesop's Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Prog and Catfish, The.. Aesop's Fables Pathe • 2/3 reel ; Full o' Pep SmithWilliams . . . C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels i Ginger Face Johnny Fox Universal 2 reels > Glad Rags Bull Montana ....Metro 2 reels j Gliders. The Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Golf Larry Semon Vitagraph 2 reels Golf Bug, The Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Oct. 28 Good Scout, A Educational 2 reels... Dec. 30 i Great Pearl Hunt, The.. Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Hangin' Around Monty Banks . . . . Federated-S. R 2 reels... Feb. 24 I Harvest Hands Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Nov. IB I Haunted Castle, The Educational 1 reel I Haunted House, The Fox 2 reels I Hazel From Hollywood. Dorothy Devore ..Educational 2 reels. .. .Jan. 13 I Hee Hawl Trimble 4 Maud. . Universal 2 reels I Heeza Liar and Ghost.. Hodkinson 1 reel ! Heeza Liar'a Treasure Island Hodkinson 1 reel Hello Judge Lee Moran Universal t reels Henpecked Harry Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel... Oct. 28 i Henry's Busted Romance Aesop's Fables Pathe 2/3 reel 1 High and Dry Clyde Cook Fox 2 reels High Flyers Smith-Williams . . . C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels High Power Lige Conley Educational 2 reels... Dec. 1 His First Job Lewis Sargent Universal i reel Oct. 14 Hoboes de Luxe Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel Hold Tight Educational 2 reels. . .Mar. 3 Holy Smoke Sid Smith C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels Home Made Movies. ... Ben Turpin First National 2 reels Home Plate, The Lee Moran Universal 2 reels Hook, Line and Sinker.. Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels... Nov. 18 Hula Honeymoon, A... Henry Murdock ..Educational 2 reels... Feb. 17 Hurry Up Educational 1 reel I'll Take Vanilla Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Dec. 9 In Dutch Bobby Vernon Educational 2 reels... Dec. 9 jailed and Bailed Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Feb. 17 Jim Jams Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n. Fox Vj reel Jungle Romeo, A Snooky Educational 2 reels.. .Mar. 17 Just a Little Late Club, The Second National ...1 reel Dec. 30 Just Dogs Universal t reels Keep 'Em Home Carter DeHavens .. Film Book. Office. ..2 reels Kickin' Fool, Tha Maude (mule) Univeraal 2 reels Kids and Skida Lee Kids Fox 2 reela Landlubber, The Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Sept. 23 Laramie and Me Leo Maloney Clark-Cornelius-S. R.2 reels Lazy Bones Clyde Cook Fox 2 reels Let 'Er Run Dorothy Devore ..Educational t reels. . .Sept. 30 Look Out Below Lige Conley Educational 2 reels.. .Aug. 19 Loose Tight-Wad, A... Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Feb. 17 Love Drops Neely Edwards ...Universal i reel Dec. » Maid to Order Lewis Sargent ....Universal 1 reel Man Tracker Leo Maloney Clark-Cornelius-S. R.2 reels Man Who Laughed, The Aesop's Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Matinee Idles Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel Me and My Mules Queenie (horse) ..Universal 2 reels Model Messenger, A.... Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Mr. Hyppo Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Jan. 20 Mud and Sand Stan Laurel Metro 2 reels My Hero Lupino Lane Fox 2 reels My Mistake SmithWilliams ...C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels Mysterious Hat, The ... Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Wearing the End Mutt ft Jeti Cart'n. Fox y, reel Newly Rich . Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels. ..Dec. 9 New Mama. The Smith-Williams ...C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels m TkCjj" ' ' cioyd Hamilton ..Educational 2 reels. ...Jan. 13 No Wedding Bells Larry Semon Vitagraph 2 reels... Feb. 10 Nuisance. The Murray Anderson-Hodkinson 2 reels. ..Feb. 17 McKee °"a° SZeU\ Neal Burns Educational 2 reels... Oct. 28 OB the Earth... Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel Ogling Ogre, The Sarg's Almanac . . . Educational 1 reel X,J ..teA "VJ Jimmy Adams Educational 1 reel Mar. 3 Old Sea Dog, The Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels Pnce Over Jimmle Adams Educational 2 reels... Dec. 30 Once Over ... faul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Once to Every Boy Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Oct. 28 One Terrible Day Children pathe 2 reels °,uch' Jimmie Adams ...Educational 1 reel Jan. 20 Our Gang Children p.the 2 reels... Nov. 4 Out on Bail Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel Out of Order Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel .. . Out ol Place Al. 8t. John Fox 2 reels .. .. Out o' My Way Leo Maloney Clark-Corneliua-8. R.2 reels Pardon My Glove Bobby Vernon Educational 2 reela... Sept 23 Paste and Paper Paul Parrott Pathe ..1 reel Jan. 13 Peanuts Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Peg o the Movie. Baby Peggy Universal 2 reels Pest of the Storm Country Louise Fazenda ..Educational 2 reels... Feb. 10 Pirate, 1 he Lupino Lane Fox 2 reela Pitter Patter Jimmie Adama Educational 1 reel Nov. 18 Pleasant Journey, A Children Pathe 2 reels Please Be Caretml. . . . . . gox 2 reela. .. Sept. 30 Pleasure Before Businessjack Cooper Universal 2 reels Poor Fish, A j,ox 2 rcel, Pop Tuttle, Deteckatlv*. Dan Mason Film Book. Offices. .2 reels... Feb. * Pop Tuttle's Clever catch Dan Mason Pilm Book. Offices. . 