Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1923)

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1966 ยป Motion Picture News Production -Distribution Activities Fox Signs Three for Leading Roles FOX FILM CORPORATION announces this week the signing of Peggy Shaw, Jean Arthur and Ruth Dwyer to play leading roles. Miss Shaw, who was prominent in the cast of numerous Fox specials, the last of which is " The Custard Cup," is now at the Hollywood studio, making her initial picture on the coast as leading lady for Dustin Farnum in his new feature. " The Grail." Miss Dwyer was the featured player in "The Stealers," former leading lady for Eugene O'Brien, and prominent in numerous specials. She leaves New oYrk for Los Angeles within a few days to begin work immediately in a picture as yet unannounced. Jean Arthur, the third of this group, has been the subject of much favorable criticism for her dramatic work of the past few years. Massive Sets Planned For "Dulcy" " Dulcy," the new Constance Talmadge production being made by Joseph M. Schenck at the United Studios for First National release, is being filmed on an even larger stale than " East is W est," according to reports received. Two gigantic stages at the United Studios have been given over to the sets for this picture, being directed by Sidney Franklin. The production calls for massive mountain cabins of the wealthy, aristocratic New York families, lavish offices of the principals _ in the play, palatial homes, interior and exterior, and beautiful gowns. The location trips will take the large company supporting Miss Talmadge to Yosemite Valley, Big Bear Lake, San Francisco. San Diego and Barstow, calling for special trains and the transportation of much equipment. Jack Mulhall is playing opposite Miss Talmadge. Claude Gillingwater has an important role and others of importance in the cast are Ann Wilson, Johnny Harron, Ann Cornwall, Andre de Beranger, Gilbert Douglas and Milla Davenport. Syd Chaplin Working on Keystone Comedies Sydney Chaplin will continue his work of reconstructing Keystone Comedies featuring his brother Charlie. Messrs. Price and Aitken found "Doug and Dynamite" so satisfactory that they made an arrangement with Syd for the editing and titling of "Caught in a Cabaret," "The Propertv Man." "His Trysting Place" and all the other famous laugh-producers. Cosmopolitan Scores on B'way Present Three Productions Simultaneously and All Are Given Approval THREE productions created by the same film company were presented simultaneously on Broadway this week. The three films, all Cosmopolitan productions, are : " Enemies of Women," at the Central ; " The Nth Commandment," at the Rivoli, and " The Go Getter " at the Rialto. Ushered into the Central at a special invitation showing " Enemies of Women," picturized from the romantic novel by Vicente Blasco Ibanez, has created a sensation. After eulogizing its picturesqueness, Quinn Martin in the World said: "With all Europe as a background, with the combination of a no-account nobleman, a beautiful and equally carefree Lady Alicia, Monte Carlo, the war, Joseph Urban's imagination and beautiful girls all joining hands and doing more than they have any right to do, it is an eye-full." The Telegram paid " Enemies of Women" this tribute: "It is without doubt one of the most lavish films ever placed before the public." The Globe said : " It is the last word in what is known in cinema circles as a box-office attraction." Equally lavish in praise is the criticism of the other two Cosmopolitan pictures. After writing that he liked " The Nth Commandment," made from a Fannie Hurst sory, Quinn Martin in the World said : " One of the most delicately played cinema characters of recent months is that by little Miss Colleen Moore in Miss Hurst's sentimental yarn of love among the youngsters of the working classes." The Herald is high in praise of Frank Borzage and his direction, writing : " He gives us many scenes of genuine beauty." The Telegraph wrote : " ' The Nth Commandment ' has considerable human interest and dramatic force. It is admirably played. The characters are true to type and it is quite amusing in spots.' Writing of " The Go Getter," by Peter B. Kyne, the same paper said: "It is a thoroughly delightful story all the .way through and is certain to win its well-merited success." According to the World. '"The Go Getter ' will pick up a good stake in its wanderings around the country." The Itmes characterizes " The Go Getter " as being a film with plenty of actiun. Philly Lauds "U" Jungle Picture "Hunting Big Game with Gun and Camera" is Highly Praised by Reviewers The Record reviewer wrote : UNIVERSALE jungle picture, "Hunting Big Game With Gun and Camera," which began an indefinite engagement at the Forrest theatre, Philadelphia, Monday, April 9, was given a most favorable reception by the critics of the various Quaker City papers. The Public Ledger characterized the film as "remarkable" and "more exciting than fiction." In a long review, packed with praise and cemmendation, the following noteworthy comments were made : "That popular old adage, Truth is stranger than fiction, was never better exemplified than in the remarkable series of moving pictures shown at the Forrest theatre last night. There isn't a superfluous foot of film in the whole picture. All this makes 'Hunting Big Game in Africa' something more than a splendid and worthwhile educational subject. "It's a rattling good yarn that does credit to all concerned in its making." The Philadelphia North American said : "If anything more could possibly be crowded into 'Hunting Big Game in Africa' one wonders just what it could possibly be." 'Hunting Big Game in Africa' h a real sport. That was demonstrated last evening at the Forrest theatre. There was no question of the thrill of the adventure that came to H. A. Snow and his party in jungleland and on desert and plain, and there was furthermore for spectators a careful selection of the results of his photographic prowess so that only the most interesting incidents were presented in motion pictures." The Philadelphia Inquirer said : "Beyond doubt these are the most remarkable films which have ever been shown here. They are remarkable in photographic "detail as well as in educational value. "In fact, the entire picture, which was in some nine reels, was so graphic and so engrossing that no doubt many in the audience were somewhat disappointed that there wasn't more of it." Dr. Clarence H. Woolston of the East Baptist Church, Philadelphia, and a leader in religious thought in that city, was one of those who sought out the manager of the theatre after the show to commend the picture and advocate its widespread exploitation. Lichtman Release Opens New Theatre THE Al Lichtman release "Poor Men's Wives," was chosen as the feature with which the magnificent new Palace Theatre in San Antonio was opened. The Palace, which is now the largest house in that city, booked this recent Casnier production for Preferred Pictures for the first week following the completion of the building. A special presenv> tion was put on in addition to the thirty piece symphony orchestra which will be a permanent attraction at the Palace. The San Antonio Express published a special section in its Sunday edition de.aling with news about the theatre and " Poor Men's Wives." Artistic? Booklet for "Alice Adams" A souvenir booklet, calling attention to the virtues of the current Encore feature, Florence Vidor in "Alice Adams," is being distributed by Associated Exhibitors, its appearance being synonymous with the official release of the picture, which was set for April 8th. The booklet, which is unique in arrangement and replete with artistic appeal, was the work of J. Irving Greene, Associated's director of advertising and publicity. The ornate cover is in an oldfashioned wall paper design, suggestive of the " funny old house " which was the scene of much of the tragedy, the pathos and the romance in Alice Adams' life. On the front cover, encased in an oval frame, is a chanmng portrait of Miss Vidor as Alice. In the ten pages are other portraits of the star; Booth Tarkington, of whose prize novel the film is a picturization, and Rowland V. Lee, who directed the production ; character poses of Vernon Steele as Arthur Russell, Claude Gillingwater as Virgil Adams, Margaret McWade as Mrs. Adams, Harold Goodwin as Walter Adams, and Thomas . Ricketts as J. A. Lamb; an assortment of action stills from the picture, and reproductions of some of the posters and other advertising aids which have been prepared for the use of exhibitors. Revamped "Americano" Is Completed John Emerson and Anita Loos have completed their work of editing the reconstructed version of Douglas Fairbanks' picture, "The Americano." According to Mr. Emerson, " The Americano " will prove a revelation to the trade when a preview is diven.