Motion Picture News (Jul-Oct 1915)

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September IS, 1915. MOTION PICTURE NEWS 103 Calendar of Current and Coining Releases 1 .i MUTUAL PROGRAM RELEASES OF NEXT WEEK Monday, September 13, 1915. AMERICAN— The Senor's Silver Buckle, D., 2000 03900 FALSTAFF— Superstitious Sammy, C, 1000 03902 GAUMONT— Se eing America First, and Keeping Up with the Joneses, Sc. and Cart, Split Reel 03903 Tuesday, September 14, 1915. THANHOUSER— Helen's Babies, D., 2000 03904 MAJESTIC— The Little Life Guard, D., 1000 03906 BEAUTY— Incognito, C, 1000 03907 Wednesday, September 15, 1915. BRONCHO— Shorty's Ranch, D, 3000 03908 RELIANCE— The Dark Horse, D., 1000 03911 Thursday, September 16, 1915. CENTAUR— The Rajah's Sacrifice, D, 2000 03912 FALSTAFF— Bessie's Bachellor Boobs, C, 1000 03914 MUTUAL— Mutual Weekly No. 37, Topical, 1000 03915 Friday, September 17, 1915. GAUMONT— The Vivisectionist, D., 2000 03916 AMERICAN— The Little Lady Next Door, D., 1000... 03918 CUB— The Knockout, C, 1000 03919 Saturday, September 18, 1915. AMERICAN— The Great Question, D, 3000 03920 BEAUTY— A Friend in Need, C, 1000 03923 Sunday, September 19, 1915. RELIANCE— The Doll House Mystery, D., 2000 03924 GAUMONT ALL-STAR— The Pool Sharks, C, 1000... 03926 THANHOUSER— The Twins of the G. L. Ranch Com.-D., 1000 03927 RELEASES OF THE WEEK AFTER Monday, September 20, 1915. AMERICAN— The Barren Gain, D., 2000 03928 FALSTAFF— Simon's Swimming Soul Mate, C, 1000. 03930 NOVELTY— The Lilliputians' Courtship, C, 1000 03931 Tuesday, September 21, 1915. THANHOUSER— The Dead Man's Keys, D., 2000 03932 GAUMONT— See America First, Sc., and Keeping Up with the Joneses, Cart., Split Reel 03934 BEAUTY— Everyheart, D., 1000 03935 Wednesday, September 22, 1915. RIALTO— The House with Nobody in It, D., 3000 03936 KAY-BEE— Never Again, C., 1000 03939 Thursday, September 23, 1915. CENTAUR— The Woman, the Lion and the Man, -D 2000 03940 FALSTAFF— Con, the Car Conductor, C, 1000 03942 MUTUAL— Mutual Weekly, No. 38, 1000 03943 Friday, September 24, 1915. GAUMONT— Busy Izzie, C, 2000 03944 AMERICAN— It Was Like This, D., 1000 03946 CUB— The Treasure Box, C, 1000 03947 Saturday, September 25, 1915. THANHOUSER— A Disciple of Nietsche, D., 3000 03948 BEAUTY— Cats, Cash and a Cook Book, C, 1000 03951 Sunday, September 26, 1915. Brand and Title Not Reported, D., 2000 03952 MUTUAL— Kidnapped at the Church, C, 1000 03954 THANHOUSER— The Miracle, D., 1000 03955 Table of Contents will be found UNIVERSAL PROGRAM RELEASES OF NEXT WEEK UNIVERSAL SPECIAL FEATURE— The Broken Coin (Episode No. 13), D., 2000 0838 Monday, September 13, 1915. BROADWAY UNIVERSAL FEATURE— Business Is Business, D., 6000 0824 NESTOR— Too Many Smiths, C, 1000 0825 Tuesday, September 14, 1915. GOLD SEAL— The Queen of Hearts, D., 3000 0826 REX — How Early Saved the Farm, D., and From Frau to Spalato, Ed., Split Reel 0827 Wednesday, September 15, 1915. VICTOR— A Shriek in the Night, D., 2000 0828 L-KO— No Release This Week. ANIMATED WEEKLY— Weekly No. 184, 1000 0829 Thursday, September 16, 1915. REX— Joe Martin Turns 'Em Loose, Animal C, 2000.. 0830 BIG U— In the Heart of the Hills, D., 1000 0831 POWERS— No Release This Week Friday, September 17, 1915. IMP— The Suburban, D., 4000 0832 VICTOR— No Release This Week NESTOR— Molly's Malady, C, 1000 0833 Saturday, September 18, 1915. BISON— The Surrender, D., 3000 0834 POWERS— No Release This Week JOKER— He Couldn't Fool His Mother-in-Law, C, 1000 0835 Sunday, September 19, 1915. REX— The Pines Revenge, D., 2000 0836 LAEMMLE— No Release This Week L-KO— No Flirting Allowed, C, 1000 0837 RELEASES OF THE WEEK AFTER UNIVERSAL SPECIAL FEATURE-The Broken Coin (Episode 14), "On the Battlefield," D., 2000 0855 Monday, September 20, 1915. BROADWAY UNIVERSAL FEATURE — Under Southern Skies, D., 5000 0839 NESTOR— It Almost Happened, C, 1000 0840 Tuesday, September 21, 1915. GOLD SEAL— The Tenor, D., 3000 0841 REX— No Release This Week [ IMP— His Home Coming, C, 1000 0842 Wednesday, September 22, 1915. VICTOR— Not a Lamb Shall Stray, D., 1000 0843 L-KO — Scandal in the Family, C, 2000.. 0844 ANIMATED WEEKLY— No. 185, N., 1000. .' . Z 0845 Thursday, September 23, 1915. LAEMMLE— The Cry of the First Born, D., 3000 0846 BIG U— No Release This Week POWERS— The Ham Actors, Vaude., and Life" of the Frog, Ed., Split Reel, 1000 0847 Friday, September 24, 1915. IMP— When the Call Came, D., 2000 0848 VICTOR— No Release This Week NESTOR — When Lizzie Went to Sea, C, 1000 0849 Saturday, September 25, 1915. BISON— A Message for Help, D., 2000 0850 POWERS — Every Man's Money, D., 1000 0851 JOKER— He Couldn't Support His Wife, C, 1000 0852 Sunday, September 26, 1915. REX— The Fascination of the Fleur de Lis D 3000 0853 LAEMMLE— No Release This Week .'. L-KO— Avenged by a Fish, C, 1000 0854 facing Accessory News Cover