Motion Picture News (May-Jun 1925)

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May 16, 1925 2445 First of ''Buster Brown'' Comedies Completed Century Film Corporation annoimees that the first two-reel comedy in the series of "Buster Brown" pictures, based on the famous comic section character originated by R. F. Outcault, has been completed with Arthur Trimble, juvenile star, in the name role. The pictures are being made under the direction of Charles Lament, one of Centurys leading directors. In all twelve Buster Brown Comedies will be released next season, one a month being scheduled through the Universal exchanges. The present production plan contemplates a series of six to be followed by a second series of six. For Tige, the dog, Century ofBcials have obtained the services of Petey, a screen dog which resembles Tige to a remarkable degree. Mary Jane, the cute youngster who also is an important character in the Buster Brown comics, is being taken in the Century Comejily adaptations by Doreen Turner. Others cast in the Buster Brown pictures are Katherine Young as the mother, Charles King as the father, Emily Gertes as the maid and Dorothy Vernon as the cook. All-Comedy Programs Are Popular in San Francisco San Francisco is the latest stronghold to turn to the all-comedy program. The Egyptian and Aztec, first run houses, recently staged all-Pathe comedy programs which caused Max Graf, managing director of both houses to wire the Pathe office as follows: "It is the fii-st time an all-comedy week has been tried in this city, and our business is beyond expectations." The Granada followed the Egyptian and Aztec with a progi-am made up of the Associated Exhibitors feature comedy, "Introduce Me," an "Our Gang" comedy and an Aesop Fable. The short subject comedy offerings were from the Pathe program, with the semi-weekly issues of Pathe News completing the bill. ^*Helen and Warren" Series of Eight Short Features For fifteen years Mable Herbert Urner's magazine page series, "The Married Life of Hammons Hears England Laud Short Subjects EW. HAMMONS, president of Educational Film Exchanges, • just back from a six weeks business trip to England, was the guest there at a debate of the Round Table, at which the question of short subjects was much discussed. Thomas Ormiston, president of the C. E. A. spoke at some length on the value English exhibitors are finding in American made short subjects in lendine; strength to their programs. He was followed by Major Gale, a le-'d'ng British exhibitor, who recommended the diversity of short subjects to his fellow exhibitors. Hammons and Pat Dowling. the latter representing Christie Film Company, spoke on the method of advertising and handling the short product in America. Walter Hiers in scenes from "Tender Feet," his new starring comedy for Educational. Helen and Wairen,'" has held a leading place in America's journalistic field, and now for the first time under a contract with the author, Fox Film Coi-poration will produce during 1925-1926 season eight of theso stories in two-reel form. An actor and actress widely-known 1') incture patrons will appear as the main characters with excejitional supporting casts. The series, the Fox company considers, sliould prove of immense drawing power to exhibitors. Larry Kent and Alberta Vaughn to Co-Star F. B. 0 has signed Lairy Kent, avoU known juvenile, to a long term contract iind lie will co-star with Alberta Vaughn in a new series written especially for F. B. (). by H. C. Witwer and Sam Hellman. Kent has appeared in support of a number of prominent women stars of filmdom. Shooting on the series will start as soon as the last chapter is completed on "The Pacemakers," in which Miss Vaughn and George O'Hara are co-stars. The name of Ihe dii'ector of the new series has not yet l)een made known. Several Comedy Leads Cast for New Roach Comedy Jay A. Howe has started production on the second of the new series of two-reel comedies which Hal Roach is making for the Pathe schedule. The cast assembled for the picture is made up of several well known comedy leads, among them Al St. John,. Lige Conley, Dot Farley, and Lucien Littlefield recent acquisitions to the Roach stock company. The ])layers, all of whom are well known for their work as leading i)layers in the short comedies, wi'l l)e co-featured with Martha Sleeper, MiU'jorie Whitics, James Kinlayson, George Rowe and Al Hallett^ under the policy laid down for this particular series, in which no single player is selected for staring honors. Four Century Comedies for May Release Four two reel Century comedies a rescheduled for through Universal during the month of May. In the order of their release they are, "Itching for Revenge," starring Eddie Gordon ; "The Queen of Aces," starring Wanda Wiley; "LoveSick," starring Beth Darlington, and "Slick Articles," in which Harry Engle and Hil1 ard Kan are cofeatured. "Itching for Revenge" was released May (ith. "The Queen of Ac^s" goes to exhibitorsMay 1.3th, "Love Sick" May 20th and' "Slick Articles" Mav 27th. Fox News Cameramen Win Promotions Fox News has given pi-omotions to twoof its staff cameramen. They are Jack McFar'and and Tracy Mathewson. McFarland, a newsreel man of wide experience in the Texas and Mexican territory, and a field representative of the newsreel for thepast three years is elevated to the status of staff cameraman for the southwest. Mathewson is a pioneer in the ne-\vsreel field. He relinquishes his standing as a Fox News field cameraman in Atlanta to assume th more responsible duties of staff representative for the south, east of the Mississippi. Pathe Beauty Contest With Serial SIMULTANEOUSLY with the release on May 10th of "Sunken Silver," the Pathe ten chapter serial based on Albert Payson Terhune's novel, "Black Ceasar's Clan," a national beauty contest will be inaugurated by Pathe, in which $3,000 in awards will be made, and the winner will have an opportunity to play in the next Pathe serial. The contest will be advertised in a number of nationally distributed magazines. The winning girl will receive a four week's engagement at $100 a week and a $1,000 cash prize. There will be twenty-four cash prizes in all divided as follows; second prize, $750; thirdi, $500; fourth, $250; fifth, $100; two prizes of $50 each, eight of $25 each, and ten of $10 each. In case of a tie each contestant so tied will receive an equal award. Winning candidates will be selected by a board of judges from photographs and letters submitted.