Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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March 31, 1923 1545 A group of scenes from " Crashin' Through," the most recent F. B. O. photoplay starring Harry Carey. Five Universal Features for April Release Schedule Also Includes Adaptation of Jack London's "Abysmal Brute" Three Cosmopolitan Films on B'way Easter Week THE COSMOPOLITAN CORPORATION will be well represented on Broadway East Week. Easter Sunday, April 1, will mark the opening of three screen productions made under the Cosmopolitan banner in leading houses along the Rialto. The three Cosmopolitan productions which will make their Broadway bow on Easter Sunday are: "Enemies of Women," which will be presented as a super special for an indefinite run at the Central theatre; "The Go Getter," which will have its premiere at the Rialto, and " The Nth Commandment," which will be presented at the Rivoli theatre. The showing of "Enemies of Women" at the Central on Eastern Sunday will be the nature of a special invitation presentation. The world's premier for the public will be staged on Monday, April 2. The interior of the house is to be redecorated on a lavish scale by Joseph Urban for the engagement of the picture. Ziegfeld Beauty Signs Long Burr Contract Kathlyn Martyn, one of the acknowledged beauties of the "Ziegfeld Follies," has been signed to a long-term contract by C. C. Burr. Miss Martyn was given a thorough try-out recently in two of the Ail-Star Comedies, produced by Mr. Burr for the W. W. Hodkinson company, and proved herself such a capable screen actress that she was immediately signed and will continue with Mr. Burr's organization. With the news of the signing of Miss Martyn comes word that Mr. Burr is now forming a permanent stock company. Miss Martyn, Charlie Murray, Raymond McKee and little Russell Griffin will form the nucleus of this Company and, when Mr. Burr returns from the South where he is gaining strength after a severe illness, several other names of all-star calibre will be added to the list of players. Headquarters will be at the Glendale, Long Island studios of Mastodon Films, Inc. This stock company is being organized to produce at least six feature pictures for release on the independent market during the coming season. Each of these films will be adaptions of well known novels. F.B.O.Ho me Office Stages Birthday Party Employees of the home office of the Film Booking Offices of America celebrated the first birthday of their company on March. 17, when they adjourned en masse to the Leslie Rooms on Eighty-third street and Broadway for a dance that lasted till the wee small hours. More than 150 attended, and, as Harry Berman remarked, the crowded entrance reminded one of the box office of a theatre showing " The Third Alarm." Nat G. Rothstein is president of the F. B. 0. club and Miss Betty Bennett secretary. Paul Panzer Is Engaged for "Snowblind" Role Paul Panzer has been engaged by Cosmopolitan for an important role in a picturization of Arthur Stringer's story, " Snowblind," which is now in production under the direction of E. H. Griffith. Panzer returns to the screen in "Enemies of Women " after a long absence. UNIVERSAL announces the release of five five-reel features during the month of April. These will be addition to the April Jewel release, which is scheduled as " The Abysmal Brute," a film drama of the prize ring, adapted from Jack London's famous novel. " The Abysmal Brute " is a Hobart Henley production and has Reginald Denny, star of " The Leather Pushers," as star, supported by Mabel Julienne Scott and a strong cast. The first release will be " Nobody's Bride," starring Herbert Rawlinson, directed by Herbert Blache. This is Blache's first picture under his recent Universal engagement. It is adapted from a magazine story by Evelyn Campbell. Alice Lake is Rawlinson's chief support in this picture. Edna Murphy also plays a prominent supporting role. Others in the cast are Harry Van Meter, Frank Brownlee, Lillian Langdon, Sidney Bracy and Robert Dudley. The story was adapted for the screen by Albert Kenyon, a brother of Charles Kenyon. " Nobody's Bride " will be released April 2nd. " Trimmed in Scarlet " will be Universal's second April release. It is a screen version of William Hurlbut's popular play, in which Maxine Elliott starred so successfully several seasons ago. Jack Conway directed it. E. T. Lowe, Jr., adapted the play for the screen. The principal role is taken by Kathlyn Williams. Lucille Ricksen plays the leading romantic role. Opposite her is Robert Agnew, a popular juvenile, and Roy Stewart. David Torrance also takes an important role. Others in the cast are Gerrard Alexander (Mrs. Bertram Grassby), Phillip Smalley, Philo McCullogh, Bert Sproute, Eva Sothern, Grace Carlyle and Raymond Hatten. The mid-April release will be a new Gladys Walton picture, "The Town Scandal," adapted from Frederick Arnold Kummer^s Cosmopolitan story. Opposite Miss Walton is Edward Hearne. Others in the cast are William Welsh, William Franey, Edward McWade, Charles Hill Mailes, Anna Hernandez, Virginia Boardman, Rosa Gore, Nadine Beresford, Louise Reming Barnes and Margaret Loomis. King Baggot directed " The Town Scandal." The fourth April release will be on April 23rd and will be " Dead Game," a new Hoot Gibson comedy drama. It is from an original story written especially for Gibson for Edward Sedgwick, who also directed it. Laura LePlante has her first leading woman role in a five-reel feature in this picture. Others in the cast are Robert McKim, Harry Carter, William Welsh, Tony West and William Steele. The final April release will be " What Wives Want," from the original story by Edward T. Lowe, Jr., and Perry N. Vekroff. In the cast are Ethel Grey Terry, Vernon Steele, Ramsey Wallace, Niles Welsh, Margaret Landis, Lila Leslie and Harry A. Barrows. James Kirkwood Signed by Goldwyn for Long Term James Kirkwood is returning to motion pictures after another big success on the speaking stage in Channing Pollock's " The Fool," in which he has been appearing on Broadway since last October. He has just signed a long-term contract with Goldwyn Pictures Corporation to appear in featured roles in big productions. Kirkwood left for the Coast on Tuesday of this week, where he will play the lead in Mrs. Wallace Reid's anti-narcotic film, " The Living Dead," before beginning work under his Goldwyn contract.