Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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1544 Motion Picture News Select Will Expand Distribution L. J. Selznick Withdraws from Active Interest in Reorganized Company in WC. J. Doolittle, active member of the reorganization committee of * five which is in control of the destinies and policies of the associated Selznick motion picture corporations, this week issued the following important statement, which is of paramount interest in view of various conflicting rumors in circulation regarding the future of these concerns : " The committee has decided that, because of the excellent manner in which the affairs of the companies are shaping themselves, there is no move that could seriously be considered but the continuance in very active business of the various Selznick corporations and the development along greatly enlarged lines of what we are convinced is one of the finest selling machines in the industry — the Select Pictures Corporation. " Select in the past has confined itself to the distribution of Selznick pictures. We have decided to take on for distribution all meritorious independent product available. I may say in this connection that we have several deals pending, and that there are three in particular — each for a series of from four to eight specials yearly — which will probably be closed within the course of a week or ten days. " The entire Select exchange system remains intact. The personnel remained loyal and undisturbed throughout the recent crisis, which has been passed so successfully. Due principally to the ability, the confidence, the loyalty of our sales staff, I expect extremely big things from Select during the coming year. " Lewis J. Selznick will not be actively interested in the administration of the reorganized company. General Manager John S. Woody, whom I believe to be one of the most capable and brilliant men in the industry to day, continues in complete charge of distribution. " Mr. Woody will be aided and abetted by a reorganized home office staff. I am holding daily conferences with Mr. Woody and the department heads. This group of men, which I term our ' Cabinet,' includes J. E. McDermott, Treasurer; E. J. Doolittle, Export Manager; David R. Blyth, Assistant General Manager; C. C. Ryan, Purchasing Agent; M. J. Walsh, Manager of the Film Department, and L. F. Guimond, Director of Advertising and Publicity. " There can be no doubt whatever but that the business today needs a well-organized channel of distribution for those many independent producers who certain concerns are attempting to force to the wall. The new and greater Select, with its twenty-five live-wire exchanges, will fill that need. " The decks are cleared for action. Watch Select forge ahead." Metro to Distribute I nee Film "Soul of the Beast" Metro Pictures Corporation announces the completion of arrangements with Thomas H. Ince to distribute the latter's recent production, " Soul of the Beast," based on a circus story by C. Gardner Sullivan, with Madge Bellamy and Cullen Landis in the featured roles. John Griffith Wray directed the production. One of the features of the picture is said to be the work of a trained elephant, " Oscar," which plays a prominent role in the dramatic action of the story, which is built up around circus life. Noah Beery, Lincoln Stedman and Viola Vale are also cast in prominent roles. Hoot Gibson in three scenes of " Single Handed," a Universal Picture Harold Lloyd Wins Popularity Contest Harold Lloyd, first; Rodolph Valentino, second; Douglas Fairbanks, third. That is the result of completed returns in the film fan voting contest conducted by the Milwaukee Sentinel to determine who is the favorite screen star. In its summary of the contest the Sentinel report says: " Harold Lloyd, he of the large glasses and the perpetual smile, came from behind with a rush, and won by a good margin over all the other good looking actor men. Rodolph Valentino, the great sheik, who had been hanging onto the lead like a bulldog to a tramp, could not stand Harold's pace in the last days, and fell to second place. Douglas Fairbanks held onto third place grimly." A list of fifty-seven male stars received votes; women stars, forty-four, with Priscilla Dean winning, Norma Talmadge, second, and Katherine MacDonald, third. Scenes from " Slander the Woman," starring Dorothy Phillips, a First National Attraction. Burr Loans Johnny Hines to Warner Brothers By a special arrangement with C. C. Burr president of the Mastodon Films, Inc. Johnny Hines will make one picture for Warner Brothers. This is to be filmed dur ing the period between the making of th Hines melocomedy features for the Mr. Burr " Little Johnny Jones " is to be the featur in which Hines will star and which is to made by the Warner Brothers. Hines has just completed his latest mel comedy feature " Luck " and was contempla ing a rest of several weeks before star' work on his next feature for Mastodon. With in two weeks Hines will pack up and leave fo the Warner Brothers' Coast studios.