Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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1558 Motion Picture News /. C. JESSEN'S PRODUCTION NOTES BY IFIRE Studio and Player Brevities LITTLE STORIES ABOUT PEOPLE ON THE LOT Here and There The titles for " The Common Law " have been completed by Edward T. Montagne. The Max Miller Productions of San Francisco are engaged in making a series of pictures co-starring Patricia Palmer and Ranger Bill Miller from storks by Stewart Woodhouse. The H. & B. Film company has leased the Bronx studio on Glendale Boulevard and is making a series of eight five-reel subjects featuring Cliff Smith, who directs, also. The first original story by Eugene Vogt, title " Scarred Hands," is now being completed. The cast is composed of Eileen Sedgwick, Myles McCarthy, Lew Meechan, Eugene McKay, Ben Corbett, and Ada Pope. The Rockett Lincoln company, under the direction of Philip Rosen, has gone to the snow country in northern California to make exteriors of Lincoln's birthplace. The principal players in this sequence are James Gordon and James Clarke. The Blair Coan production, "The Little Girl Next Door," from an original by Louis Weadock, with Carmel Myers, Pauline Starke, James Morrison, Mitchell Lewis and directed by W. S. Van Dyke has been completed and was shown at the Ambassador theatre on the sixteenth. Coan is leaving for the east with negative and print, and will later produce " Graustark," "The Blindness of Virtue" and three others. The picture " The Little Girl Next Door " is an expose of spiritualism. M. C. Levee has shipped the First National's complete negative and prints of "The Isle of Lost Ships," produced by Maurice Tourneur. Director Maurice Tourneur has selected the following cast for "The Brass Bottle": Harry Myers, Ernest Torrance, Tully Marshall , Clarissa Selwyn, Ford Sterling, Aggie Herring, Charlotte Merriam and Ed Jobson. Frank Borzage's production from the story " Terwilliger," will, in all probability be titled " Children of the Dust." Pauline Garon is beginning work in this picture this week. Allen Holubar's subject " Slander the Woman " has been shipped. This is Holubar's last for First National under his present contract. Dorothy Philips is reported to have made a contract for appearance in other First National productions. Gladys Brockwell has been engaged to play in " Penrod and Sam " from the Booth Tarkington story, to be directed by William Beaudine, a J. K. McDonald production. Richard Walton Tully has signed Maurice Canonge and Max Constant, French actors, for important roles in "Trilby," to be directed by James Young. Sid Franklyn is back from New York and is casting " Dulcy," starring Constance Talmadge. Norma Talmadge's " Ashes of Vengeance " is promised to be the most elaborate of her career. It is a costume subject, laid in the period of King Charles the Ninth. Three hundred extras' costumes are being made and gigantic sets erected. Frank Lloyd is the director. Tom Forman and company, now on the Rio Grande river, are engaged in making exteriors for "The Broken Wing" and using twenty-five hundred people. In production is L. J. Gasnier's " Daughters of the Rich." William Duncan and Edith Johnson are finishing their coming special at the Vitagraph studio in Hollywood. The story is a drama in which the hero straightens out the political troubles of a typical western town. Arthur H. Jacobs, one of the newest producers in the coast film colony, who is making the Frank Borzage productions, has just signed Lloyd Hughes to play one of the star parts in his initial picture which Mr. Borzage is starting to direct at the United studios. Paul Bern has joined the John M. Stahl unit at the Louis B. Mayer studio to prepare the continuity for Mr. Stahl's next First National attraction, a society drama, and supply an original story for future production by the director. John Griffith Wray, director for Thomas H. Ince, who has just returned from a month's visit in New York City, will begin work shortly on a new Ince production at the studios at Culver City. East and West with Fox Dustin Farnum has begun work at the William Fox Hollywood studios on a new picture, " The Grail," direction of Colin Campbell. The supporting cast includes, Peggy Shaw, lead ; Alma Bennett, Leon Barry, Virginia Warwick, little Richard Headrick, Carl Stockdale, Frances Raymond and others. William Russell is hard at work on a new picture temporarily called " Alias, the Night Wind." Joseph Franz, directing Bill's last Fox picture, " Good-Bye, Girls," showed him in a comedy-melodramatic role, whereas, in his new picture, according to reports, he is depicted in an entirely different character. Maude Wayne, a newcomer to the Fox lot, is his leading lady. At Universal City