Motion Picture News (Apr-Jul 1915)

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124 ACCESSORY NEWS SECTION Vol. 11. No. 17. Boston, Mass. Rex Film Renevator Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen : The Rex Film Renovator which you installed for us some time ago is the best thing the writer has ever come across in this line. It does the work so well that we call our films which have just been put through it "first run renovated." And aside from a very short distance from the beginning and the ending of the film it is indeed "first run" again. I can highly recommend this Renovator to any Exchange man who wants to have his cheaper customers satisfied. Our Exhibitors are now beginning to ask for "renovated" reels, and not for "age," as the Renovator almost entirely eliminates the age objection. With kindest personal regards and best wishes for your continued success, I am. Yours very truly, J. A. ESLOW, Mgr. NEW ENGLAND UNIVERSAL FILM EXCH. JAE/MES. Write for information THE REX FILM RENOVATOR MFG. CO. 272 N. Third Street Columbus, Ohio We Renovate Film. Write for Prices. Position of Joints in Mended Films K. L. A., Richmond, Va. — Which is the best way to make the line at joints in mending films come between the perforations or at the holes on the side of the films? I have been making them come near the center of the holes and have been told it is better not to do it this way. Answer: Operators of the thinking kind follow the practice of making the lap of the joints come as near between the perforations as they can. In this way the bulge is not so apt to jump a tooth. The film lies closely to the face at the base of the teeth, resulting in a more secure hold. If the teeth of the sprocket wheels were shaped squarely the full length of a tooth, it would not make much difference about where the lap came in regard to the tooth. If you will notice carefully, the shape of the teeth taper off, and unless the film engages the tooth at its base, the film will tend to be forced off. Hence you can see the advantage of having the lap come between the teeth on the sprocket-wheel. Philadelphia Operators Hold Fifth Ball THE Moving Picture Operators Protective Union, local No. 307, of Philadelphia, with headquarters at 1233 Vine Street, has 200 members. The following are the officers : President, B. F. Bache ; vice-president, Wm. Hamilton ; financial secretary, Wm. Freidman ; recording secretary, Jos. V. Friel ; sergeant-at-arms, Chas. Smith ; business manager, Louis Krouse, and trustees, Albert Eyre, Abbot Oliver and Tony Fortunate The Union held its fifth annual ball on Wednesday, April 14 at Music Fund Hall and made it a big financial success. There were many innovations in entertainment. Many of the Union's friends from filmdom took care of the social side of the affair and the following entertainment committee united in their efforts to make the event enjoyable: B. F. Bache, W. G. Murry, Lou Krouse, Clement Rizzo, Abbot Oliver, Wm. Freidman, Chas. Smith, A. B. Freeman, Wm. Hamilton, Wm. J. Syms, Robert Taylor, Edw. McCall, Gus. Elm, Chas. Bennet and Arthur Graver. Joseph V. Friel, floor manager. Mr. and Mrs. Crane Wilbur led the Grand March at midnight. Local 307 has attractive club rooms for the "boys" in their leisure hours. Indiana Town Forbids Smoking in Booths MOVING picture operators in Richmond, Ind., have been prohibited from smoking pipes, cigars or cigarettes in machine booths, by an order recently issued by John W. Minor, deputy state fire marshal. The trial of Roscoe Heimbaugh, moving picture operator at Jeffersonville, Ind., charged with violating the Sunday law, has been indefinitely postponed by the court as none of the witnesses against Heimbaugh appeared in court when the case was called. Following the agreement of Elkhart moving picture proprietors and the city officials of Elkhart whereby the moving picture theatres of the city will be permitted to run on Sunday, Goshen, Ind., moving picture proprietors have fallen in line and will open their theatres next Sunday. They may have some trouble, but the proprietors believe that in the end everything will be straightened out satisfactorily as any cases filed against proprietors would be tried in the same court which tried the Elkhart case in which the proprietor was acquitted, would try the Goshen cases. Cincinnati Operators Elect Officers MOTION PICTURE OPERATORS' UNION, Local No. 165, of Cincinnati, at their recent meeting elected the following officers: Edward Kirsch, president; Jack Hawthorne, first vicepresident; J. M. Gelman, second vice-president; Henry Lace}', secretary ; Walter Kinney, financial secretary ; William Thornton, treasurer ; Charles Ring, business representative ; John Pfau, sergeant-at-arms ; Harry Huelsman, trustee, one-year term ; Bernard Roehm, trustee, three-year term ; Walter Kinney, delegate to the district convention to be held in Cincinnati on May 2, and Edward Kirsch and Arthur Fix, delegates to the international convention in Chicago in July. Eighty-four of the one hundred members attended the meeting. Kirsch was opposed for president by Harry Schwartz and a hot campaign was waged for all offices. Make your OLD SCREEN ■rS&K NEW Strand Screen Coating wiU do it and produce QUALITY PICTURES on any surface Just the thing for AIR DOMES the more sun and rain on screen coating the better the screen 1C O A T $0 Screens up m to 15' x 20' 2 COATS $5 Apply like paint. Directions on can. Send cash, certified check or money order to CTKAND ~ O ATI AG ^OMPAA'Y Brooklyn NY P. and receive screen coating, charges prepaid, or write for further information. AGENTS WANTED Novelty Slides Are MONEYMAKING PUBLICITY MATTER 25 cents a slide, hand colored. Slides of all Photo Players. Advance Slides for all features. NOVELTY SLIDE CO. 67 W. 23d St. New York Be sure to mention "MOTION PICTURE NEWS" when writing to advertisers.