Motion Picture News (Mar-Apr 1924)

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I March 15, 1924 Mae Murray Will Make "Circe" In Europe Mae Murray is planning a trip to Europe, where important scenes for "Circe," her next picture for Metro, will be taken. With Miss Murray will go her husband, Robert Z. Leonard, who will direct the picture. Because " Circe " is a story of Europe, writ ten by Vincente Blasco Ibanez, most of the casting will probably be done over there in order to get more accurate types. Miss Murray is planning a brief visit to New York in the near future, before departing for Europe. It is said she will buy all of her clothes for " Circe " in Paris. .185 New Washington Exchange Buys Arrow Product W. E. Shallenberger, President of Arrow Film Corporation, has sold to the newly or ganized independent exchange in Washington, D. C. twelve Arrow Specials and twenty-six Arrow Westerns. The new firm is Trio Productions, Inc., and will be open for business on March 15th. This new Exchange is made up of Messrs. Luchese and Xeufeld of the DeLuxe Film Co., Amsterdam and Korson of the Masterpiece Film Corp. and the Marcus Brother* of the Twentieth Century Film Co., all prominent Philadelphia Exchange men. The scenes above are taken from "Captain January" a Principal Pictures produ ing Baby Peggy. Grand-Asher to Film Tarzan Story Twenty Feature Productions and Many Two-reelers on Season's schedule on iARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION' one of the latest of Edgar Rice Burroughs' series of Tarzan stories, will be filmed at the Grand Studio for Grand-Asher, it is announced by General Manager Samuel Bischoff, following a conference with Samuel V. Grand, President. "William S. Campbell, director of many animal pictures will direct this Tarzan story, and Elmo Lincoln, will play the title role. It will be a full-length feature. Further de GrandAsher have large interests in New England and naturally lean toward pictures involving the characteristic scenery and customs of their home. Thus the people of New England may reasonably expect to see considerable production activity in and around the Hub in the next few months and it is even possible that an auxilliary studio or at least a well-equipped lot will be established there. tails of cast, starti have not vet been c Mr. Grand stated for the coming ses ture productions a late, and other planned." his complete schedule Helene Chadwick and Lewis Stone i Leave Home," a John M. Stahl prodt National release. on included twenty fea1 fifty-two two-reel subjects. R. William Neill, who has just completed shooting "Rose of the Ghetto" will, as previously announced, make four more GrandAsher features, including "The First Violin," "The Furnace of Life," "Back of the Bevond" and "The Way of All Flesh." Charles Swickard will direct four features for Swickard productions and all will bear the Grand-Asher trademark. The first, "San Francisco" is now in the making, and others will be announced shortly. Ethel Clavton will star in four features directed bv Travers Tale. These will be high grade society dramas. With the Tarzan picture, this makes fourteen of the twenty features. Others will be announced from time to time. Forty other short subjects are also to be made and there will be the Grand-Asher Laugh-o-Graphs directed by Geo. H. Kern, as To clarify an erroneous impression. Mr. Grand states that there is no thought of movffor Firs" inĀ£ tlie GrandAsher studio to Boston or elsewhere awav from Hollvwood. Cast Selected For Ruth Roland Feature The cast has been selected by director Tod Browning to support Ruth Roland in her initial feature production " Dollar Down," which is to be made at the F. B. 0. Studios. This is the first of the Co-Artists Productions, an organization recently launched by Miss Roland and Mr. Browning. The supporting cast includes Henry B. Walthall, Mayme Kelso, Roscoe Karns, Earl Schenck, Jane Mercer and Lloyd Whitlock. " Dollar Down " was adapted for the screen by Fred Stowers. Errol Taggart will assist Browning in the direction. Paramount Signs Marmont For "Enemy Sex" Percy Marmont has been engaged by Paramount to play the leading male role opposite Betty Compson in James Craze's production, " The Enemy Sex," which is an adaptation of a novel by Owen Johnson. The picture is being started this week at the West Coast Mudio. Marmont's last work with Paramount was in George Melford's production, "The Light That Failed," in which he played the leading character, Dick Helder.