Motion Picture News (Jul-Aug 1916)

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The Market Basket "The Only Sensible and Efficient Manner of Choosing Attractions" An Independent Film Expert's Opinion of the Open Booking Policy, Exploited by V. L. S. E. By "WID" GUNNING From His Magazine. "IViJ't Films anJ Film Folk." Vol. 2. No. 24. June 15. 1916 T FIRMLY believe that the exhibitors of this country are making a terrible mistake in allowing the institution of the Program method of releasing feature films to continue to exist. I have yet to hear anyone successfully defend the Program plan as against the Open Market booking plan from the exhibitor's viewpoint. It is certainly true that the Program plan is better for the manufacturer, because the Program makes it possible for the manufacturer to shoot in a bad one now and then, or a cheap one, and then bolster it up by an occasional good one. It is all very well to hear them talk about establfshing standards, but I believe any exhibitor in the country will agree with me that so far no concern has made good on that proposition. / believe in the Open Market method of booking films. I believe it is the only sensible and efficient manner of choosing attractions. I also believe in paying for each film what it is worth to you, rather than paying a stated amount for so many films as they come — good, bad and indifferent. I believe every exhibitor will agree that Marguerite Clark is a better box-oflflce attraction than some star ( ?) who has never been heard of. Why, then, should you pay the same for the picture featuring the unknown star that you pay for the Clark picture ? You can rest assured that any argument from the manufacturer about your getting the big ones at a low price in order to ofiset the little ones at a big price, is a bad argument for you. If it was a bad argument for the manufacturer he would change his policy and change it quick, I am very much in earnest about this question, because I believe it is of tremendous importance, and it seems to me to be really ridiculous that the most important branch of this tremendous industry should be as helpless as it is to-day. If the exhibitors ever say that they want Open Market instead of the present good, bad and indifierent Program lottery, they will get it. VL.S. E. Inc. !4£i4£S4£!4£}4!;i4g;S4!:-i4glgEHS