Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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March 5 / , / p 2 J 1567 Reginald Denny whbn kane AST AB1L J(< NtW LEATHER PUSHERS Lobby display, with poster material and floral decorations, use d by the Kansas theatre, Wichita, Kans., on " While Paris Sleeps Navy Tie-Up Made to Exploit "Omar the Tentmaker" Seattle, Wash. — A tie-up with the United States Navy recruiting service advertising department was one of the stunts used by Manager H. B. Wright, of the Strand theatre, here recently when he played " Omar the Tentmaker." The Navy maintains many A-board stands on the streets of Seattle, containing recruiting information and photographs, which are changed about every two weeks. When the run of " Omar " was about to begin at the Strand, special posters were put up on all the navy stands. The posters bore the words, " Beautiful Persia, as pictured in ' Omar the Tentmaker,' is just as glorious today. See Persia and all the world with the United States Navy, and see ' Omar the Tentmaker ' at the Strand now." To finish up the poster a large reproduction of a scene from the photoplay was carried at the bottom of the stand. The name of the picture and the name of the theatre were printed in especially large type, so that it stood out above the rest of the reading matter, and was easily read from a distance. Tie-ups with cigar stores featuring Omar •igarettes were also used to good advantage. During the " Omar the Tentmaker " engagement, Manager Wright also had his ushers attired in Turkish harem costumes. The theatre was decorated with Turkish rugs and Front and entrance display for "Dr. Jack" at the Spad theatre, Memphis, Term. 1 Teaser Envelopes Given Out on "Fighting Streak" TORONTO, Ont.— The management of the Strand theatre used a teaser envelope to excellent advantage in exploiting "The Fighting Streak," 5,000 of these being passed out. On a small envelope was printed in blue letters the following legend: "Are You A Quitter? or Have You Got The Fighting Streak— See Inside." Opening the envelope one found a card on which was: "They Asked Tom Mix the Same Question! See How He Answered Them At The Strand Theatre." lamps, and the lobby display was made in the guise of a Turkish castle. An atmospheric prologue, with a man in the guise of Omar Khayyam, reciting a specially written poem, which introduced two girls in an Oriental dance, was also part of the Strand's presentation. An tiFlirt Crusade Given Good Break by Washington Papers Washington, D. C. — The Anti-Flirt crusade, inaugurated as an exploitation measure on " The Flirt," by Marc Lachmann, Universal home office exploiteer, was put over to excellent effect in Washington. Front page stories, cartoons and a picture were in every one of the Washington papers, the Washington Times, Washington Post, Washington Herald and The Evening Star, The News, etc. This campaign, which was handled in Washington by Miss Hattie K. Merrill, the Universal exploiteer, covers all the theatres in the Washington territory, and the tie-up opened the campaign on " The Flirt," the UniversalJewel production for the theatres that are to play it. These theatres are: The Rialto, the Dunbar, and the Circle theatres in Washington; in addition to these theatres the bookings on " The Flirt " for the whole territory covered by the Washington Exchange came in for this campaign. • New York Covered with Window Cards for "Mad Love" Run New York, N. Y — Although " Mad Love " went into the Capitol theatre on the crest of a tremendous wave of publicity for Pola Negri, through the Chaplin engagement, a strong exploitation campaign was used by Manager Rothafel, in co-operation with Eddie Bonns and W. R. Ferguson of the Goldwyn exploitation department. Broadway has probably never seen such a splash of window cards for a motion picture in the history of films. The card was one that stood out vividly in any surroundings. It was such a good attention getter that merchants were glad to have it in their windows. Broadway and the entire " white light " district was plastered with these cards, about 2,000 of which were used. The billboards of the city were well covered with 24-sheet posters, showing Pola as Liane standing indifferently above the mass of men struggling for her favor. The original painting of the one-sheet was framed and placed in the lobby of the Capitol theatre, where it attracted crowds of observers. Other oil paintings and photographic enlargements were used in the lobby. Lobby corner of the Loew's Palace theatre, Memphis, Tenn., A. B. Morrison, manager, preceding the showing of " Oliver Twist "