Motion Picture News (Oct 1915)

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They said we couldn’t do it ! But we did. When we offered the motion picture trade high class, five reel features a few weeks ago at about half the usual price, a lot of people said we were crazy. We have since produced “AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN” and in four days after its first showing, sold the full quota of prints we had allotted to practically all the territory east of the Mississippi. Since then we have been cursed in several languages and three dialects by those who were left at the post and who failed to get in on the melon. Others who took our tip are coining money. At this writing the wires are running red with night letters from the corn belt, the mountain states and the exposition country— they’ll be gone soon. A few other single states are still open. A new era of film at Philadelphia prices is at hand. Already we are within feeling distance of the velvet, and we are making money selling good goods at half what you are paying for the old stuff. “FOR $5000 A YEAR” is almost ready, with Louise Huff, October 6th. You may have thought we had shot our bolt with “AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN,” but this second production is far superior. Better see if there is a chance for you. LIBERTY MOTION PICTURE CO. GERMANTOWN PHILADELPHIA The “News” advertisers believe YOU worth while; justify them.