Motion Picture News (Nov-Dec 1925)

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74 BUYERS' GUIDE SECT I OX OF Xovember 21, 19 2 5 Goerz American Optical Co.. C. P.. 317 E. 34th St., N. Y. City. Gundlacli Manhattan Optical Co., 853 Clinton Ave., S. Rochester, N. Y. Herbert & Huesgen Co.. 18 E. 42nd St, N. Y. City. Kliegl Bros. Universal Stage Lighting Co., 321 W. 50th St., N. Y. City. Kollmorgen Optical Corp.. 35 Steuben St.. Brooklvn. N. Y. Master Optical Co.. 19 W. 36th St., N. Y. City. Mestrnm, Henrv, 817 Sixth Ave.. N. Y. City. (See Adv.) Newton. Chas. L, 244 14th St.. N. Y. City. Spencer Lens Co.. 442 Niagara St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Sussfeld. Lorsch & Schimmel. 153 W. 23rd St., N. Y. City. Wollensak Optical Co.. 872 Hudson Ave Rochester, N. Y. ORCHESTRAS, Mechanical i See Musical Instruments. Automatic. > ORGAN BLOWERS Kinetic Engineering Co., Lans downe. Pa. Spencer Turbine Co., Hartford, Conn. (See Adv.) Yiner & Son, 1371 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. Zephvr Electric Organ Blower Co.. Orrville. Ohio. ORGAN HEATERS (See Heaters. Organ) ORGAN LIFTS Bartola Musical Instrument Co.. Oshkosh. Wis. (See Adv.) Otis Elevator Co., 260 11th Ave N. Y. City. Warsaw Elevator Co.. 216 Fulton St.. N. Y. Citv. ORGAN LIGHTS (See Lights. Orchestral ORGAN MUSIC ROLLS (See Music Rolls for Organ and Piano) ORGAN NOVELTY SLIDES Bush Cartoon Service. M. S, 52 W. Chippewa St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Excelsior Illustrating Co., 219 Sixth Ave, N. Y. City. Standard Slide Corp., 209 W. 48th St^ N. Y. City. ORGAN SEATS Gallagher Orchestra Equipment Co.. 3235 Southport Ave., Chicago, 111. Kimball, W. W., Co., 308 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. (See Adv.) We'te-Mignon Corp.. 665 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. City. • ORGANS, Theatre Austin Organ Co.. Hartford. Conn. Bartola Musical Instrument Co.. Oshkosh, Wis. (See Adv.) Beman Organs. Binghamton. N. Y. Coburn Organ Co., 220 W. Washtenaw Ave., Chicago. 111. Estey Organ Co., Estey St.. Brattleboro. Yt. Hall Organ Co., We-t Haven. Conn. Hillareen Lane & Co.. Alliance. Ohio. Kilgen & Sons, Inc., Geo., 3825 Laclede Ave., St. Louis. Mo. (See Adv.) Kimball. W. W. Co.. 306 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. 111. (See Adv.) Link Co., The, 183 Water St.. Binghamton, N. Y. (See Adv.) Lyon & Healy. Inc., 245 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago. 111. (See Adv.) Marr & Colton Co.. Inc.. Warsaw. N. Y. Moller, M. P.. Hagerstown, Md. Page Organ Co., 404 N. Main St.. Lima, Ohio. Pilcher's Sons, Henry, 914 Mason Ave., Louisville. Ky. Robert Morton Organ Co., 1689 Golden Gate Ave.. San Francisco. Cal. (See Adv.) Skinner Oraan Co., 677 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. City. Tangley Co, 213 Chestnut St., Muscatine. Iowa. Yiner & Son, 1371 Niagara St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Welte-Mianon Corp.. 665 Fifth Ave.. N. Y. Citv. Wurlitzer. Rudolph Co.. 120 W. 42nd St., N. Y. Citv. (See Adv.) ORNAMENTAL FOUNTAINS <See Fountains, Decorative) ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK (See Iron Works, Architectural and Ornamental i OZONE ELECTRIC MACHINES Bohn Electric Co, C. C. 820 Sixth Ave, N. Y. City. Carrier Engineering Corp., 750 Frelinghuvsen Ave.. Newark. N. J. (See Adv.) Reed Engineering Companv, 50 Church St, N. Y. City. PACKERS, Film (See Film Packers) PAINTINGS, Lobby Display Dotv & Scrimgeour Sales Co, Inc.. 148 Duane St, N. Y. City. Gescheidt & Co, Jacob, 142 E. 43rd St, N. Y. Citv. Kassell Studio. 220 W. 42nd St, N. Y. City. Kraus Mfg. Co, 220 W. 42nd St^ N. Y. City. McCallum Decorative Corp, 135 Seventh St, Pittsburgh, Pa. PAINT, Screen (See Screen Paint J PAINTS, Poster & Shotocard General Outdoor Adv. Co.. 550 W. 57th St, N. Y. City. Grumbacher. M, 160 Fifth Ave, N. Y. Citv. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.. 1618 Frick Bldg.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Strauss & Co, Inc, 616 W. 43rd St, N. Y. City. Weber Co, F, 1220 Buttonwood St, Philadelphia, Pa. PALMS, Artificial (See Artificial Flowers) PANEL BOARDS, Lighting Adam Electric Co., Frank, St. Louis. Mo. (See Adv.) Bull Dog Sales. 724 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, 111. General Electric Co.. Schenectadv, N. Y. Hub Electric Co.. 2219 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. (See Adv.) Kliegl Bros. Universal Stage Lighting Co, 321 W. 50th St.. N. Y. City. PAPER DRINKING CUPS (See Cups, Sanitary Individual) PAPER TOWELS (See Yending Machines) PASTE, Poster (See Poster Paste) PEANUT ROASTERS & POPCORN MACHINES Holcomb & Hoke Mfg, Co.. 1545 Yan Buren St, Indianapolis, Ind. National Sales Co, 609 Keosauqua Way. Des Moines, Iowa. PEDESTALS Dotv & Scrimgeour Sales Co, 148 Duane St.. N. Y. City. McCallum Decorative Corp, 135 Seventh St, Pittsburgh, Pa. PENNANTS, ADVERTISING & SOUVENIR (See Advertising Novelties) PERFORATORS, Film Bell & Howell Co, 1801 Larchmont Ave, Chicago, 111. Duplex Motion Picture Industries. Inc.. Long Island City, N. Y. (See Adv.) Eastman Kodak Co.. Rochester, N . Y. PERFUMES, Theatre (See Janitors' Supplies) • PHOTOGRAVURE Gubelman Publishing Co, 2 Garden St, Newark, N. J. Hoffman Photogravure Co, 213 Austin Ave, Chicago, 111. Western Photogravure Co.. 1821 Berteau Ave, Chicago, 111. PHOTOS AND PORTRAITS Kraus Mfg. Co, 220 W. 42nd St, N. Y. Citv. Old Masters Studio. Inc, 135 W. 44th St, N. Y. City. {Listing continued next page) Filmusic Picturolls are the only Organ Rolls Especially Selected, Arranged and Played For Pictures. The exclusive full organ arrangement in these organ rolls will bring out 100% More Melody and Action in your automatic organ that can be played by most high-priced organists. THE NEW PICTUROLLS have the hand-played feature expressly arranged for the following instruments: Fotoplayer Pit Pipe Organ; Cremona 88 note; Wurlitzer YO, YU, YK, etc. Any other 88 note organ or 88 note player piano. FILMUSIC CO. 6701-15 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Mail Coupon Today I t^J COMPANY ^ J ^4701-15 UKU HMO Bt»l>"^ Send me, without obligation, free Demonstration PICTUROLL and catalogues of FILMUSIC. Theatre Musical Equipment City State