Motion picture news booking guide and studio directory (Oct 1927)

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Alphabetical Index to Biographies and Portraits A Bi°g Por raphy trait Abel, David 145 Acker, Jean 132 Acord, Art 126 Adams, Jimmie 126 Adamson, Ewart 141 Adoln, John G 136 Adoree, Renee 132 Agnew, Robert 126 Albert, Tommy 126 Alexander, Fatty 126 Allan, Hugh 126 Allison, May 132 Anderson, Doris 141 Andrews, Charles 136 Andrews, Del 136 Andriot, Lucien 145 Anthony, Walter 141 Apfel, Oscar 136 Arlen, Richard 126 Armstrong, Burl 141 Arnold, John 145 Arthur, George K 126 Arthur, Jean 132 Arthur, Johnny 126 Arzner, Dorothy 136 Asher, Max 126 Ashton, Sylvia 132 Astor, Mary 132 Aubrey, Jimmy 126 August, Joseph 145 Avery, Charles 126 Avery, Suzanna 141 Ayres, Agnes 132 — B — Baberski, Robert 145 Bacon, Lloyd 136 Badger, Clarence 136 Baggot, King 136 Baird, Leah 141 Baker, C. Graham 141 116 Baker, Melville 142 Balasz, Bela 142 Balfour, Betty 132 Bancroft, George 126 Banks, Monty 126 Banky, Vilma 132 Barker, Reginald 136 Barlatier, Andre 145 Barnes, George 145 Barrows, Henry 126 Barrows, N. T 136 Barrymore, John 126 Barrymore, Lionel 126 Barthelmess, Richard 126 Baxter, Warner 126 Beauchamp, Clem 136 Beaudine, Harold 136 Beau dine, William 136 Beaumont, Lucy 132 Bedford, Barbara 132 Beebe, Ford 1 142 Beebe, Marjorie 132 Beery, Noah 126 Beery, Wallace 126 Bell, Monta 136 97 Bellamy, Madge 132 Bennet, Spencer 136 Bennett, Belle 132 Bennett, Mickey 126 Benoit, Georges 145 Benton, Curtis 142 Beranger, Clara 142 Bern Paul 142 Bertram, Wm 136 Bevan, Billy 126 "Big Boy" (Malcolm Sebastian) .... 126 Bill, Jr., Buffalo 126 Bingham, Edfrid 142 Bird, Violet 132 Blache, Herbert 136 Blaine, Ruby 132 Blasdale. Evanne 142 Blinn, Holbrook 126 Blue, Monte 126 Blystone, J. G 136 Blythe, Betty 132 Boardman, Eleanor 132 Boasberg, Al 142 124 Biog Porraphy trait Bonner, Marjorie 132 Bonner, Priscilla 132 Booth, C. B 142 Borden, Olive 132 Borzage, Frank 136 Bosworth, Hobart 126 Boteler, Wade 142 Bow, Clara 132 Bowers, Charles 126 Bowers, John 126 Bowes, Cliff 126 Boyd, Lois 132 Boyd, William 126 Boyle, Charles 145 Boyle, John W 145 Boyle, Joseph C 136 Brabin, Charles J 136 Bracken, Bertram 136 Bradford, Virginia 132 Bradley, Estelle 132 Branch, William 142 Brendel, El 126 Brenon, Herbert 136 Brent, Evelyn 132 83 Bretherton, Howard 136 Brian, Mary 132 Briant, Roy 142 Brice, Monte 136 Broderick, Helen 142 Brodin, Norbert 145 Broening, Lyman 145 Bronson, Betty 132 84 Bronston. Douglas 142 Brook, Clive 126 Brooks, Louise 132 Brown, Clarence L 136 Brown, Harry J 136 Brown, Jr., James 145 Brown, Karl 136 Brown, Melville 136 147 Browne, Betty 142 Browne, Earle 142 Browning, Tod 136 Bruckman, Clyde 137 Buckingham, Tom 137 Buffington, Adele 142 Burbridge, Betty 142 Burns, Edmund 126 Burns, Neal 126 Busch, Mae 132 Bushman, Francis X 126 Butler, Frank 142 — c— Calhoun, Alice 132 Cameron, Gene 126 Cameron, Hugh 126 Campeau, Frank 126 Cannon, Raymond 142 Cantor, Eddie 126 Capra, Frank 137 112 Carewe, Arthur Edmund 126 Carewe, Edwin 137 99 Carey, Harry 126 Carillo, Mario 126 Carlyle, Grace 132 Carol, Sue 132 Carr, Fat 126 Carr, Mary 132 Carver, Kathryn 132 Chadwick, Helene 132 Chaney, Lon 126 Chapin, Frederic 142 Chaplin, Charles 126 Chaplin, Sydney 126 Chase, Charlie 127 Chrisander, Nils Olaf 137 Christensen, B 137 Claire, Ethelyne 132 Cark, Dan 145 Clark, Estelle 132 Clark, Frank Howard 142 Clark, Herbert C 142 Clark, Trilby 132 Clarke, Charles 145 Clayton. Eddie 127 Cline, Eddie 137 Cobb, Edmund . 127 Clayton. Ethel 132 149