Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1925)

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1044 gnwiuuiniyiuuuiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiihiiiii^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin inn wmmm | Resume of Current News Weeklies I ^..III (lll;ttllilHi:iHHMI|{&ifi;HlllllI»llli;ilfllllli:illllim:illllMMiHIIIMMMH|f| Iltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PATIIE NEWS NO. 67 : Marblehead, Mass. — 200 yachts in picturesque boating classic ; Coalinga, Gal. — Lightning fires 700,000 barrel oil reservoir ; Huntington Park, Cal. — Here's a new way to fight the summer heat ; Paris, France — American aviators off to fight for France in Morocco ; Here And There — Strive to settle $430,000,000 debt of Belgium to U. S. ; Darien, Conn. — A longevity problem for prohibition ! Hatan Douchy, 91, says he drinks and smokes plenty ; Constantinople, Turkey — Mustapha Kemal Pasha divorces wife ; Council Grove. Kansas (Kansas City only) — Celebrate centennial of Santa Fe trail : Cape Griz Nez, France — Gertrude Ederle continues training for Channel swim : Milner Pass, Colo. — Use steam shovel to clear road of snow in midsummer ; New London, Conn. — Submarine squadron in battle array. PATIIE NEWS NO. 68; Bear Mountain, N. Y. — West Point cadets 'on summer training hike ; Plymouth, Vt. — Coolidge back in boyhood home ; Cape Gris Nez, France — Lillian Harrison fails four times in attempt to swim Channel, will try again ; Natural Bridge, Va. — Daring Boy Scouts span 160-ft. chasm with rope bridge ; Singaport, Malaysia — Troops rally on holiday in Straits Settlements ; Berlin, Germany — Riders get test of skill over barriers in public park ; Butte, Montana — "Dog-mobile" offers cheap method of travel ; Washburn, Wis. — -Lumber jacks '"show their stuff" at log-rolling ; Forest Hills, N. T. — Helen Wills triumphs over England's ranking tennis star ; Cincinnati, Ohio, (Cincinnati only) — New prelate enthroned at St. Feter's Cathedral ; Ft. Riley, (Kansas city only) — Gov. Paulen reviews Kan "Tame Men and Wild Women" is a new Hal Roach comedy starring Arthur Stone and released by Pathe. These stills are taken from the picture. sas National Guard; Omaha, Neb. (Omaha only) — Wolf Cubs revel in camp life. INTERNATIONAL NEWS NO. 68 ; Rhodesia. 1 Africa — The Prince of Wales' farewell to Africa ; Lick Pier, Cal. — From sea-skis to plane at 60 miles an hour ; Nome, Alaska — Eskimos hold annual high kicking contest; Le Bourget, France — French officers drink to the health of American flyers; Ranier National Park, Wash. — Summer tourists experience thrills and perils of Alpine mountain climbing ; Chicago. 111. — Olantne, Kansas, belle gives wicked Chicago the once-over; N. Y. City — Frank D. Waterman, candidate for Republican mayoralty nomination ; N. Y. C. — Spectacular finish to abandoned gas plant; Ears Prussian — Polish Borderline — Mothers and babes exiled in aftermath of war; Geneva, Switzerland — 20.000 gymnasts sway as one in remarkable exhibition ; Chanute Field, Rantoul, 111. — Thrills galore in new parachute tests. INTERNATIONAL NEWS NO. 69; Forest Hills, L. I. — English women hold tennis cup in brilliant matches; Calcutta, India — Indian mobs in frenzied demonstration of grief ; Pasadena, Cal. — Ostrich plumes flourish on farm for giant birds : Pwhelli, Wales — Queen Marie of Rumania attends a Welsh festival ; Plymouth, Vt. — Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge visit the President's father; Washington, D. C. (Washington only) — Athletic girls find aquaplaning replete with thrills; Indianapolis, Ind. (Indianapolis only) — Glimpses of champion women swimmers in action ; Camp Know, Ky. (Indianapolis, Cleveland & Cincinnati only) — Thirty-eighth division pass in review before high army and state officials ; Washburn, Wis. — Duckings and thrills to log rollers' Title meet; Goshen, N. Y. — Trotting record broken in spectacular races ; Versailles, France — ■ Famed fountains of Versailles make dazzling night display. FOX NEWS CONTINUITY VOL. 6 NO. 91 : Salisbury, L. I.— Golf players from public links of country meet in tournament to determine who is national champion ; Paris, France — General Pershing's son Warren, 16 years old, is spending the summer at work in an auto factory ; Dallas, Texas — Here we have a group of girls, plus a hot day and a good place to swim — but minus bathing suits ; Red Bank, N. J. — United States army polo team, victors in England, rolls up goals in game with Rumson "Elephants" ; St. Louis, Mo. — Fashion pageant opens at the Garden Theatre, a glittering exhibit of the latest in women's styles ; Dublin, Ireland — Prize winning juvenile steppers give exhibition of Irish folkdances at an open-air celebration ; . San Diego, Cal. — Bucking strong tide, 84 women swimmers race 700 yards across Silver Gate, entrance to the bay ; San Antonio, Tex. — Latest in pets are these "harmless" skunks that are as cute as kittens and even more active ; Mount Hood, Ore. — Exploring icy expanse of famous Eliot glacier isn't the worst way to spend a