Motion Picture News (May-Jun 1923)

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2544 Motion Picture News Comedies, Short Subjects & Serials Billy Engle Will Star in Century Series BILLY ENGLE will be starred by Abe Stern in a series of Century Comedies directed by Al Herman. The first of these, called "Dynamite," will picture the tribulations of a factory which makes this somewhat tricky explosive. The cast, headed by Billy Engle, is composed of Jack Earle, the giant; Joe Moore, Tadd Ross, and Otto Freize and a crowd of extras taking the part of a Bolshevist army. Says Short Subject Leads Way "Wilderness Tales" Praised by Editor Showing Way in Screen Art Fox Educationals Win Wide Approval Since the release March 11th and 18th of the latest group of Fox Educational Entertainments, a series of six reel and half-reel subjects, the New York offices of Fox Film Corporation have been the recipient of numerous letters from motion picture-goers throughout the United States and Canada praising the effort and artistry responsible for their production, declares a statement from the Fox Film headquarters. Many of the letters have come from ministers, school teachers and educators in American colleges. The six short subjects in the above schedule were "School Days in Japan." "An Alaskan Honeymoon," "Algeria," "Crystal Jewels," "Sentinels of the Sea," and "Wild Waters." Edna Murphy at Work as Serial Star Pathe confirms published announcements of Hal Roach's engagement of Edna Murphy to star in a serial production entitled "Her Dangerous Path," and adds the information that the first episode is now nearing completion. The title, as above, has been definitely changed from the announced temporary title, "What Should a Girl Do?" Special interest is said to attach to the new departure in serial production which calls upon the star to interpret several different types of heroine. Pathe Review to Issue a Special Number Pathe Review announces that it will shortly issue its "Perfect Twenty-two." This, it explains, will be a number which the editor and his staff have produced in the expectation, it is explained, "that it will set a new screen magazine pace in pictorial charm and diversity of entertainment values." The "Perfect Twenty-two" contains five subjects, each declared to be a "little masterpiece of beauty and general attractiveness." as KD V no means all the excellent -D photography which serves to leaven the weekly grist of films is discoverable in the much touted super features," writes the reviewer of the Stage and Screen columns of the Boston Transcript in a plea for more art in composition and photography in motion pictures. " As a matter of record, the contrary is often true, and the shortcomings assume startling proportions in the great majority of 'programme ' pictures. Not one in ten discloses a conscious attempt to better the pictorial technique of the summer motorist who ' kodaks as he goes.' Of course, there are exceptions— glorious exceptions." After paying high tribute to the wonderful photography and composition in " Robin Hood " and " Knighthood," the writer continues : " But such visions are few, bit in terly few for those picture goers who look forward anxiously to the new day of the cinema when a photoplay shall be built according to a technique quite different from the technique of the speaking stage, or even of the pantomime. They might be tempted to be utterly down hearted sometimes, if it were not for frequent signs that lesser makers of films are leading the way to the future. Unanimous praise, and praise richly deserved, has showered upon Robert Bruce for his ' Wilderness Tales.' He is one director whose influence upon dramatic technique in the reels will not be immediately apparent, but who is, nevertheless, learning to make seashore and mountain crag, long grass and waves and clouds, and even the night winds truly actors in his pictures. These are things the stage will never compass." Educational Signs White Again Contract with Producer-Director of Mermaid Comics Renewed for 3 Years EW. HAMMONS, president of • Educational Film Exchanges, Inc., announces that Jack White, young producer-director of Mermaid Comedies, has been signed up for another three years and that he will produce, during the coming year, in addition to a new series of Mermaids, a group of three special comedy subjects to be known as Jack White Specials. White, whose Mermaid Comedies of the current season, featuring Lige Conley, Jimmie Adams and Louise Fazenda, have set a new standard for broad situation comedies, left New * York for the Pacific Coast a few days ago after several weeks of conferences with Mr. Hammons and E. H. Allen, Educational's production manager with the White and Hamilton units. The 1923-1924 series of Mermaid Comedies, the first of which will go into production immediately after White's arrival in Los Angeles, will be twelve in number, the first being released early in the Fall. The Jack White Specials, as well as the Mermaid Comedies, will be two-reel subjects. There are still two subjects to be released in the 1922-23 series of Mermaid Comedies, "Three Strikes," a college-baseball picture, which is on Educational's June schedule, and "Backfire," which has just recently been completed. Both feature Lige Conley, who took the leading role in the majority of the pictures in the current group and who will probably be featured in many of the pictures next season. Truart to Have Series Based on Art Works ARTHUR MAUDE, who was responsible for the success of the recent Truart series, is now engaged in the preparation and production of a new and bigger list of productions based upon famous works of art. M. H. Hoffman, vice-president and general manager of the Truart, signed a contract with Mr. Maude for six of the pictures which will be limited to two reels each. Studio work will shortly be started on the initial subject in New York, and arrangements call for the delivery of one finished negative a month. All-Animal Pathe'Comedies Score Hit " Dippy Doo Dads," Hal Roach's latest comedy novelty series of 1-reelers with all-animal characters, have scored on both coasts. While audiences at the Strand Theatre, New York, were being shown the almost human antics of these Roach Studio " Zoo " actors in " Don't Flirt," Grauman in San Francisco was booking the series for houses of the best class on the West Coast. Pathe reports that " Dippy Doo Dads " are being eagerly booked throughout the country, especially wherever Hal Roach comedies are regularly played. New Earl Hurd Animated Subject Completed " Their Love Growed Cold " is the latest of the Earl Hurd animated comedies to be produced by C. C. Burr. As is usual with these single reelers, real people, animals and inanimate objects are used, an original stunt of Mr. Hurd's. In " Their Love Growed Cold," Russell Griffin, C. C. Burr's five-yearold star, is master of ceremonies and puts the rest of the cast through its capers. General Manager, Director mid Star of Truart Film Company. From left to right they are Edivard Dillon, director; M. H. Hoffman, vice-president and general manager, and Elaine Hammerstein, star of "Broadway Gold" First of New Anchor Series Completed "Cakes" is the title of the first two-reel situation Moranti Comedy which has just been completed under the direction of Tom Gibson. The cast includes Milburn Moranti, Helen Kessler, Eddie Barry, Russell Tizzard and Olga Gordon. This is the first of a series of eighteen two reel comedies to be distributed by the Anchor Film Distributors, Inc., under the brand name of Iris Comedies and the entire series will be edited and titled by Bob Hopkins the famous title writer. The company is now working on the second one and the workin? title is "A. W. O. L."