Edward Sedgwick is directing Hoot Gibson in " Blinky," with Esther Ralston, appearing opposite in the story by Gene Markey Gibson. He appears as " Mama's Boy," named Geoffrey Arbuthnot Islit. The all-star production, originally titled " His Good Name," directed by Harry Pollard, with Rockliffe Fellowes, Buddy Messinger, Fritzi Brunette in the cast, has been given the title of " Your Good Name " and will be released in seven reels as a Jewel production. Edward T. Lowe, Jr., has completed the continuity for " The SelfMade Wife," by Elizabeth Alexander, which will hate an all-star cast and will probably be directed by Jack Conway. Century Cut-Backs Stern Brothers have engaged a vaudeville troupe named Gorham Follies to make a series of six tworeel specials under the direction of Archie Mayo. Alf Goulding has completed " The Orphan," featuring Baby Peggy. " Gasoline Love," featuring Fred Spencer has been completed. Al Spencer has completed "Fare Enough" and is now directing Jack Cooper, Margery Marcelle and Jack Earle in " Sky High." F. B. 0. Production Notes The Harry Carey company, under the direction of Val Paul, has gone to Truckee for exteriors in "The Miracle Baby" by Frank Pierce. The continuity was prepared by Isadore Bernstein and Jacques Jaccard. The cast includes Margaret Landis, Hedda Nova, Charles J. LaMoyne, Edward Hearne, Edmund Cobb, Alfred Allen, and Bert Sprotte. The picture required northwestern atmosphere and snow background. With Paramount Units Richard Dix has been selected as leading man for Betty Compson in " The Woman With Four Faces," under the direction of Herbert Brenon. William DeMille is beginning work on " Only Thirty-Eight," adapted by Clara Baranger from the play. Jacqueline Logan, Maurice Flynn and William Davidson have been engaged as principals for the George Melford production of " Salomy Jane," on which production starts next Monday. In production are "The Cheat," Pola Negri ; " Blue Beard's Eighth Wife," Gloria Swanson; "Fair Week," Walter Hiers, the last under direction of Robert Wagner. Jerome Storm will begin production of " Children of Jazz," with a cast including Theodore Kosloff Richard Cortez, Estelle Taylor and Robert Cain. Charles Maigne is to direct " The Silent Partner," with Leatrice Joy and Owen Moore. Around Metro Studios Haryy Garson announces " Larubia," a Spanish play as the next slarring vehicle for Clara Kimball Young. Thomas C. Heffron will direct. The continuity is being prepared by Frank Beresford and the supporting cast made up of Al Roscoe, Lewis Dayton and Louise Bates. The complete cast for Rex Ingram's " Scaramouche," in addition to Alice Terry, Ramon Navarro and Lewis Stone, includes Lloyd Ingraham, Edith Allen, Lionel Belmore, Julia Smythe Gordon, Broadwitch Turner, Otto Mattieson, Edward Connelly, John George, George Seligman and Kala Pasha. Harold Shaw has been engaged to direct Viola Dana in " Rouged Lips," by Rita Weiman. Production goes under way on April 9th. The Hunt Stromberg-Bull Montana comedy, " One Wild Day,-' has been completed and Stromberg is beginning on " Hard Boiled,-' under the direction of Chuck Reisner. While at Truckee Stromberg completed " Snowed Under," starring Montana and in the cast will appear Chuch Reisner, Florence Gubert, Douglas Carter and Val Harris. The Sennett-Ben Turpin comedv, titled " Pitfalls of a Big City," being made under the direction of Hampton Del Ruth includes the following players: James Finlayson, Priscilla Bonner, Dot Farley, Madeline Hurlock, and Dog Teddy. Mason Litson, business manager for the Reginald Barker Company has gone to Wainright, Canada, to arrange for the use of locations in Canadian National Park and along the Athabse River for " The Law Bringers." Robert Anderson and Edward J. Brady have been added to Barker's cast. On the Goldwyn Lot The Marshall Neilan company has been sent to Mexico to make scenes for " The Eternal Three,'' under the direction of Frank Urson. Maude George and Charles Clary have been added to the cast of " Six Days," to be directed by Charles Brabin. Carmelita Geraghty, Rhea LaForte and Jean Haskell have been ;idded to the cast of Neilan's " The Eternal Three." Hughie Mack has been engaged by Von Stroheim to appear as " Heise, the Harness Maker." Emmett Flynn's first production will be from F. Marion Crawford's story, " In the Palace of the iving." John Charles Thomas, the noted American singer, made his last appearance on the concert stage at Aeolian Hall, New York, last Sunday prior to entering the field of the silent drama. Mr. Thomas hascancelled the remainder of his concert tour and will not be heard in song recital until he finishes hi> work on " Under the Red Robe.' which the Cosmopoliton corporalion is picturizing from the story by Stanley Weyman.