summer's day : Jamaica Bay, L. I. — Fastest water craft in the world, capable of a speed of almost a mile a minute, race for title. FOX NEWS CONTINUITY VOL. 6 NO. 92 : Southampton, L. I. — Society leaders gather at dog show to decide what styles of pups are to be fashionable; Yorktown, Texas — Did you ever see a cow take a bath? These hardy cattle of the plains have a plunge every six weeks: Phoenix, Ariz. — Here's how the luscious breakfast cantaloupe is raised and harvested in midst of the melon belt ; Lyons, France — Brothers who invented motion pictures pose for camera — Louis Lumiere, on the left, and August : Casper, Wyoming — Pipe line that will bring oil from distant fields to railroads is laid through miles of desert country ; Berlin — The Germans have hit on a happy way to pay reparations — a tax on the beer they consume ; Red Bank. N. J. — Enterprising boys invent new labor-saving device, profitable combination of lawn-mower and bicycle; Calcutta, India — Thousands of followers of C. R. Dass. the dead Hindoo leader, gather in honor of his memory; Alcova Heights, Va. — In a woodland setting, members of American National ballet perform their classical dances: West Point. N. Y. — The 1025 football team of United States Military Academy pre M otion Picture News pares for next Fall's hard schedule; Isle of Wight — Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht Shamrock wins Royal Cowes regatta from the King's entry. FOX NEWS CONTINUITY, VOL. 6, NO. 93; Forest Hills, N. Y— English women tennis players win Weightman Cup ; A day with inventor of wireless telegraphy ; On board yacht Elettra, with Senator Marconi ; Colorado Springs — Vice-President Dawes sees last boulders being removed at high point of new mountain highway ; Tate, Georgia — Georgia marble is taken from the quarries to be used in building the new capitol in Porto Rico ; Rangoon, Burma — The chief export of this city of Asia is teakwood ; The President returns to the old homestead — With Mrs. Coolidge, he pays a visit to his father in Plymouth Notch, Vt. ; Washburn, Wis. — Out of the North woods come the lumber jacks to compete for mastery in great log-rolling contest; Dublin, Ireland — A mecca for sportsmen of world is Horse Show, at which famous Irish hunters show their paces : Great Neck, L. I. — "Sunshine," a Brazilian monkey is the smallest in world — fully grown, he weighs only 8 ounces ; On the Atlantic — American gymnasts, on way to compete in meet in Jugo-Slavia, keep up training on ship-board. KINOGRAMS NO. 5109; Stamford Bridge, Eng. — Athletics the rage for women abroad as track and field games are held, while cricket is popular at Richmond, Eng. and Gertrude Ederle trains at Cape Gris-Nez, France, for effort to swim English Channel ; New York — Bishop Schrembs of Cleveland returns from Rome with bones of St. Christina ; Washington, D. C. — Belgian commission confers with U. S. officials on funding of $480,000,000 debt to America ; Marblehead, Mass. — Big fleet of racing yachts make great spectacle ; Stockholm, Sweden — Swedish society turns out at racing meeting ; New Haven, Conn. — Children represent twelve nations in dance ; Tulsa, Okla. — Big oil men worth millions have day's sport; Washburn, Wis. — Daring log rollers show exciting stunts in a Kinograms exclusive ; Detroit— Women race for A. A. U. titles ; Philadelphia— Sbriners visit site for new temple (Philadelphia only); Mission Beach, Cal. — Start rehearsals for Coast jubilee (Los Angeles only). KINOGRAMS NO. 5110; Plymouth Notch. Vt. — President returns to his birthplace and is greeted by his father, now much improved in health ; Pwllheli, Wales — Queen Marie of Roumania is made a bard at ancient Welsh ceremony ; Far Rockaway, N. Y. — Antiaircraft guns make few hits at big defense demonstration ; Player managers set pace in big league as Cobb. Speaker, Hornsby and Eddie Collins star ; New York — F. Trubbe Davison is named to lead nation-wide war on crime: West Point, N. Y. — Entering classmen at military academy take long hike as part of war g-ame lessons; Isle of Wight — King of England turns sailor during Cowes regatta ; Chicago — Rodeo exhibition thrills vice-president Dawes ; Forest Hills. N. Y. — English women beat Americans for international trophy in stirring tennis contests; Oconomowoc, Wis. — Midsummer carnival draws a big crowd (Milwaukee only) ; Baltimore. Md. — Dynamite dooms big chimney (Washington only) : Camp Custer. Mich. — Visitors see student soldiers engage in war games (Chicago only) ; Philadelphia — Polish world war heroes are decorated for bravery (Philadelphia only). Wanda Wiley Comedy to Be Released This Week "Won By Law," a two-reel Century Comedy starring Wanda "Wiley, will be released this week by Universal as the first of the new season's product from the Century studios. The story was written and directed by Edward I. Luddy. Bob Reeves, Lillian Worth and Frank Whitson support Miss Wiley, who appears as a rich girl whose boredom with life generally is relieved by some exciting adventm-es in which she is pursued by a cave-man, whom she learns to love.