Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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336 MOTION PICTURE NEWS Vol. 14. No. 3 THE FOLLOWING LETTER FROM PLAIN BRITISH SOLDIER/* IS ONE OF J427 THAT HAVE REACHED THOS. H. INCE WITHIN A PERIOD OF 4 WEEKS-UNSOLICITED LETTERS OF THANKS AND PRAISE FROM MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHO, HAVING SEEN ''CIVILIZATION/* WERE IMPELLED TO COMMUNICATE THEIR OPINIONS OF THIS MASTER-WORK DIRECTLY TO ITS CREATOR. THE GREATEST [PRODUCTION OF MODERN TIMES ^Dear Mr. I nee: "For one who has been through the Gehenna of Nations in France, and for the millions who remain, as I went, to lay down my life for the defence of my country and my loved ones, I thank you, sir, with a simple soldier's prayer that your wonderful picture 'Civilization' (which I saw here tonight) may waken your own great race to the Demoniac madness of modern war. What you in your mighty screen sermon have depicted— vivid remorseless and truly horrible as it is — is but the least part of the Saturnalia of war. "Picture the stench of your comrades rotting in death by your side as you are bespattered by the hot blood of their freshly butchered in all the blistering heat and volcanic thunder of shrieking shells and belching guns ! Then, in the. black and deadlier silence of night, while you lie half-buried in muddy bloody slime hour after hour waiting for hell's-fire to burst out from earth and sky again, to feel the maggots, that are devouring in their millions the men you have lived and fought by, crawling over your own living carcass, as your brain reels in delirium at the sights and sounds you hear and see; and at those struggling souls you feel above and about you, still fighting a ghostly battle in the air, as if not realizing Death I "Then the thoughts of home, of the anguish of loved ones their lack of your support -helpless women, hungry babes— Oh! God! Vou can't think of it! "No! Not even you, whose vision seems to have been made prophetic, clear and pure with the power of a great God purpose. I can write no more. I can think of no more that 1 dare write. But, sir, you have in 'Civilization' done a great work for God and for the Sons of that Man who made us all in His image. "Let every man, woman and child go to see this picture. Let them see in it that world tragedy we, whom I write for, have come through. Let them see it — as I do -the dethronement of the Physical with all its false idols and the awakening to Christ's Kingdom on earth of a new and a fuller Spiritual Consciousness, born of Brotherhood and Self-Control, which in its turn shall give birth to a New Race, with liberty-loving hospitable America as its home. "May God bless and prosper you as the -world will thank you is the heart's prayer of "Yours for 'Civilization,' " 'A Plain British Soldier,' "Formerly of 2nd Wore*., Batt. R. F. A." THOS. H. INCES CI NEMA SPECTACLE tlOW APPROACH It16 ITS 100 PERFORMANCE the criterion theatre. NEW YORK Be sure to mention " MOTION PICTUiLE NEWS " when writing to advertisers.