Motion Picture News (Oct 1915)

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12. MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 12. No. 17. KKITERION Kriterion is being built on rock foundation and to build a lasting structure takes time. In their eagerness to fill the niche that Kriterion promises to fill, exchanges and exhibitors are wiring and writing us to hurry our release date. We, too, want action. But we want safe, unhurried, conservative action. When we make a promise we want to keep it. When we set a release date — that date will stand. And when we release the Kriterion Program, it will be BIG — in the character of its stars, productions and producers. Some of the greatest names of filmdom and the stage — names that ordinarily grace only a purely FEATURE program — will be on Kriterion one and two reel subjects. It will be a program that will start successfully and STAY successful. Kriterion makes no promise that it cannot substantiate. We invite investigation — personal — financial — and in every other way. Watch for Kriterion announcements— they will mean something. Kriterion Sales Corporation 1600 Broadway, N. Y. Be sure to mention ' MOTION PICTURE NEWS” when writing to advertisers.