2 reels Pop Tuttle s U r a a a •Vidow Dan Mason Film Book. Offices.. 2 reels Pop Tuttle s Long Shot. Dan Mason Film Book. Offices . 2 reels Pop Tuttle's Movie Queen Dan Mason Film Book. Offices..! reels. .. Sept. 16 Pop Tuttle's Pole Cat Plot Dan Mason Film Book. Offices.. 2 reels... Mar. 17 Punctured Prince, A. . . . Bull Montana Metro 2 reels.. .Oct. *e Puppy Love Fox 2 reela Quiet Street, A Children Pathe 2 reels... Dec. 30 Radio Hound, The Brownie (dog) ....Universal 2 reels... Oct. 7 Rail Birds Neely Edwards ...Univeraal 1 reel Railroading Earl Hard Cart'n. . Educational 1 reel Dec. 2 Raisin and a Cake of Yeast, A Aesop Fables Pathe 2/3 reel Ranch Romeo, Ta* Fox 2 reels Red Hot Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n .Fox . . y, reel Rice and Old Shoes Carter DeHavena ..Film Book. Offices. 2 reels Rides and Slides Fox 2 reels Riding the Goat Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n .Fox y, reel Ringer For Dad, A Carter DeHavens. . Film Book. Offices. . 2 reels Ring Tail Romance, A Educational 2 reels Rip Snoring Night, A... Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Rob 'Em Good Bull Montana ....Metro 2 reels Rolling Stone, A Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reels Romantic Mouse, The. .. Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reels Rookies Brownie (dog) ...Universal 2 reels Feb. a Rough Winter, A Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels... Feb. 3 Saturday Morning Children Pathe 2 reela... Dec. 2 Second Childhood Bobby Vernon ...Educational 2 reels... Feb. 3 Sheik, The Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reel Shine 'Em Up Paul Parrott Universal 1 reel Nov. 4 Shiver and Shake Paul Parrott Universal 1 reel.... Oct. 21 Shoot Straight Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel.... Mar. 17 Skipper's Sermon, The.. Dan Mason Educational 2 reels... Oct. 14 Small Town Derby, A.. Johnny Fox-Maude. Universal 2 reels Smarty Buddy Messinger. . Universal 2 reels Soak the Sheik Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Social Error, A Murray Anderson McKee Hodkinson 2 reels Some Family Lee Moran Universal 2 reels Some Service Neely Edwards. ... Universal 1 reel Speed Boy, The Lewis Sargent Universal 1 reel Speeder, The Lloyd Hamilton ..Educational 2 reels. .Sept 23 Spider and the Fly Aesop's Fables ...Pathe 2/3 reel Spirit of '23, The Smith-Williams ...C. B. C.-S. R i reels Spooky Romance, A Universal 2 reels Spuds ...Lewis Sargent ...Universal 1 reel Squirrelville Circus Lee-Bradford-8. R...1 reel Squirrelville'a Family Album Lee-Bradford-8. R...1 reel Steeplechase Mutt ft Jeff Cart'n. Fox y^ reel Steeplechaser, The Lige Conley Educational 2 reels Oct. 7 Step Lively Please Fox 2 reels Still Going Strong Smith-Williams . . . C. B. C.-S. R 2 reels Sting "Em Sweet Brownie (dog) ...Universal 2 reels Stone Age Romeo, A... Aesop's Fables. .. .Pathe 2/3 reel Stung Johnny Jones Pathe 2 reels... Jan. 13 Sunny Gym Brownie Universal 2 reels Sweet and Pretty Brownie Universal 2 reels Sweetie Baby Peggy Universal 2 reels... Feb. 24 Sweet Thirteen Gloria Joy Film Book, Offices . 2 reels Tailor-Made Chauffeur. . Smith-Williams . . . C. B. C.-S. R t reels Take a Tip Tweedy Sanford-S. R 2 reels Tattle Tail, The Brownie (dog) ...Universal 2 reels... Feb. 17 Tea N. Tea Jimmie Adams ....Educational 1 reel.... Jan. 13 Tenderfoot Luck Jimmy Aubrey ...Vitagraph 2 reels Terrible Tree, The Sarg's Almanac ...Educational 1 reel Feb. 3 Test, The Leo Maloney Clark-Cornelius-S. R.2 reels That Son of a Sheik Neal Burns Educational 2 reels. .. Sept. 23 Their First Vacation Carter DeHavens.". Film Book, Offices.. 2 reels. . .Sept. it Their Steady Job Neely Edwards ...Univeraal 1 reel Three Hundred SixtyFive Days Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels Dec. 9 Three O'Clock in the Morning Tweedy Sanford-S. R 2 reels Tight Shoes Paul Parrott Pathe 1 reel Feb. 24 Tin Bronco, The Fox 2 reels Tin Nights in a Hallroom C B. C.-S. R 2 reels To and Fro Neely Edwards ...Universal 1 reel Toonerville Topics Dan Mason Educational 2 reels Tough Winter, A Snub Pollard Pathe 2 reels Town Terrors/ The Lee Kids Fox 2 reels Traveling Salesman, Tha Aesop's Fables . . . Pathe 2/3 reel